Girls are you here to learn about weed?

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Well-Known Member
This is true. Your avatar reflects yourself...this is why I took mine down and put my bird back up! I would rather be known as 'the old lady with a crazy bird', rather than 'the naked old lady scuba diving'

An avatar is a computer user's representation of himself or herself,The term "avatar" can also refer to the personality connected with the screen name or handle, of an Internet user.
That being said, I personally don't see the need for nudity in an avatar, even if it is the actual person. The avatar represents you on here, is this how you want us all to see you?
There is no nudity or porn allowed on here, links are fine without pics.
So if you see one that offends, please let us know so we can deal with them. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1362839]why you even taking it persnoal? its the internet, you need to RESPECT my opinon, all you sound like is some sexist, some guy, all the guys, this site is 18 and over, so again people can put whatever they want, if it bothers you that much then stop coming on the site, i mean what else are you gonna do? your talkin about respect, but once you hear somthing you dont like you take offence to it, you need to worry about your self and stop tring to correct everyone,[/quote]

NO, they can NOT. did you read the rules? :blsmoke:


New Member
When did I say you didn't graduate? I said stayed awake and paid attention.

It seems that you are reading and then rearranging what was said to fit your purpose.

[quote="SICC";1362968]see there you go again haha how are you gonna judge me, i graduated, this is pretty lame,[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I think you should just close your eyes. I see a lot of ugly ass plants posted which I rather not see. So I close my eye and move on. If I complained about every single picture I didnt like. Half these fucking retards on here would here a little something from me. I also dont like nudity, since we all have personal preferences on that too, and most these's ho's are average.


Well-Known Member
wow, thanx FDD, i call her an old lady which she said she wasnt and i get an infraction, and she is insulting my grammer and shes the good person, thatnx rollitup, i love this place, keep growing,


New Member
How is it my fault that you didn't read the rules and didn't know that porn was prohibited? I should get an infraction because you checked the box that said you read the rules, even though you admit to not reading them.?

I think you need to pay more attention to the rules and less attention to what I'm doing.

" Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

Damn, anyone know who said that the first time?


Well-Known Member
i can really care less what people think about me:roll:, cause i guess ima fool and removed all doubt:peace: its all good


Well-Known Member
a girl wears a bikini and its fine, a girl wears a pot leaf bikini and all of a sudden your offended and all of a sudden its porno..........go ahead put up a pic of dude in a bannana hammock, why should anyone care its not against the rules.....why are you so ashamed of the human body?


Well-Known Member
a girl wears a bikini and its fine, a girl wears a pot leaf bikini and all of a sudden your offended and all of a sudden its porno..........go ahead put up a pic of dude in a bannana hammock, why should anyone care its not against the rules.....why are you so ashamed of the human body?
it is in the rules, thats what i learned, but dont post again cause u will get an infraction for your opinion, because you only have 900 posts and she has 2,000 ;-)


New Member
I'm not ashamed, did I say I was ashamed. I said this isn't "rollitup and beat your meat"?

Also that is not a bikini. That is a naked bimbo with pot leaves over her parts.

There are plenty of porno websites in the internet, why does this need to turn into one? Why are you so convinced that there should be naked women everywhere?

Do you have daughters? Do you know what seeing these types of images are going to do to your daughers self esteem?

Are you aware that even the chick in the photo doesn't look like that? Ever heard of retouching? That is where they airbrush any flab, or cellulite, or blemishes away.

It's offensive, plain and simple. I don't want to see that anymore than you want to see a giant naked cock with a tiny potleaf over the spooge hole.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen any EXPLICIT pictures on this sight(ie. XXX, top shelf, over 18 to buy) , in fact I've never seen anything worse than you get on page 3 of The Sun (UK Tabloid newspaper) or even on prime time TV.

(I wouldn't, for example call, the image posted by MHM a few pages back 'Pornographic', Risque maybe but nothing is actually on show.)

I think it would be a bit oppressive to say people CAN'T have risque pics as their avi, if thats how they CHOOSE to represent them selves.

That doesn't mean you have to like it........but much like in real life, if you find someone to be offensive to you, you can CHOOSE to ignor it, CHOOSE to disregard what they say, or CHOOSE to leave and not have to see it.....however you can't CHOOSE to change them, not in a free world anyway.

When I see someone with a swastica tattoo'd on them, I can't make them remove it, I can't make them cover it up, but I can choose to ignor it/them and get on with my day (I use that as an example because I just saw someone walking round the place I work with a swastica and an iron cross tattoo'd on his arm).


New Member
If you really think that the number of posts has anything to do with it you are so misinformed. :cuss:

You should also not be spreading misinformation around. That is exactly how pot became illegal. Some people were misinformed and they spread that misinformation around and blam, pot is illegal.

You got introuble for name calling, plain and simple. :roll:

Repeating a lie does not make it true. :sleep:

[quote="SICC";1363111]it is in the rules, thats what i learned, but dont post again cause u will get an infraction for your opinion, because you only have 900 posts and she has 2,000 ;-)[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I'm not ashamed, did I say I was ashamed. I said this isn't "rollitup and beat your meat"?

Also that is not a bikini. That is a naked bimbo with pot leaves over her parts.

There are plenty of porno websites in the internet, why does this need to turn into one? Why are you so convinced that there should be naked women everywhere?

Do you have daughters? Do you know what seeing these types of images are going to do to your daughers self esteem?

Are you aware that even the chick in the photo doesn't look like that? Ever heard of retouching? That is where they airbrush any flab, or cellulite, or blemishes away.

It's offensive, plain and simple. I don't want to see that anymore than you want to see a giant naked cock with a tiny potleaf over the spooge hole.
Oh I see you have some ''deeper" issues


Well-Known Member
all jokes :) i love it when people think there so smart over the internet like there putting on a show, can we close this yet lol


New Member
Why are you whining to close this thread? Is it because you made really unintelligent remarks and now you are embarrassed? :twisted:

If you are finished then move on with your self. Get to steppin already. :peace:

[quote="SICC";1363149]all jokes :) i love it when people think there so smart over the internet like there putting on a show, can we close this yet lol[/quote]
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