On/Off functin for meanwell HLG style drivers using dimming and arduino

@CobKits, True. In general their newer drivers do tend to have dim to off functionality. Unfortunately the HLG-240H-C seems to have been released just before they switched to the new dimming module (dim-to-off + DALI etc).

@qballizhere, Could very well be, but we're talking about PWM dimming. So that's B type drivers.
Here is something inspiring!

"I found a very Innovative project, made by Manas Manohar a BRILLIANT 15 year old boy from India who likes creating Innovative Solutions to the day to day problems we face.

“AutoPlant” ~ Grow Plants from Anywhere Around the WORLD without the Presence of a FARMERS @ the cost of 40$(ADD UR CURRENCY) .

Manas is currently participating in a "Young Scientist Competition" he needs your Support to Rise to the Top 1. Facebook Likes has a Crucial Role in deciding the Winner!

So Please Support this Little Genius by Marking Your Signature as LIKE.He has great potential!

You have to be a MEMBER of the GROUP Below to mark your LIKE!
1.Join the " YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD GROUP" by Clicking the link-(Wait for minute to be approved by member)

2. Watch Manas Manohar’s REMARKABLE-- INCREDIBLE Explanation the of the working of “AUTOPLANT” (ALL DETAILS OF THE PROJECT)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/169485750194248/permalink/195005477642275/ (YOU HAVE TO HIT THE LIKE BUTTON HERE)

3. “AutoPlant” POSTER –Magnificent POSTER
https://www.facebook.com/groups/169485750194248/permalink/195013397641483/ (YOU HAVE TO HIT THE LIKE BUTTON HERE)

Lets Share his Innovative Project and help him Nurture his TALENT!

AutoPlant ----A Tribute to 570Million FARMERS!
HIS WEBSITE : www.miymakers.com

THAT IS BRILIANT. I VOTE FOR MANOHAR. He already made what we are making now.
A little update. I prefer the 6 channel GrowGreen Controller, but I wanted to have the same feel as the 8 channel. controller So I decided to remake the 8 channel into a 6 channel model with a more robust memory available, and a break for users. Hit me up if you want to know what the break is and how to achieve that increase.

2017 a new year and new opportunities. I am working on a single channel controller for use with dmx512 and lighting systems. expanding opportunities for everyone.
I decided to form a response on MY thread so if someone pollutes it that is fine by me. Old Mother Sativa does not deserve any more drama.

For those of you wondering how someone that does not know I am a practicing Architect and Engineer and refer to me as a loser, where does that come from. Philosophically it comes from inside the person judging the other person, their own feelings of failure. On a real;ity position it comes from the position, I made the error of approaching certain people here via PM to inquire into their desire to buy one of my GrowGreen Controllers. I am not hurting for money. I bought both the Storm and Stevesle3d controllers only to be disappointed after purchase of either inability to meet my needs or only one start/stop timer available.

Both were unacceptable, which led to me developing my OWN controller and willing to share it with others for free and those not willing to DIY their own, I made a commercial model available. I use an expensive dimmer made for motor controls that cost $6 a piece. I decided to design my own dimmers and I use an LM358 to accomplish the task internally now. I am very happy with my controller with now a long time of operation and no problems controlling tow fixtures one veg one bloom and one clone, as well as Far red and deep red initiators. I also developed a new model with 6 channels for dimming and 6 channels for relay controls for a total of 12 channels. But that is not what I am talking about today.

What I want to reveal is how a person would call a successful person a loser with no knowledge of their past.

I refused to Pay to Play with these guys. I have owned my own Architecture and Engineering firm for 40 years and I never BUY contracts or pay to have someone embrace mmy product to their followers ,as I see that as a form of graft or Corruption. Many Youtube folks do it for the money. SAD. I have bee approached over the years to participate in Pay to Play but my morals are above that. I have an office in Las Vegas NV, I have been approached by many Contractors to pay to play, but it always leads to the same place, two people that have one thing in common break morality for money.

As I stated before I would rather NOT sell anyone a controller, if I have to buy your followers. I do not want those folks for customers.

BTW, I have designed and built more Homes than most of the Youtubers will live in in their entire lifetimes. That is HOW many satisfied customers I have over 40 years of service and practice.

I am told I am wrong about the economy. Interesting, I used to teach post-MBA graduates in Economics, as I am a student of Economics and have been for many years.

What you can expect in the future.
1. COB grow lights manufactured in China to our current requirements, cree, citizen, etc, with meanwell drivers and a UL approved fixture readily available US wide. local shipping.
2. Meanwell already has a US based supplier that delivers in 3 days or less or gets it from Chian at their cost. trcelectronics selling meanwell and plenty of techs on staff, they call me every other week. smile.
3. Low prices, no mark-ups, quick delivery US-wide and Paypal compliant.

The days of Cheap Chinese junk is over, as well as over-priced products by US suppliers.

On another level, I have designed my own CNC machine, as I have extensive CAD background, over 40 years of cad use and I wrote the book on Autocadd in my graduate Thesis. I decided not to build my CNC right now, as I already have two Harley-Davidson Motorcycles I have built from an idea, including welding, engine work, custom chopper built in Las Vegas with Mondo of Denver's Choppers. Mondo loved my chopper. I did his shop for him in return. I designed many MC shops.

So I build custom H-D choppers, custom aero systems, custom homes and custom lights system and controllers.

Am I a loser. NO. I am a winner. Sorry about you GG/GM being Haters. You blocked me on IG because I have been watching you sell your goods on IG. you blocked me out of anger. HAHA blocking customers. You forgot to mention GG how I tried to support you and buy a meanwell driver from you, but you did not have what I needed at the time.

So if @Greengenes707 needs to show me more hate bring it on on my thread. I am not afraid of the drama or the attitude. It does not define me it defines you.. Now you have facts about me. enough to know just who is whom here.
The Truth will set you free.
You have been spamming your hobby project here like crazy though. The fact that it didn't sell at all and you subsequently decided to make it "open source" doesn't make that any better.

Also, I don't see how it's better not to pay this forum for advertising and instead resort to abusing it and spamming the users instead.

It's funny how you mention all kinds of fields you worked in an none actually are relevant to what you are doing now. That probably explains why you have to copy other people's designs and had so much trouble getting PWM dimming to work without an additional 10V source.
You have been spamming your hobby project here like crazy though. The fact that it didn't sell at all and you subsequently decided to make it "open source" doesn't make that any better.

Also, I don't see how it's better not to pay this forum for advertising and instead resort to abusing it and spamming the users instead.

It's funny how you mention all kinds of fields you worked in an none actually are relevant to what you are doing now. That probably explains why you have to copy other people's designs and had so much trouble getting PWM dimming to work without an additional 10V source.
Pump your brakes please I have news that will stop all these guys from fighting because the led lighting game is about to change and China is gonna win.
LM358 is a general purpose opamp, did you use it in comparator mode or what exactly is so great about a controller mentioning some opamp?

I'm confused, pretty sure I've corrected schematics just passing through, and we're talking simple bjt errors.

For PWM, my god, I suggested months ago to grab a simple µC and write some asm, and I was flamed for that.

Meanwhile I have a handful of lines of asm code and a $3 PIC that will give me 0-100% duty cycle at a frequency I chose.... and I can count the clock cycles, can you do that on arduino? Not bashing arduino, only pointing out that if you were such a great coder you would have had this done a long time ago in C, let alone trying to do it efficiently (mundane task) in asm/
The pca9685 is the best for PWM. It has 4096 steps (12 bit), 16 channels and it drives it self. Set it to a certain frequency and duty cycle (once) and it runs by it self. It does not consume mcu/mpu sources. And the best thing is that it is produced by NXP from the netherlands. The "thing" costs €2.00 and hass a small footprint.

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That's a neat chip... could have used one of those for my mood light design. Ever done software PWM...

They have great datasheets too NXP, what do you mean by drive itself? I thought the idea was to take an analog input (pot) and control the duty cycle so as to control the dimming?
That's a neat chip... could have used one of those for my mood light design. Ever done software PWM...

They have great datasheets too NXP, what do you mean by drive itself? I thought the idea was to take an analog input (pot) and control the duty cycle so as to control the dimming?

If u want a duty cycle of 50/50%. Just say to the chip 50/50% and the chip makes the required PWM signal till u give a new command like 60/40% then the chip makes the new required PWM signal. Just send the commando via i2c databus to the chip. The chip communicates with i2c.
Right, but we are talking cannabis growers not coders, they need something tactile that is "turn it left = dim, turn it right = bright"

I completely understand where you're coming from. However most aren't going to know a thing about I2C, let alone what a register is or how to bit bang something.
Oh that is true. Maybe....... very maybe (sorry for the poor language), I can make a complete assembled (on a neat pcb), programmed, 16 channel, 12 bit, smooth running, internet controllable (or only via wifi homenetwork or only with the touchbuttons and a menu on the lcd) and ready to go 10V PWM led controller for about 30 bucks. I will name it the grow greener than green. 4 row lcd screen, 5 touchbuttons, connectors and a nice casing included. 5 volt adapter not included. But I am not bussineslady. It is Just for fun.
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240 meanwell drivers to dim simultaniously? I am dutch and have poor english/american language technologie. What do u want to accomplish?
Okay??? I have to check what real styles is and I have to take a nap now first. I am from the netherlands and it is 1:05 pm here. Glad to talk to u later.