How bad would it have to get before Trump voters realize they were wrong?


Well-Known Member
No matter how badly Trump is doing, his "base" seems content in their choice. I find it amazing. While the Democratic voters seek some sort of sainted purity, Trump voters seem content to see the President flounder his way through his Presidential honeymoon and violate pretty much every "principle" he espoused during the campaign and yet still seem to be behind him.

Watching Trump voters being interviewed on why they support him is one of the most painful things I can recall. Their ideas about politics are so utterly misguided and childish that it is hard not to think that we have reached the end of the road as a legitimate nation. A week ago I read some redneck moron talking about how happy he is that America has started to bomb things because, in his view, America has gotten "flabby" and needed to "flex it's muscles again". Is projecting force what made this country great? I find this echoed over and over again and it is leading me to the conclusion that as long as Trump continues to court international conflicts (for whatever reason) and ineptly play brinkmanship with domestic politics he can count on the support of knowledgeable and misguided 36% of the population.

Where is the bottom? Is there one?
No matter how badly Trump is doing, his "base" seems content in their choice. I find it amazing. While the Democratic voters seek some sort of sainted purity, Trump voters seem content to see the President flounder his way through his Presidential honeymoon and violate pretty much every "principle" he espoused during the campaign and yet still seem to be behind him.

Watching Trump voters being interviewed on why they support him is one of the most painful things I can recall. Their ideas about politics are so utterly misguided and childish that it is hard not to think that we have reached the end of the road as a legitimate nation. A week ago I read some redneck moron talking about how happy he is that America has started to bomb things because, in his view, America has gotten "flabby" and needed to "flex it's muscles again". Is projecting force what made this country great? I find this echoed over and over again and it is leading me to the conclusion that as long as Trump continues to court international conflicts (for whatever reason) and ineptly play brinkmanship with domestic politics he can count on the support of knowledgeable and misguided 36% of the population.

Where is the bottom? Is there one?

His supporters ARE the bottom.

They will never change. They can lose their ACA coverage, their monthly check, their self esteem and still say utterly stupid shit like, 'The president has our best interests at heart'.

Pathetic brainwashed losers.

Really pathetic.

You can't fix stupid.
No matter how badly Trump is doing, his "base" seems content in their choice. I find it amazing. While the Democratic voters seek some sort of sainted purity, Trump voters seem content to see the President flounder his way through his Presidential honeymoon and violate pretty much every "principle" he espoused during the campaign and yet still seem to be behind him.

Watching Trump voters being interviewed on why they support him is one of the most painful things I can recall. Their ideas about politics are so utterly misguided and childish that it is hard not to think that we have reached the end of the road as a legitimate nation. A week ago I read some redneck moron talking about how happy he is that America has started to bomb things because, in his view, America has gotten "flabby" and needed to "flex it's muscles again". Is projecting force what made this country great? I find this echoed over and over again and it is leading me to the conclusion that as long as Trump continues to court international conflicts (for whatever reason) and ineptly play brinkmanship with domestic politics he can count on the support of knowledgeable and misguided 36% of the population.

Where is the bottom? Is there one?

Pretty unbelievable isn't it. Ninety six percent say they would vote for him again, lol
Hey, it's a start, but I'm afraid we might have to take away their pills, booze and ciggies. They just seem to keep people happily ignorant.
His supporters ARE the bottom.

They will never change. They can lose their ACA coverage, their monthly check, their self esteem and still say utterly stupid shit like, 'The president has our best interests at heart'.

Pathetic brainwashed losers.

Really pathetic.

You can't fix stupid.
But how do we get back from here?

I am depressed today. I feel like this is the end of the country I have known and loved my whole life despite it's warts. Now I find out that we want more warts! At this point I would welcome a division of the country or a civil war. But my own side would be fighting about whether the guns were paid for in an ethical manner using only small-money donations.

I am as pissed at the ineffectual left as I am the know-nothing right.
This isn't new. These people were always there. I remember as a kid, my city started a massive public works project that displaced millions of rats. Areas where rats were almost never seen were suddenly swarming with waves of rats running around in broad daylight.

But at least we were allowed to kill them.
As long as we have bottom feeders putting ideology and fake news over facts, and parroting alt right BS, denying science even when 2/3 of their land is now waterlogged because 'the gulf is expanding and pushing north', (nothing to do with rising sea levels),

you're justified depression will remain.

The right is very clever to create entirely new facts while disregarding science and reality, and getting their supporters to buy into it.

They remind me of the big tobacco companies a decade or 2 ago.

Polarization is a horrible thing, but how does one compromise with idiots? We have to go half idiotic? No, thanks.
As long as we have bottom feeders putting ideology and fake news over facts, and parroting alt right BS, denying science even when 2/3 of their land is now waterlogged because 'the gulf is expanding and pushing north', (nothing to do with rising sea levels),

you're justified depression will remain.

The right is very clever to create entirely new facts while disregarding science and reality, and getting their supporters to buy into it.

They remind me of the big tobacco companies a decade or 2 ago.

Polarization is a horrible thing, but how does one compromise with idiots? We have to go half idiotic? No, thanks.

It's as if there is an outside interest in our demise.
Coming to a City near you soon...

This isn't new. These people were always there. I remember as a kid, my city started a massive public works project that displaced millions of rats. Areas where rats were almost never seen were suddenly swarming with waves of rats running around in broad daylight.

But at least we were allowed to kill them.

Off topic, did you ever see anyone bring/let their dogs kill the rats?

It's called ratting, it's pretty cool to watch those dogs get down to business
As long as we have bottom feeders putting ideology and fake news over facts, and parroting alt right BS, denying science even when 2/3 of their land is now waterlogged because 'the gulf is expanding and pushing north', (nothing to do with rising sea levels),

you're justified depression will remain.

The right is very clever to create entirely new facts while disregarding science and reality, and getting their supporters to buy into it.

They remind me of the big tobacco companies a decade or 2 ago.

Polarization is a horrible thing, but how does one compromise with idiots? We have to go half idiotic? No, thanks.
I think we saw the same piece. People on land that is now covered with dead trees from the rising salt and even have pictures of themselves as children in the same place with growing, healthy trees. No, water isn't rising because of climate change. The Gulf is just getting old and saggy. Or maybe it just wants to see the St. Louis arch.

It seemed to me that they were prideful about their ridiculous opinions, like they are either invested in thinking that way to avoid the reality of the situation or they were just old and don't give a fuck anymore.

It reminded me of the multi-generational fishermen who have their grand dad's old scrap book with amazing catches of large fish 10 or 20 times larger than their puny catches of today and all they can do is deride the gub'mint for not letting them catch as much or whatever they want because they want their kids to take over their business. They are not angry at the lack of fish, just the limitations that are intended to bring the fishing stocks back.
On the news yesterday they were talking about trump's approval rating being the lowest since 1945. In the 40-42% range.

It also said in a poll of trump voters 96% of them still supported trump. In checking that number it came up that Breitbart news and trump himself both agreed with that poll, which makes me suspicious of its validity.

Who knows what's exactly accurate. It does seem that his supporters are holding on tooth and nail to their candidate, regardless of his abilities or job performance.

Mind bottling.

On the news yesterday they were talking about trump's approval rating being the lowest since 1945. In the 40-42% range.

It also said in a poll of trump voters 96% of them still supported trump. In checking that number it came up that Breitbart news and trump himself both agreed with that poll, which makes me suspicious of its validity.

Who knows what's exactly accurate. It does seem that his supporters are holding on tooth and nail to their candidate, regardless of his abilities or job performance.

Mind bottling.

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Yeah, that is part of what has me in a funk. It confirms what I have anecdotally noticed already. I believe it. It makes me question whether this citizenry is worth fighting for. If I were offered citizenship in any one of a couple dozen countries, I would take it.

But on the other hand I was at a "science march" this weekend. That could have made me feel better - but it didn't. I actually spent most of it on the road-side fringe of the crowd because I thought I might have to deflect a beer bottle being tossed at the crowd (or worse) by the several hundred cars (there was a muscle car meeting at the fairgrounds) that passed by that felt the need to say how much they hated science and just wanted their leaded gas back because their 500 cubic inch V8 was knocking.