Syria distraction.

I do put in quite a few hours in saltwater. It's not easy keeping that voluminous shine. I might need to bring out the big guns, so to speak.
They'll be doing wargames off Alaska. Should be lots of fish 'taken' out of season, good eating! Whether the animals survive to breed next season isn't the Navy's problem.
syria is turning into a scandal as we speak.

breaking now:

1) putin knew of the chemical attack in advance
2) putin sent aircraft to bomb the hospital in an attempt to cover it up
3) the pilot who flew the chemical attack was just killed by a car bomb
4) trump called putin in advance to notify him
5) putin told assad
6) assad pulled back planes and chemical weapons
7) trump's attack was completely ineffective

trumpee is like king midas but instead of gold, it's piles of corrupt russian shit.

Mike Flynn didn't fall out of a window?..Putin's slipping.
You do understand that the spending must be less than income before the debt can shrink, don't you? And so, Congress authorized spending has to go down or tax income must go up before the debt can start to shrink. Under Obama, the deficit went down during the last five years in office. The inflection upward after 2016 reflects somebody else's spending. I don't know whose, because Trump plans to increase the debt and so that upward trend after 2016 is not nearly as steep as it would be if it reflected what he said he'd do..

Trump keeps reminding you people that he's doing what he promised. What he promised was to cut taxes, increase spending and increase the deficit much more than the chart you posted as a rebuke to Obama. Congress has control of the budget, so I don't understand why you pin the chart you posted on Obama but you guys always hated the man. I understand. Small minds and all that.

It's so difficult to keep a child's interest. I'm sure you are already bored. Toddle along and build something with your Leggos.

You can print your own Legos at the library now they have 3D printers.
CIA assets released the chem weapons to justify this little expedition by the Donald. BTW, the missile strikes did nothing. Airfield was back in operation the next day. This was all for show...for viewers like you. "You're fired!"
Really?? carne assada is just up to his same ol games.. hes been caught using chemical weapons before.. it goes against the Genieva Convention.. remember ww1? its been an international treaty since then.. Sadam Insane did the same shit and we had to slap his bitch ass too..
How many people here on the left think that it's Putins' idea to "beef up our military".. haha give me a break.. how many people here still think that the russians had something to do with our elections? hahaha .................................................. get real.
How many people here on the left think that it's Putins' idea to "beef up our military".. haha give me a break.. how many people here still think that the russians had something to do with our elections? hahaha .................................................. get real.

you aren't really making an argument that Putin isn't dominating the Trump administration. You aren't really making an argument that the Russians did not mess with the presidential election. There's all kinds of evidence out there, even DJ Trump's statements that the himself made, begging the Russians to hack the DNC. He made those statements at a public forum, and even tweeted similar statements out.

Instead of making an argument, and convincing us to your viewpoint, you just made a post that mocks anyone who doesn't believe as you do. You have faith that DJ Trump is some kind of messiah, and you want us to have that same faith, but instead of trying to convince people by citing evidence and making an argument, you do none of that. And instead, you issue blanket insults to all liberals.

Do you really think you're going to win friends and influence people with such feeble attempts at persuasion?
really like what??? bottom line.. Hillary Clinton lost the election because she is Hillary Clinton, period end of story.. all the whiners that think the "russians did it" need to wake the fuck up and smell the concrete... the same racists that voted and put the first black man in office as President are the same people that put Trump in office.. chew on that for a while...The Podesta Emails were 'real' Emails with real refrences to Satanic practices.. Marina Abravonvich is a well know Satanist.. Bill is Rapist, and everyone that voted for Hillary is an IDIOT!!!! she lost get over it.. join Antifa and get your ass beat at a rally nigga.. lol

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