On/Off functin for meanwell HLG style drivers using dimming and arduino

I share my ideas and do not disrespect u. I have a healthy dosis of competition. U call me a hater an I call u a bighead. I know my designs are better than yours. No disrespect. I invite u to be me student. I will teach u like otters teached me. No need for frustration.

May the force be with u. Namaste.
So start your own thread and show others stop being disrespectful. Show some respect if you have no respect you can only teach disrespect like greengened707 your hero does
The force is within you. What lies within is all you see not me
That is an aquarium light controller for elg and ldd drivers but I am sure your fish love the light controller. To bad your controller works for only one light fixture at a cost of $250 for a single fixture controller versus a six or twelve fixture controller like I have. See how drinking koolaide costs you money and waste the money faster with only one on off time all that money for one light while I control an entire room with my controller you can't because they told you it was better. Lol.

Uhm I use a 16 channel, 12 bit PWM engine from NXP for 2 bucks. It is the other way. Coralux used that PWM engine too but they implement it in an other way.
Ask coralux that is where you buy your controller trolling for greengenes fan club full of disrespect just like gg and gm glad you brought the hate for others to ser
Look up what it means RESPECT
You posted some datasheets with no clear indication or circuit as to what you're doing, the post you quoted was simply trying to connect and converse with your approach. If that's perceived as hate, then I will continue to converse with others and you can ignore my comments.

What is coralux? Is that a hobby saltwater shop and why would I care about what they think , you posted the datasheets and I asked questions very specific within the contex
I share my ideas and do not disrespect u. I have a healthy dosis of competition. U call me a hater an I call u a bighead. I know my designs are better than yours. No disrespect. I invite u to be me student. I will teach u like otters teached me. No need for frustration.

May the force be with u. Namaste.
You are being disrespectful if you do not recognize that no help for you you and your teacher will both be nothing more than hateful not a hater it is how you behave disrespectful like your teacher greengenes707
Uhm I use a 16 channel, 12 bit PWM engine from NXP for 2 bucks. It is the other way. Coralux used that PWM engine too but they implement it in an other way.
Start you own show and tell thread not here please. Do you understand respect or are you just disrespectful by your nature?
You posted some datasheets with no clear indication or circuit as to what you're doing, the post you quoted was simply trying to connect and converse with your approach. If that's perceived as hate, then I will continue to converse with others and you can ignore my comments.

What is coralux? Is that a hobby saltwater shop and why would I care about what they think , you posted the datasheets and I asked questions very specific within the contex
No you are conversing with each other stop trolling for greengenes707 too obvious
No you are conversing with each other stop trolling for greengenes707 too obvious
I am unaware of any controller greengenes uses other than for a rosin press.

You got the pinout wrong for a general purpose transistor and recommended its use for another and I corrected you. Then I explained why I thought arduino was overkill for generating pwm, and offered a simple µC solution. Nothing of that has anything to do with any greengenes, you have a complex, or many and are blending them.
I just like talking electrons, process, and automation, keep the ego out of it and get your pinouts right and we can have fun discussion ya.
I am unaware of any controller greengenes uses other than for a rosin press.

You got the pinout wrong for a general purpose transistor and recommended its use for another and I corrected you. Then I explained why I thought arduino was overkill for generating pwm, and offered a simple µC solution. Nothing of that has anything to do with any greengenes, you have a complex, or many and are blending them.
I have no issue with what system you use. Do you think it is respectful to go on someone's thread and tell them you can do better. That is what a bully does you know disrespect the other person any way possible. Lots of folks do it online because they are really cowards hiding behind their computer
I just like talking electrons, process, and automation, keep the ego out of it and get your pinouts right and we can have fun discussion ya.
First you are not pointing out my errors like you want to but the article comes from elsewhere you lie about dialog you want to be disrespectful and I am not interested in watching your disrespect
First you are not pointing out my errors like you want to but the article comes from elsewhere you lie about dialog you want to be disrespectful and I am not interested in watching your disrespect
Excuse me, someone earlier in this thread had been offered a schematic to use as a solution where the pinout for a bjt was incorrect. You signed off on the scat. That was a correction that I humbly offered with a question, like "are you sure it's not EBC" and it took a few posts but finally the user found that I was correct in my assuming you guys had they pinout wrong... I have no idea about correcting anything in any article you speak of.
when you can get common emitter and emitter follower figured out and can explain the difference between high side and low side switching, then come down on people.

You have had people offer you genuinely positive and constructive criticism throughout this thread and you come down with this pretentious know it all attitude and you clearly don't... you had to ponder overnight on how to invert signal polarity...after you had just done it.... wtf this is semiconductor 101
when you can get common emitter and emitter follower figured out and can explain the difference between high side and low side switching, then come down on people.

You have had people offer you genuinely positive and constructive criticism throughout this thread and you come down with this pretentious know it all attitude and you clearly don't... you had to ponder overnight on how to invert signal polarity...after you had just done it.... wtf this is semiconductor 101

actually the schematic is correct. after reviewing your history you seem laser focused on me or MMA fighters. You lack any substance or credibility. You are just a foot soldier for greengenes707 or an alter ego who knows how low greengenes707 would go. I am telling you to go away and start your own thread about dimming or go back to talking about MMA fighters what you seem to know best fighting. go figure. Just another bully behind a keyboard with too much time and not enough friends, and take your girl;friend with you that only seems to focus on me too, another greengene4s707 phantom.
I would say namaste but you two can nt recognize respect just acting like bullies and cowards. How is that working for you. Got many friends or just greengenes707 on youtube. so sad he can only attract this kind of low life people to him. says a lot for his own character sending you to do his dirty work while keeping his hands clean like most slugs behave even politicians.
Oh wait, you think that this tread is your personal belonging and u dont want to talk about other, better or different approaches to build simple elektronics. I respect that. From now on I will tell u that u are the best and that u are genius.

Vegaswinner you are a true winner. I like how you put all your efforts and time in the great devices that u invent. Your unique style and use of components is truly amazing.