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Working on 32 and counting all from attitude seed bank (legit)guys need to change up strains once in while, or try the decaf
Working on 32 and counting all from attitude seed bank (legit)guys need to change up strains once in while, or try the decaf
Working on 32 and counting all from attitude seed bank (legit)
Have g13 purple haze & rare darkness ghost train haze . Man the fucking ghost train grows LONG and STICKY like . I fucking HATE it . It does respond to topping very well, it doesn't create boulder type knuckles like some other strains, it fights me with stress when it's LST lol all that bitch likes is to be ties down. I would not grow that rare darkness ghost train for awhile even though my g13 purple haze is BOOMING boy responding in every way. Guess it's just the genetics in the ghost train. Have any thoughts ?skip the bull, head straight for rare dankness commerce city kush. grab as many as you can afford, when you find that one tell me.
while you wait check out hso chemdog 91. nobody fights using these lol
So i was on a thread and about people jumped my ass saying my plants were unhealthy.
I was just trying to help the op of the thread.
Can you guys tell me if everything is ok?
They said my room was ghetto. I cant even smell my plants unless i go nose tp bud or shake them around.
Have 10000 btus of ac. 2000 watts. 2 600hps and 2 400mh. Rotate the plants between all lights.
Do i need to spend a bunch of money of mylar and side lighting and different nutes?
Any help is great thank you.
Do you ever stop crying? You're drowning us in your tears.Thanks for the insight.
Question. You said i need a chiller.
I am growing in dirt. Not any hydro.
I water with tap water. And i know your not supposed to but i use it straight out of my faucet.
In my experiencd. Tap water with chlorine is helpful. Your plants uses makes expells it i believe. Been years so check this data.
But usinf it without letting it sit for chlorine to evaporate imho helps clean my roots in the dirt. Along with floride. So i have no chemical proof of this or anythinf just my opinion. Bot floride and the chlorine will birn the tips of your leaves. A perfect feeding schedule will do the same thing. Plant using everything your putting in except the tiny bit that burns the very eigth in of the leaves. Or less.
Now I'm going to get a bunch of bs repys to how im an idiot but im done listening to those wierdos from the previous comical entrys to thia thread. But i learned many of my techniques from a very experienced very old ( had white hair) and pretty much everything i do. Obviously i still make mistakes all the time. Im a burn out. Literally uses coco once thinking it was dirt. Watered when it was really dry like dirt.....ruined about 35 nice 60 day old ladies... And pulled so much hair out i literraly have a permenant bald spot lol. Every single person that medicates witb or sees my crop says its amazing. My shitty 5 year old busted phone reminds all these haters of the latest high times.
Hence the no pics when requested...the obvious attempts at ego the denial they wear on their sleeves like its a tattoo...
Mindless millennial crybabys that shit their pants when a newbie grows better weed. Gives better advice. Sells mores seeds hahahaha. Then they could hope for with a ghetto room and "lanky" plants that are unhealthy and i defoied to much at the wrong times..bunch of book worms..
There is a reason q Dozer operator makes allmost as much as the super of a construction job......
Real life experience pays for itself for 1. For 2 all responsibility lays on the operator when anything unless its a know problem before hand....saftey cause them fuckerin supervisors are lazy.....time managment for a similar task....i could go on an on and onnnn lol very medicated.
Point is. Its easy to tell someone to do something. But when said person does said thing everyday forever
.....these know it all rui crybabys from the past have no proof but plenty of verbal diaharea...
But the main things. Along with research online. In real life with trial and error. Nerver going small. Allways 30 plus. It has literally changes my life in more ways than i could ever to Billy. Gene xxxxx. You are the man. May god keep you on his right hip. Cant wait to see you again!
Sorry had to shout out
You are not forgotten. Long live BGx!
Ill include real time pics of plants i have done the same thinf i ever describe or suggest.
Now after many times i have never had a problem with my tap water. Its ph is 6.4 ppm is 175 which includes boron iron zinc calcium magnesium and some others but all im very small amounts adding up to the 170 ppm.
Depending on strain. I play with the temp in the room until i can walk in and grab any given stalk near the base if the plant close to the dirt. When i can grab it and it feels slighty cooler but not freezing cold i set rhe temp to stay there. Works well for me.
After thought. Thermometer is haning about 8 inches from the celieng in the room and stays at previously described temps.
If your info is for dirt i am intrigued about what you would use a chiller for.
All plants have 5 to 6 weeks remaining. Possibly longer depending on their personal attitude!
Thanks for the reply.
I allways want tips pointers. Way to do things easier and better or just picking other greenthumbs brains!
Clarify your post a little so we can jive!
Was thinking of ordering from them. A month seems like a long time. But they are uk basedWorking on 32 and counting all from attitude seed bank (legit)
Have g13 purple haze & rare darkness ghost train haze . Man the fucking ghost train grows LONG and STICKY like . I fucking HATE it . It does respond to topping very well, it doesn't create boulder type knuckles like some other strains, it fights me with stress when it's LST lol all that bitch likes is to be ties down. I would not grow that rare darkness ghost train for awhile even though my g13 purple haze is BOOMING boy responding in every way. Guess it's just the genetics in the ghost train. Have any thoughts ?
A month ? Where lol ? Not sure where your located but it took me just a littler over a week. Far less than a month buddy. Try them out. PeaceW
Was thinking of ordering from them. A month seems like a long time. But they are uk based
Man as sad as it may sound. I gave away my ghost train haze. Now I won't ever have the privilege to watch it grow out hard until I repurchase seedstheir ghost train haze and moonshine haze remain the most potent mj's I've ever grown/smoked too much for us, havent revisited them in a couple years...
Never ordered from them. Someone said it took a month plus to receive.A month ? Where lol ? Not sure where your located but it took me just a littler over a week. Far less than a month buddy. Try them out. Peace![]()
yeah but think how long you've already been missing outNever ordered from them. Someone said it took a month plus to receive.
Lol that someone just steered you away from a good option. My last order was made 3 months ago so I'm speaking from recent experience... wishing you luckNever ordered from them. Someone said it took a month plus to receive.
Factsyeah but think how long you've already been missing out![]()