Well-Known Member

1. I put you on ignore for one reason ... you were being a totally offensive jackass. That's why you got a ten day suspension from the site. Now that I've taken you off of ignore, I see things haven't changed much with you.[B said:chuckbane[/B];1349310]yea i know... Vi (the boy who created the thread) once asked me (when i said america was founded on evil) what was so evil about the founders of the country. I told him 1. slavery and unequal rights for minorities was a good place to start,, then he put me on ignore so he couldnt read my posts.. HAHA did i mention ameroca was founded on censorship too? thats quite evident in Vi's case,,, haha, but of course he cant read this,, wouldnt want to hurt his feeble mind, lol...
oh well
2. things will get better when there are less and less of people like Vi... soon enough we will have our day!
Does a separate entity has it's own DNA structure? Once that sperm and egg combine, the DNA of the child is different from it's mother.she was alive alright. but i dont believee she was a separate entity until the cord was cut. And therefore does not deserve its own rights. Until that cord is cut that baby is just a piece of flesh growing inside of another human,, a human with her right to CHOOSE
yea, life begins when your body fuctions on its own, when the cord is cut.Does a separate entity has it's own DNA structure? Once that sperm and egg combine, the DNA of the child is different from it's mother.
And of course everyone should have their own right to choose. but this is about when life begins.
\sorry vi, i put you on block because your words are hurting me head \haha
what have you asked me?\
Questions to tough for ya?
So, you make assertions, then can't define them? Figures.oh right, you needed a definition of something,, because you cant come up with one on your own,, just like your buddy CC, he is always asking me to define terms and words. you two are just alike, and thats not a good thing.
you know vi? you should just put me right back on block because we are polar opposites and your type is the type who is fucking shit up so there will never be pleasantries between us. NEVER
define assertions, lolSo, you make assertions, then can't define them? Figures.
OK, fair enough ... and your type is ....??
So far, you haven't really said anything "intelligent." And that's my point.sorry vi, but i am not wasting anything more intelligent on you, thats why you might as well block me up
not at all, but im tired of people like you.So far, you haven't really said anything "intelligent." And that's my point.
All I was asking really was a definition of your politics. You've stated that "we are polar opposites." Now, I know what my politics are: Free minds, free markets, individual liberty and economic freedom. Are you saying that you are opposed to that?
You're not fearful of debate, are you?
It's nice to have another woman not completely bashing pregnancy- yes it's uncomfortable, yes it sucks, but geez- when it's all said and done to say it isn't worth it is really fucked up.. I could never say that.. I woulda walked through hell to have my daughter, it's all worth it in the end..
Good job. Thanks for defining where you stand politically. I now know what we're dealing with here. You are a neo-marxist and aligned with our illustrious Mr. Med-O-Mao. And you are exactly correct ... you and I are polar opposites politically.not at all, but im tired of people like you.
Free minds: No government is ever going to control my mind, i dont see what that has to do with politics
Free markets: I dont care too much about worrying about "freedoms" such as this. I have more important agendas such as equality.
Individual Liberty: liberty is a very loose word and im not even going to touch that one. I dont like the word liberty and i never will. Equality is so much better
Economic freedom: economic freedom leaves an open market for greed. I dont agree with it 100% but it does have its good sides, i do know that.
bring it onGood job. Thanks for defining where you stand politically. I now know what we're dealing with here. You are a neo-marxist and aligned with our illustrious Mr. Med-O-Mao. And you are exactly correct ... you and I are polar opposites politically.
I fully understand why you want me to put you back on ignore. I believe Med-O-Mao would like that as well. You can take this to the bank ... I will never put you on ignore again. Put you on ignore? .... and miss the pleasure of destroying your political views with logical discourse? No way, Jose! LMAO!
Bravo med, bravoHe sure plays a mean pinball, that Vimonster. Just take him with a giant grain of salt. He can sure dish it out, but can't take it worth a damn. Yes we are direct opposites, thank God. I'd sure hate to be affixed with his demons. His sefish demeanor demands total subjugation of all venues, especially politics. By being a salesman most of his life, he has developed the salesman persona, mainly that it's his way or the highway. Life is very simple for him, leave him and his money alone. By forcing people to buy things they don't want or need, (The exact job description of sales), he has set himself up to be the know all be all of everything, especially politics. He actually believes the crap he spews about free market capitalism, because he has benefited from it exclusively. Don't try and convince him that there should be help for anyone by government, that's communism. Hey, I believe in rewarding people for hard work, even beyond a paycheck. I worked hard all my life and only got the paycheck reward, I'm not complaining as my paychecks were good for a worker, and I actually got a pension from the union, not the employer, but the union. There is more to life than money, but money sure makes life easier.