Girls are you here to learn about weed?

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Well-Known Member
I think that Camaro is only about 14 years old. That's always the first thing I think when I see a titty avatar, "Oh he must be a child that has never seen real tits, only titty pics".

Any REAL man who has actually seen a naked girl in real life can be adult enough to not have such a nasty avatar. This is a co-ed site. I bet if all men saw were gay male porn and naked dicks they'd feel offended too.
i wouldnt feel offended, but it sure wouldnt be pleasant. I totally agree with mhm. Half the time its not even a attractive naked chick. Just some loose ass whore. Act your age, not your shoe size


Well-Known Member
So what ARE bannable offenses? I understand the courtesy aspect of avatars and signatures. But what are some other things that will get you in trouble?

this right here is a "bannable offense". he's gone.

I'm so sick of jealous bitches crying about females who actually look decent or just better of them.... Seriously, just because you don't look good you have to talk all this shit and cry. You don't have to look at it. You most definitly could have ignored it. Do you see us fucking crying about your stupid ass avatar? Sure it isn't a "dick", but who fucking cares? That dudes avatar was far from a pussy shot and contained absolutely no nudity. With that being said why would you compare it to something that was completely way off point? Get the fuck over yourself. You probably need dick. It's really hard to believe that you actually smoke weed with the way you complain.

AND HOW THE FUCK ARE LESBIANS ARE FEMALE ASSES GROSS/NASTY??? Maybe your ass/tits are disgusting and possibly get pointed at the community pool, but that most certainly doesnt mean the other 60% isn't being "lusted" over. Stop trying to bring fine bitches down.....

I can see it now... you're the fat female friend who cock blocks. YES YOU! The fat friend who goes out and when she sees her fine friends getting play she jumps in the middle.

I'd just prefer if you didn't respond to this as i have nothing more to say to you or to this subject.

Go grow your CFL plants with your quater harvest. K!THX!BYE!



Well-Known Member
I usually put a girl in my avatat because i am growing girls! I did not read the whole post sorry, but uh, thats what i thought we were supposed to do. That or a cartoon! Lol, also well ...


Well-Known Member
Yup, that would of pissed me off too....Some people just don't know how to act....what a shame...

This is the pic ^

then I said this

that avatar ^ is just nasty :spew:

To prove a point I posted a giant picture of a giant rock hard naked cock.

and was met with this

I'm just trying to say that girls have a right to use this forum without having to see naked girls just like men have the right to use this forum without having to see naked guys.

Men tell women to "just ignore it" but when you post a giant dick pic, they can't "just ignore it"


New Member
I wasn't trying to ruin your day. I tried to handle it myself because I'm not Cindy Bready, but it seems that there are quite a few guys that just can't make a point without a personal attack.

I was just trying to show these naked pic guys that the door swings both ways. I really enjoy this site and spend a lot of time here. I would just like to enjoy it in an adult fashion without the porn.

I don't care how many naked women those guys look at, hell they can wall paper their houses with naked whores if they so choose. The rest of us shouldn't have to see it though.

I did find it funny as hell about how pissed they got over the naked dick pictures I posted. I made sure the pic I used was very well endowed to say the least. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Close this pointless thread, who give a F, get over it, why is there all there girls only or men only threads, i understand the weed purposes but now ur doing the same thing, i want to learn how to grow not read stupid threads about some lady complaining about tits, ass and pussy, everyone is over 18 so then put whatever the hell they want, we dont need some old grandma tellin us what to do


New Member
Yet another guy that can't make a point without personal insults.

I think a lot of people need to get off this site and go back to school. Since when is a personal insult a debating point? I'll tell you, never.

Would you like your mother, sister, girlfriend, daughter or wife to be constantly assaulted with naked images? Just because you aren't old enough to use the real porn sites doesn't mean this should turn into a porn site.

Not to mention when did I ever say I was a grandma? Do you want pics of naked hard cocks in your face all day? No? Doesn't that make you a grandpa? No?

This has nothing to do with age, it has to do with respect. That is everyones vocabulary word of the day RESPECT.

[quote="SICC";1362758]Close this pointless thread, who give a F, get over it, why is there all there girls only or men only threads, i understand the weed purposes but now ur doing the same thing, i want to learn how to grow not read stupid threads about some lady complaining about tits, ass and pussy, everyone is over 18 so then put whatever the hell they want, we dont need some old grandma tellin us what to do[/quote]


Well-Known Member
why you even taking it persnoal? its the internet, you need to RESPECT my opinon, all you sound like is some sexist, some guy, all the guys, this site is 18 and over, so again people can put whatever they want, if it bothers you that much then stop coming on the site, i mean what else are you gonna do? your talkin about respect, but once you hear somthing you dont like you take offence to it, you need to worry about your self and stop tring to correct everyone,


New Member
The site rules specifically state that pornographic images are against policy. I guess if you had passed basic grammar and english you'd have read that and known about it.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
An avatar is a computer user's representation of himself or herself,The term "avatar" can also refer to the personality connected with the screen name or handle, of an Internet user.
That being said, I personally don't see the need for nudity in an avatar, even if it is the actual person. The avatar represents you on here, is this how you want us all to see you?
There is no nudity or porn allowed on here, links are fine without pics.
So if you see one that offends, please let us know so we can deal with them. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
see now ur insulting me, i never even personally said anything about you, your no better then the people you described, ok so i dont use proper grammer who cares? again why you tring to correct everone else


New Member
Let me type slowly so maybe you'll understand. If you had bothered to read the site rules, you would have known that pornography is against the rules. It seems however that you couldn't be bothered to read the rules, so I had to explain them to you.

I didn't insult you, I was just stating a fact, if your reading comprehension was at a higher level you may have understood these rules all by yourself without needing a grownup to explain them to you.

Once again, had you paid attention in rudementary English class you would have learned that calling someone "an old grandma" is a personal attack.

[quote="SICC";1362904]see now ur insulting me, i never even personally said anything about you, your no better then the people you described, ok so i dont use proper grammer who cares? again why you tring to correct everone else[/quote]

[quote="SICC";1362758]Close this pointless thread, who give a F, get over it, why is there all there girls only or men only threads, i understand the weed purposes but now ur doing the same thing, i want to learn how to grow not read stupid threads about some lady complaining about tits, ass and pussy, everyone is over 18 so then put whatever the hell they want, we dont need some old grandma tellin us what to do[/quote]


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
[quote="SICC";1362758]Close this pointless thread, who give a F, get over it, why is there all there girls only or men only threads, i understand the weed purposes but now ur doing the same thing, i want to learn how to grow not read stupid threads about some lady complaining about tits, ass and pussy, everyone is over 18 so then put whatever the hell they want, we dont need some old grandma tellin us what to do[/quote]

This is not how we respond to a thread. If you don't want to read it and have something useful to add, then don't even open it or bother responding.


Well-Known Member
well i was insuted as well, you gonna give her and infraction too or what????? but didnt you say you wernt old but whatever its all good i see how it is


New Member
I didn't call you any names. I can make a point without having to resort to that. Maybe it's because I stayed awake in English class when I was in school.

[quote="SICC";1362950]well i was insuted as well, you gonna give her and infraction too or what?????[/quote]


Well-Known Member
see there you go again haha how are you gonna judge me, i graduated, this is pretty lame,
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