What Democrats have sponsored or cosponsored a bill to enact universal healthcare?

Why didnt all these so called progressives vote for Bernie during the primaries in Georgia then, twat?

22,000+ did vote for Sanders in the primaries for the 6'th district. Osoff lost by less than 10,000 votes to Handel. How many of those 22,000+ Bernie voters stayed home for the special election? I don't know for sure, but it's possible that enough of them did to tip the election.

Running centrist/center-right candidates on the dem ticket is not working. 8 years of dems getting their asses handed to them all across the country has proven this. If people want Republican policies they will vote for the Republican candidate. Why is the party so opposed to running progressive candidates? Could it be to appease their big money donors?
22,000+ did vote for Sanders in the primaries for the 6'th district. Osoff lost by less than 10,000 votes to Handel. How many of those 22,000+ Bernie voters stayed home for the special election? I don't know for sure, but it's possible that enough of them did to tip the election.

Running centrist/center-right candidates on the dem ticket is not working. 8 years of dems getting their asses handed to them all across the country has proven this. If people want Republican policies they will vote for the Republican candidate. Why is the party so opposed to running progressive candidates? Could it be to appease their big money donors?
The Democratic party is running progressive candidates.
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Is that why Democrats poured $25 million into his campaign, because they thought it was fucked before it began?

I thought you said Democrats have to be blue dog like Manchin and McCaskill to win in red districts? What happened? Ossoff went as centrist as they come, losing the district to Handel by a wider margin that Clinton lost it to Trump. That is incredible!

Quote where I'm "celebrating the victory"

I'm pointing out how politically clueless people who push Republican light in deep red districts are, like you. 46% showed up to vote compared to Corbyn's 70%+ because he supported an actual progressive message. Progressives in Georgia stayed home because Ossoff is a moderate Democrat supported by the establishment.

That proves your political strategy is a failure

Translation: "if we don't win, it's because of voter suppression, not because our policies are bad and nobody is excited enough to actually vote for them"

So denying people the access to healthcare coverage kills people? What about the 27 million Americans not covered under the ACA? You support the ACA, are you responsible for any of their deaths for not demanding universal coverage?

What a twat
Paddy, can't even own his statements. Not that anybody who lives in a fake news alternate reality can even recall them.

Georgia voters aren't Californians. Just so's you know.
Paddy, can't even own his statements. Not that anybody who lives in a fake news alternate reality can even recall them.

Georgia voters aren't Californians. Just so's you know.
Why would conservatives vote for a moderate Democrat instead of a Republican if they support conservative/Republican values?

Trump won Montana by 21%, Quist closed that gap to 6%: +15% with no help from the DNC or Democratic establishment

Trump won GAs 6th district by 1% point, Ossoff lost by 3%: -4% with $25 to $30 million pumped into his campaign by the Democratic establishment making it the most expensive campaign for a house seat in American history

Both conservative districts with conservative voters, one ran on progressive values, the other ran on moderate Democratic values.
The numbers paint a very clear picture of which political strategy is more successful.
The Democratic party is running progressive candidates.

Such as?

I suppose it depends on how you define progressive. How many dem candidates have a platform of single payer health care, or a progressive tax structure where the 1% and corporations pay significantly more, or refusing to take campaign dollars from corporations/pac's, etc?

Honest question as I haven't noticed many that meet those criteria.
Why would conservatives vote for a moderate Democrat instead of a Republican if they support conservative/Republican values?

Trump won Montana by 21%, Quist closed that gap to 6%: +15% with no help from the DNC or Democratic establishment

Trump won GAs 6th district by 1% point, Ossoff lost by 3%: -4% with $25 to $30 million pumped into his campaign by the Democratic establishment making it the most expensive campaign for a house seat in American history

Both conservative districts with conservative voters, one ran on progressive values, the other ran on moderate Democratic values.
The numbers paint a very clear picture of which political strategy is more successful.
Was Ossoff really a conservative candidate? What positions did he hold that made him conservative?

These special elections held in strongly conservative districts shows that the margins may have shifted towards Democrats or whatever your third party calls itself. I think it should be celebrated that the trends look good. I also don't think it means 2018 will be a landslide for Democrats or whatever your third party calls itself.

You have to ask Georgia's voters about their election. This is something you don't seem to get. I live in Oregon and it's representatives in DC are much a progressive. I can answer questions why one voter in Oregon places his votes the way he does.

What's the name of your third party? I haven't heard what you are calling your third party yet. I look forward to hearing about the stunning election victories your third party will be amassing. Will there be a chapter in every state?

Nice job quoting numbers. It's good that you are starting to recover from whatever malady you had that caused you to ramble on about things that never happened as reasons for your hatred of all things Democratic. Has the fact that you have formed your belief about the Democratic Party from falsehoods caused you to reconsider your opinion? I think not.
Such as?

I suppose it depends on how you define progressive. How many dem candidates have a platform of single payer health care, or a progressive tax structure where the 1% and corporations pay significantly more, or refusing to take campaign dollars from corporations/pac's, etc?

Honest question as I haven't noticed many that meet those criteria.
The Democratic Party representatives from Oregon are progressive. Ron Wyden introduced a bill in Congress that provided universal healthcare coverage in 2008. That was the last time it was possible to pass a such a bill through Congress.

I see that Sanders' universal healthcare bill has zero cosponsors. Is that what's chapping your ass? You must know that there is no chance of passing a universal healthcare bill this year. Or next, for that matter.

Do you know that every Democratic Caucus Senator supported Sanders' effort to repeal Citizens United in 2014? Did you know that a matter of weeks later, 12 of those Senators were unseated by Republicans who promised that CU would stand? How do you figure this is such an important issue to the voters of this country when they don't support Senators who stood with Bernie in 2014? Why is Bernie and his supporters selling out all the other Senators who supported him? Is it any wonder that a back biter like Bernie isn't getting any support for his healtcare bill? After all everything he touches turns to shit.
Was Ossoff really a conservative candidate? What positions did he hold that made him conservative?

These special elections held in strongly conservative districts shows that the margins may have shifted towards Democrats or whatever your third party calls itself. I think it should be celebrated that the trends look good. I also don't think it means 2018 will be a landslide for Democrats or whatever your third party calls itself.

You have to ask Georgia's voters about their election. This is something you don't seem to get. I live in Oregon and it's representatives in DC are much a progressive. I can answer questions why one voter in Oregon places his votes the way he does.

What's the name of your third party? I haven't heard what you are calling your third party yet. I look forward to hearing about the stunning election victories your third party will be amassing. Will there be a chapter in every state?

Nice job quoting numbers. It's good that you are starting to recover from whatever malady you had that caused you to ramble on about things that never happened as reasons for your hatred of all things Democratic. Has the fact that you have formed your belief about the Democratic Party from falsehoods caused you to reconsider your opinion? I think not.
Why did you ignore my question?

Why would conservatives vote for a moderate Democrat instead of a Republican if they support conservative/Republican values?

How do you see this political strategy being successful?

46% of 6th district voters voted in the election. Your political strategy attempts to steal a part of that 46% from Republicans by selling them a moderate message, mainly focused on how bad the other guy is, not their own policy positions instead of try to earn the other 54% of eligible voters votes who did not vote in the election. Why did 54% of GAs 6th not vote? They had Republican, Karen Handel, a crazy asshole who said she didn't believe in a living wage, and Jon Ossoff who didn't support single payer or a progressive tax policy as their options..

If you support single payer healthcare, universal college, increasing the minimum wage, protecting the environment, campaign finance reform.. ie, actual progressive policies, you have a much better chance of beating a Republican in a red district because all of these issues are important to voters, even conservative voters. Not only will you steal some votes from Republicans, you will energize the progressive voter base in said districts.

We know what wins and what doesn't. Your strategy does not win elections.
I see that Sanders' universal healthcare bill has zero cosponsors. Is that what's chapping your ass? You must know that there is no chance of passing a universal healthcare bill this year. Or next, for that matter.

Well, with Republicans controlling all 3 branches I'd say that's a safe assumption. But, considering the unpopularity of the AHCA it is a good time to roll out a Medicare-for-all bill and debate the merits of it, yet again. I don't know how much traction one Senator can gain in the MSM and elsewhere, but the conversation needs to be had. I refuse to believe that Americans are that retarded that they would knowingly opt for paying twice as much for healthcare than they need to.

The real question is, why isn't this a cornerstone of the DNC platform? They could take the next 18 months and break down why single-payer makes sense for the vast majority of Americans, and defuse the "socialism" bugaboo. They could clean house in the midterms on this issue alone. But, they won't, because that would be biting the hand that funds them.
22,000+ did vote for Sanders in the primaries for the 6'th district. Osoff lost by less than 10,000 votes to Handel. How many of those 22,000+ Bernie voters stayed home for the special election? I don't know for sure, but it's possible that enough of them did to tip the election.

if you're trying to convince me that bernouts are a bunch of retards who would rather have a republican representing them than a democrat out of pure resentment and privilege, consider the job done.
We know what wins and what doesn't. Your strategy does not win elections.

There were 4 special elections in heavily republican districts. I didn't really expect to win any of them. More liberal candidates aren't going to do better in districts like those. This isn't fucking magic.

Let's wait to see the real trend next year.

When we pick up seats, tell us how we're fucking it up then.
Why did you ignore my question?

Why would conservatives vote for a moderate Democrat instead of a Republican if they support conservative/Republican values?

How do you see this political strategy being successful?

46% of 6th district voters voted in the election. Your political strategy attempts to steal a part of that 46% from Republicans by selling them a moderate message, mainly focused on how bad the other guy is, not their own policy positions instead of try to earn the other 54% of eligible voters votes who did not vote in the election. Why did 54% of GAs 6th not vote? They had Republican, Karen Handel, a crazy asshole who said she didn't believe in a living wage, and Jon Ossoff who didn't support single payer or a progressive tax policy as their options..

If you support single payer healthcare, universal college, increasing the minimum wage, protecting the environment, campaign finance reform.. ie, actual progressive policies, you have a much better chance of beating a Republican in a red district because all of these issues are important to voters, even conservative voters. Not only will you steal some votes from Republicans, you will energize the progressive voter base in said districts.

We know what wins and what doesn't. Your strategy does not win elections.
Your "question" was based on a assumption that I didn't agree with. And so, I asked what was so conservative about Ossoff. I can't answer a question based on a false assumption. Not saying it is, just want you to clarify what is so conservative about Ossoff.

Regarding the second bolt you shot in the air regarding your laundry list (or is it a litmus test?) of progressive policies, not all states are going to give the nod to candidates who check off the boxes on your list. California liberal policies do well in Oregon. How about in Michigan and Wisconsin? Or Ohio or North Carolina. Or Florida. You certainly don't have a better chance of beating a Republican in Geogia or Tennessee or Mississippi. These sweeping statements of yours just shows how little you understand.

Besides his own post, what elections has Sanders won with this list that you are so certain about?
Well, with Republicans controlling all 3 branches I'd say that's a safe assumption. But, considering the unpopularity of the AHCA it is a good time to roll out a Medicare-for-all bill and debate the merits of it, yet again. I don't know how much traction one Senator can gain in the MSM and elsewhere, but the conversation needs to be had. I refuse to believe that Americans are that retarded that they would knowingly opt for paying twice as much for healthcare than they need to.

The real question is, why isn't this a cornerstone of the DNC platform? They could take the next 18 months and break down why single-payer makes sense for the vast majority of Americans, and defuse the "socialism" bugaboo. They could clean house in the midterms on this issue alone. But, they won't, because that would be biting the hand that funds them.
Voters in a large majority of states continue to vote for people who don't even support Medicare or Medicaid. How does this augur well for expanding to single payer healthcare? You take for granted that voters in this country want Sanders' health care plan. Sanders couldn't even win the nomination for the Democratic party on this plan. How can you say that right wingers will flock to it.

Wyden introduced a universal healthcare bill and couldn't get enough support for it in 2008. Clinton (Bill) introduced single payer healthcare bills in 1993 and lost congress to Republicans in the very next election. Americans have been that retarded before. What's changed? Your certainty that this is a winning issue is based on what?
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22,000+ did vote for Sanders in the primaries for the 6'th district. Osoff lost by less than 10,000 votes to Handel. How many of those 22,000+ Bernie voters stayed home for the special election? I don't know for sure, but it's possible that enough of them did to tip the election.

Running centrist/center-right candidates on the dem ticket is not working. 8 years of dems getting their asses handed to them all across the country has proven this. If people want Republican policies they will vote for the Republican candidate. Why is the party so opposed to running progressive candidates? Could it be to appease their big money donors?

Votes don't matter as long as party apparatchiks keep getting their paychecks.