The elephant in the room nobody is talking about. 20% of the people use 70% of the health care, because they are purposely disgusting FATBODIES. America is FAT. I'm not talking about medical conditions where you can't help it. You just eat too much. When you go on 20% overweight or much more, to morbid obesity, your diabetes, blood pressure, chlorestoral, skeletal joint problems and the whole shebang are directly due to your lifestyle choice. You don't clinically need that go-cart to get around the Walmart, you can walk. You just don't want to. And I as a responsible gym goer who disciplines myself even though I would like that whole cherry pie gotta pay for YOU! I am in the lowest risk pool, haven't been to a doctor in years except for ortho issues related to my past sports life and I have to subsidize your tests and meds most of which you need for the side effects of other meds, and the industry is making a MINT off of you, WITH MY MONEY! Tax those people who are hoarding the healthcare system. Unhealthy people are why we spend so much money on healthcare. Most diseases and sicknesses people have they bring on themselves. Fat people are unhealthy because of the choices they make. Smokers are unhealthy because of the choices they make. I don't want to subsidize irresponsible people. No ****ing thanks. Any unhealthy person should have to pay more for their healthcare. It's only fair and it's the only way for our healthcare system to work, whether private or public.