Just wanted to say I'm really impressed with your attitude, commitment and motivation.
You are progressing faster than any other member on this forum and I'm delighted for you! Your set up is progressing nicely, but I ain't talking about what you buy.. It's your knowledge and ability is where you have really excelled! Anybody can buy stuff! Not everybody can develop skills so fast.
You follow many other journals and strive to be the best you can, I admire your drive!
I know you made a commitment to be a pro / full time indoor gardener and you are doing amazing!
I'm really pleased for you buddy! I love to see somebody succeed, especially people that put their balls on the line, then come through with flying colours!
Your buds look lovely! You deserve them!
Onwards and upwards! Enjoy the ride my friend!

Just wanted to say I'm really impressed with your attitude, commitment and motivation.
You are progressing faster than any other member on this forum and I'm delighted for you! Your set up is progressing nicely, but I ain't talking about what you buy.. It's your knowledge and ability is where you have really excelled! Anybody can buy stuff! Not everybody can develop skills so fast.
You follow many other journals and strive to be the best you can, I admire your drive!
I know you made a commitment to be a pro / full time indoor gardener and you are doing amazing!
I'm really pleased for you buddy! I love to see somebody succeed, especially people that put their balls on the line, then come through with flying colours!
Your buds look lovely! You deserve them!
Onwards and upwards! Enjoy the ride my friend!