Syria distraction.

Carne Asada should have never used chemical warfare... Break a treaty.... we break your airport... The U.S. had to send a message.. there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Donald J. Trump bitches!!!

you guys broke their airport so bad that they flew missions from it the very next day, taking off from their unscathed runway and using their unscathed planes.

probably a stupid idea to call putin first so that he could let assad know rather than getting congressional approval.

but at least wee little jared cuckner was there to make sure that everything went right.
Jewish Warlord Evil Masters of The Talmud
Jews are warlords?? wow thats news to me.. how come the warlord jews dont control more of the middle east than they do now? why has Islam murdered more than 2 million christians and jews in Iran alone since the late 80s...' I used to hear Nazi Skinheads say the same antisemetic bullshit in high school.. you say the Jews are 'warlords' I think your a brainwashed moron..
Zionst own Donald Duck... he faked his White Base to please Jewish Warlord Evil Masters of The Talmud
Islam murdered more than 2 million christians and jews

ahhhh, the diversity of trump's base.

the "we hate jews" faction fighting with the "no, we hate muslims" faction.

relax, ladies. you're both right.

donald trump hates muslims AND jews. you both have place in his regime.
Trump's LaborSec appointment, plea deal and ties to Epstein are the news they don't want you to focus on. If WW3 breaks out, even more effective distraction.

Already the worst president in history.
... American history.

Caligula was still worse.

But hey, he's still got 3 3/4 years left!

This comic series predicted the rise of someone like the Chumpster Fuhrer in 2070. We're overachieving!
Wasn't he talking about an alliance with Assad just days before deciding the US had to act unilaterally against Assad? Dropping bombs without a plan or strategy behind the use of force, wtf? Or worse, dropping bombs and making war to bolster poll numbers, aka by his own words, "fake news". This wasn't a national crisis. He acted without the consent of congress required by law. Not surprised. Trump's MO.

Not all teary eyed over Assad. Concerned that we have a belligerent president who doesn't show an ability to think ahead. Reminds me of Bush Jr who said "doesn't need details to make decisions". As with this action for Trump, invasion of Iraq made Shrub popular. That is, until bad decisions could no longer be denied or blamed on somebody else. It took thousands military dead or injured and about a million dead civilian Iraqis later people before 'murcans changed opinion.

And here we go again. Goddammit.

Dude, it gets worse;
Carne Asada should have never used chemical warfare... Break a treaty.... we break your airport... The U.S. had to send a message.. there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Donald J. Trump bitches!!!
You've been suckered by a false flag attack.
you guys broke their airport so bad that they flew missions from it the very next day, taking off from their unscathed runway and using their unscathed planes.

probably a stupid idea to call putin first so that he could let assad know rather than getting congressional approval.

but at least wee little jared cuckner was there to make sure that everything went right.

What a waste of 50 + million dollars. he could of put it to healthcare...or a wall....
Like he went to the store and bought those missiles.

They were built years ago. The money was already spent.

Fucking morons.
Zionist own all the Arms Manufactures ... Pharma....Media..... Banks...... etc should I go on...

Warlords is being nice... Zionist are evil and all the blood of ME is on their hands... they are the devil...Jesus called them out and they Hung him..

Trump is Jewish Puppet... I hope Russia and China bitch slap his ugly fat ass
I'm not buying this:
"it was the rebels"

One intelligence source told me that the most likely scenario was a staged event by the rebels intended to force Trump to reverse a policy, announced only days earlier, that the U.S. government would no longer seek “regime change” in Syria and would focus on attacking the common enemy, Islamic terror groups that represent the core of the rebel forces.

Couldn't read the rest after that. Need more evidence than sources said. It sounds too much like an Assad/Russia propaganda move.

Trump's actions were illegal and increase his power to use the military however he likes. Not a good development.
I'm not buying this:
"it was the rebels"

One intelligence source told me that the most likely scenario was a staged event by the rebels intended to force Trump to reverse a policy, announced only days earlier, that the U.S. government would no longer seek “regime change” in Syria and would focus on attacking the common enemy, Islamic terror groups that represent the core of the rebel forces.

Couldn't read the rest after that. Need more evidence than sources said. It sounds too much like an Assad/Russia propaganda move.

Trump's actions were illegal and increase his power to use the military however he likes. Not a good development.
So you'll believe what our administration says just because they wave the flag?

Please tell me you're not that naive.

Tell us WHY Assad would do something with no strategic or tactical upside, only downside?