Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose Grow/Smoke Report


Active Member
Date: 2/24/2017
Strain: Sugar Black Rose
Judge: classykeyser
Breeder: Delicious Seeds
Grower: classykeyser


1. Visual Appeal: 7.5 out of 10.
This is where I felt the Sugar Black Rose lacked the most. The buds on the plant were amazing but for some reason that didn't translate into great bag appeal.

2. Visible Trichomes: 9.5 out of 10
Trichomes were bountiful, some of the frostiest buds I've grown.

3. Use an X to indicate the colors that are present in the trichome heads under magnification or list the percentages of each color for a more precise report.

Clear [X ] Cloudy [ X] Amber [ X] Dark [ ]

4. Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.

Brown [ ] Green [ X] Gold [ ] Blue [ ] Grey [ ] White [ ] Red [ ] Rust [ ] Orange [ X] Purple [ X] Black [ ]

5. Bud density: [8 out of 10]
Dense enough, but could have been better.

6. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly broken bud where a one indicates a subtle presence and 9 indicates a pronounced presence.
Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [4] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ] Berry [ ] Floral [ ] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ] Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ]
Melon [ ] Pine [ ] Cedar [ ] Grapefruit [ ] Menthol [ ]
Pineapple [ ] Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ] Chocolate [ ] Hash [9]
Mold [ ] Skunk [ ] Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ] Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry [ ] Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

7. Aroma [9] Rate the aroma from 1-10 repulsive-delightful. Use freshly crumbled bud for best results.
The aroma is great. Smells a lot like good ole Afghani Hash.

8. Seed content [10] Rate seed content from 0-10 none-fully seeded.
Got them from Attitude. No problems at all with the seeds.

9. Weeks cured [4] If known enter the number of weeks your sample has been cured. If desired repeat SSR after an additional two weeks of curing.


Address these questions while smoking.

1. Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information below that will identify the instrument as follows:

Water pipe (enter bong, hooka, bubbler etc) [X] Bong
Vaporizer (enter the brand name) [ ]
Pipe (size-type, ie medium-glass) [ ]
Joint (enter brand of papers) [ ]
Other (specify):

2. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one indicates a subtle presence and a nine indicates a very pronounced presence.
Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [9] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ] Berry [ ] Floral [ ]
Mango [ ] Pepper [ ] Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ] Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [ ] Grapefruit [ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ] Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ] Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ] Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ]
Musk [ ] Spice [ ] Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry [ ] Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [9]

The flavor is an interesting one. I'm hit with earthy flavors along with some nice sweet vanilla flavors as well. It kind of reminds me of the taste of a waffle cone. Quite an interesting flavor.

3. Taste [9] Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious.
The taste of this strain is awesome. Not necessarily the best flavor I've had but it's interesting. The flavor is not as subtle as other strains I've tried which I liked.

4. State of dryness [5] Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.

5. Smoke ability [8] Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.
Nice on the exhale and easy on the throat.

6. Smoke expansion [6] Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.


Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.

1. Dosage [3] Enter the number of hits taken to reach desired effects.
3 hits from a single bowl.

2. Effect onset [4] Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper.
I wouldn't necessarily say the feelings are immediate but I started to notice the high coming after I started to take my 3rd back to back hit. It does take a while to fully settle in however, initially seems like nothing much and then it really hits.

3. Sativa influence [2] Rate the sativa influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Sativa influence is best described as a clear and energetic mental effect.

Sative influence is not too pronounced. Only noticeable really for first couple of minutes.

4. Indica influence [9] Rate the indica influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Indica influence is best described as a sedative,
lethargic or numbing effect that affects the body.

This strain is your classic indica. Legs feel great and eyes feel low.

5. Potency [9.5] Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating.
Extremely potent. For example, a friend and I shared a joint the other day. Only finished half because were already that high. Usually we can smoke a full one no problem.

6. Duration [3] Indicate the number of hours the effects lasted.
I've had highs that have been long lasting on this strain. Rather impressive.

7. Tolerance build up [0] Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid. Leave this field blank if you have not used this sample repeatedly.

8. Usability [] Rate on a scale of 1-9 where a one indicates the worst time of day to consume this strain and a nine represents the ideal time of day.
Leave field(s) blank if you have not yet formed an opinion.

Morning - wake up [1] Day - work [1] Evening - relax [7] Night - sleep [9]

9. Overall satisfaction [8.5] Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail.
I would rate the strain an 8.5. The strain is extremely potent and will work wonders for those who have built a tolerance. But, I will say I was a little disappointed with the bag appeal of the bud and the overall density. The plant grew vigorously and loved its nutes. The Blueberry Gum that grew along side of it produced more dense nugs and more visually appealing nugs, hence the reason for my disappointment. All in all though, if you want potency, an interesting flavor, and a classic Indica feeling strain then I recommend you try the SBR out.

10.Ability and conditions [5] Rate your overall ability to judge from 1-10 low-high. Consider experience, strain familiarity, atmosphere,
current tolerance and most importantly the condition and preparation of the sample.

Haven't had too much experience on this form. My growing skills still need to be tuned as if only known how to grow for about a year and a half now. However, I do consider myself a bit of connoisseur in the sense that I love testing new strains and taking excessive note of how they taste and smell.

11.Judging from the sample alone do you personally consider this
strain a keeper for long term use. Yes [] No [X]