Think I can hit 2lbs?

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What kind of sun are you getting? The more sun, the faster they grow. You might trim that tall grass back a couple of feet, and cut any trees that are costing you light. Keep in mind the sun will be moving further to the south as the season goes on.

If water is a problem, sink those pots a few inches in the dirt. And if that red pot is clay, it will suck water from the plant. It should be sunk flush with the dirt, and try not to grow in clay again.
I have used this spot for previous grows and now that you say that I think certain spots aren't getting as much sun as other plants. I will try to move them around into a better lit spot.

As for the clay I never would've known thanks Larry! I lugged that heavy ass pot in because I wanted another large pot, crazy that the plant in the bag o soil is doingthe best.
You can get free plastic pots at most nurseries. I have never bought pots, but I did make some pots of higher than normal intelligence with a roll of landscape fabric. Not free, but not too costly that way.
I haven't been able to get my hands on any nutes. If I get some pure blend pro for veg you think it's too late in the bag cycle to worry about it? Or should I try to grab the bloom formula and get ready for flowers.
You can get free plastic pots at most nurseries. I have never bought pots, but I did make some pots of higher than normal intelligence with a roll of landscape fabric. Not free, but not too costly that way.
I saw you on another tread with a shit ton of pots you got fur free at a nursery. Lol I'm just always weary of what people think when a guy like me comes strolling in asking about plants and looking for pots. I usually spat out a bunch of boring nonsense about my veggie garden lol.
If you won't tell anyone, I'll tell you where to get organic 11-2-1 liquid plant food. It's about as good a veg food as you will find. I have a couple of bottles of bought veg food, but haven't used much of it the last couple of years.

Lol you the man Larry for real!! I'm actually gonna be around my garden today and will use this. Lol let's see how it goes.
Lol you the man Larry for real!! I'm actually gonna be around my garden today and will use this. Lol let's see how it goes.
My dad did a walking tour of France in 1944, and he said all the farmhouses were built with a pissory in the basement. The folks lived upstairs and the cows and such were kept on the ground floor. The floor had drains in it to collect the pee. We have been using animal waste for as long as we have been farming. No reason not to use what is right at hand.
My dad did a walking tour of France in 1944, and he said all the farmhouses were built with a pissory in the basement. The folks lived upstairs and the cows and such were kept on the ground floor. The floor had drains in it to collect the pee. We have been using animal waste for as long as we have been farming. No reason not to use what is right at hand.
I love the idea of this. When i grow I try to get away with using the bare minimum. Yea you can grow some nice bud indoors and i like to put my setup together and do a indoor run every once in a while. But there's something about the dirt, and the sweat and the shit and now the piss lol. Something about the combo of the originals and the sun make wonderful buds.
Id spend a bit of time up at that plot and prepare for next year. Dig some nice holes, set up a water trap, lug some fencing and amendments in. Next season isnt to far away, start now. After all your treking in anyways.
Hell, I'm still setting up raincatchers for this year. But that is good advice. I started digging holes the week of Christmas for last season's grow. Since I'm still popping seeds, I'm still digging holes for this year.
Just some random pics from a visit a few days ago. The 2 bigger NL plants a so beautiful I know the buds are going to be wonderful. You guys I'm expecting 100 females here because of my personal theory. So let's all pray to God that the bagseed in the bag o soil is a Lady because she's growing so nice. 20170708_181835.jpg 20170708_181710.jpg 20170708_181403.jpg
My last visit the girls were watered pretty good. Urine was my only additive you feed them. I believe the yellowing on the leaves is from being under fed or under watered. Anyways. The NLs have finally started taking off, almost catching the in a bag bagseed. I wanted to help the smaller NL out so I tied her down with a chain so hopefully the bottom branches bush up. I've pinched tops every visit also. Hopefully my next update will have some pre flower pics.
Ladies doing ok. Watering them is a bitch. Still vegging although I think I saw one pre flower on my bagseed see if you can see it. Other than that their just doing their thing. NLs smell to high heaven within 5 feet.

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never doing 5gals again. These lil ladies wanted to grow big. But the buckets I had didn't make that happen. Imma let them ride out the season and see what happens to them. Maybe they'll punish me with a few grams of dank and ill be wishing I did them better. The first is the plant that fell out the pot. Look literally roots and all. Found her on the ground and replanted her. 20170724_223346.jpg 20170724_223408.jpg
Just another day. What's up with y'all? Hope everyone's plants are doing good. It's getting to that exciting time of year outdoors! I'm excited to bring you guys along the harvest with me this year.