How does God orchestrate such a perfect Symphony?

The Future Simulation Postulation™ is a tempting hypothesis because it really only requires one assumption, and once you make that assumption the likelihood that we are in a simulation becomes near certain. However, that one assumption is huge. Occam's razor is not just about counting the number of assumptions, but the size as well. For us to be in a simulation we have to assume that one day humans will discover a source of computing power that will allow us to simulate reality to the degree that we experience it. Further, the computing power would need to be such that each simulation is capable of itself running its own simulations. That's a fantastic amount of processing. However, if this indeed were the case, we could have potentially millions of simulations each running their own millions of simulations, in which case the odds that we ourselves are in one of those simulations is quite likely.

It's easy to waive our hands and say, oh well, it's the future after all, and computing power continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and quantum computing is on the way, and bla bla. Maybe that's all true, but that still doesn't justify the assumption. We could wipe ourselves out before we ever get to that point, or it may be that the computing power necessary would be more than the universe could ever supply. So although I think it is an extremely interesting situation to think about, to me it's still doesn't offer any more merit than "god did it."

Even more so, if we were in a simulation and could know it, I don't see how it would really help other than satisfying curiosity. Life as we know it wouldn't really change. It wouldn't offer any sort of path to transcendence, or give us any sort of advantage over the simulation. I suppose it might convert a few theist into atheists, but I think most people would just keep believing as they please.
Eloquently put
The holographic universe is a great exercise in hypothetical reasoning
I'm more set in the anthropic priciple due to the observation of particles,and altering their behavior based on that observation.

Not too much work with but solidly rooted in physics.
Creating the universe by observing it has an uroborous flavor to it.
I find this infatuation with "reality" quite fascinating. Lets put aside all the philosophical ideas for a moment, and all the science as well. I am not trying to figure out what reality is anymore because ..... look if there a roughly 8 billion people on this planet then there are the same amount of corresponding realities. Whatever reality is too you, it is not going to match IDENTICALLY with anyone else. :wall:
I find this infatuation with "reality" quite fascinating. Lets put aside all the philosophical ideas for a moment, and all the science as well. I am not trying to figure out what reality is anymore because ..... look if there a roughly 8 billion people on this planet then there are the same amount of corresponding realities. Whatever reality is too you, it is not going to match IDENTICALLY with anyone else. :wall:

Might wanna think of using the butterfly effect with that thought.....also the human condition natural is a cause and effect situation at best in its singular form.
True I believe time travel is not possible in reverse but in this case, this would be the *(future)computer running a simulation of the past complex enough for us to believe it's a true and very real present
That should be possible in the next aeon of computing. One only needs to feed it sufficient input data. Perhaps that's why there's a CCTV camera hanging at every corner...
I find this infatuation with "reality" quite fascinating. Lets put aside all the philosophical ideas for a moment, and all the science as well. I am not trying to figure out what reality is anymore because ..... look if there a roughly 8 billion people on this planet then there are the same amount of corresponding realities. Whatever reality is too you, it is not going to match IDENTICALLY with anyone else. :wall:
Subjectivity is indeed a major flaw in our build design. We're still apes somewhat.
The good news is that machines can measure objectivily and do that even further uniformingly throughout individual tolerances or perfectly equal. That's why we need to have conscious robots as integral parts of our society. Extra night vision.
Subjectivity is indeed a major flaw in our build design. We're still apes somewhat.
The good news is that machines can measure objectivily and do that even further uniformingly throughout individual tolerances or perfectly equal. That's why we need to have conscious robots as integral parts of our society. Extra night vision.

I look down at this "phone" and see a cognitive prosthetic, linking me to a knowledge base that dwarfs the library of Alexandria exponentially.
I'm thinking back and remembering my frustration with card catalogs and the Dewey decimal system that was the whole source of my information at the time(@1985)
If the progress between then and now were to simply occur again. The I have no doubt this pathetic oversized inefficient "Ape" body will either be improved or replaced.
At 60 years old this phone will be an implant or exchangeable plug and play mod.
We are animals no doubt and prove it time and again, but I believe we are meant to change the playing field for life itself
We've broken a few eggs but we'll get it done
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Subjectivity is indeed a major flaw in our build design.

That would seem to depend on the goal. If the goal is to survive in a world devoid of technology and collected knowledge, as the world has been for most of our existence, subjectivity would seem to have offered us some advantages. Even in the modern world, science would be severely handicapped without the imagination and creativity of subjective humans.

The flaw is not that we possess subjectivity, but that we are biased to give subjectivity as much, and often times more, importance as objectivity. Intuition can so easily override analytical thinking, and we walk around clouded by a brain that evolved to survive more than it did to understand. Our brains are equipped towards the goal of safely navigating us through reality, but not necessarily to take it apart and see how it works. As it turns out, understanding nature and thus gaining a measure of control over her is a much better way to survive, but our brains keep wanting to confine us to mere navigation mode.
Its nonlinear meaning the one soul hops around forward and backward in time
One soul living every life one At a a tme
in my opinion, im not you. i would follow the path of individuality as perscribed by the fictional characters Krishna and Jesus. God is God but when a person dies they are no more. Which is contrary to their teaching. Your train of thought (and theirs) was the kind to justify killing for religious purposes. "We need to execute these people (secretly for political reasons) but it's OK, when they die they will be simply reborn into new bodies"
there is no scientific evidence for this and the scientific evidence calculating the weight of the soul can also be calculating the weight of the static electricity flowing through a man's nervous system. I believe in a greater being creating us and an even greater being creating that being and so on and so forth. None of which are God itself as a whole but merely a part. In no instance in any time period of mankind's consciousness will there be an answer proving the soul travels from body to body. Now, i am really not trying to put your idea down because part of me does believe what you believe but for sake of individuality within the soul i have left that by knowing I am not the embodiment of God. Merely a vessel to talk about God. If there is nothing to tell God's story then God is pointless. in my opinion
The Future Simulation Postulation™ is a tempting hypothesis because it really only requires one assumption, and once you make that assumption the likelihood that we are in a simulation becomes near certain. However, that one assumption is huge. Occam's razor is not just about counting the number of assumptions, but the size as well. For us to be in a simulation we have to assume that one day humans will discover a source of computing power that will allow us to simulate reality to the degree that we experience it. Further, the computing power would need to be such that each simulation is capable of itself running its own simulations. That's a fantastic amount of processing. However, if this indeed were the case, we could have potentially millions of simulations each running their own millions of simulations, in which case the odds that we ourselves are in one of those simulations is quite likely.

It's easy to waive our hands and say, oh well, it's the future after all, and computing power continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and quantum computing is on the way, and bla bla. Maybe that's all true, but that still doesn't justify the assumption. We could wipe ourselves out before we ever get to that point, or it may be that the computing power necessary would be more than the universe could ever supply. So although I think it is an extremely interesting situation to think about, to me it's still doesn't offer any more merit than "god did it."

Even more so, if we were in a simulation and could know it, I don't see how it would really help other than satisfying curiosity. Life as we know it wouldn't really change. It wouldn't offer any sort of path to transcendence, or give us any sort of advantage over the simulation. I suppose it might convert a few theist into atheists, but I think most people would just keep believing as they please.

I have thought this for quite some years, after islotating myself to some degree, then clearing my mind, and enhancing my chi to test this hypothesis to basically clear my energy/ somewhat of a blank computer- when typing into google/aka my energy field- typing into a empty search bar- instead of having to look through 50 different results. basically having a better base to test this. I realized the connection between my thoughts, the energy I was exposed to and what it in return attracted, and the energy I created, Via thought, or any action that takes energy, even looking at something your connecting with it. What I realized , and this is a truth to me, all we can have is the best truth to ourselves that makes us content with with world we are and, and the world we create for ourselves. What I learned is energy is like a highway in this simulation, and energy is never destroyed, only changed. One thing I noticed the more active and better my chi was the quicker things happened and manifested themselves into reality. I believe when our chi is down, it is a self defense mechanism for our energy to be lowered to protect negative and harmful thoughts or enviroments into manifesting themselves quicker into reality*
So I ask myself, "why be more than i can see?"
Vacationing to nothing, a trip that i must take.
For living life without, a mere mindless mistake.
Mentally manipulating, all that i can't see.
Connecting one with a link, Seperating self from me....
Giving the spirit a chance to be everything it can.
Questioning myself , Asking for more than this full hand.
Ignorance is bliss, yet with bliss I can not grow.
Telling my cells this, only makes them believe and flow.
Answer from inside, " Yes go ahead and Soar".
" Live free with an open heart, Jounery, and explore." Gardenswrestler 7/12/16

The garden : Dripping so sweet, petals lie apart. From tulips to daisies, a buffet to start. Humming birds defy physics as they cut though the light, drinking sweet nectar til they hit Mach 3 flight. Bees delight, they harvest what they sow, knowing all the hard work will make their hive grow. Butterflies float as if nothing weights them down, a butterfly knows no limits, a butterfly knows no bounds. Gardenswrestler 06/11/16

Before the web, Charlotte did know. Without a strong web, she would not grow. Little by little, Strand after strand, Charlotte's Web became a lush farmland. Mosquitoes galore, flies to feast, helped Charlotte grow to a mystical beast. Perfect symmetry sets it apart, charlotte's web is truly a piece of art. One Web, One Heart, Charlotte's Web multiply Apart! Gardenswrestler 06/2016

High energy chaos and electric precision, blended to one. Gave me the spark, to what has become. Given a game called the sponge, absorbing and emitting all that I've done. Climbing the great hill my ancestors started. Leaving our father's sins departed .Gardenswrestler 6/23/16
Ok so a good friend of mine just passed. He shot himself in his truck while they were mudding. There's this one guy who used to pick on him that is apparently broken up with it and was with him; I'm thinking he said something to him that finally sent him over the edge. But the point is that just today I have noticed at least a hundred synchronicities that obviously point to a higher knowledge and purposeful arrangement.

So this is the question, or questions; does everything happen for a reason? And by reason I don't mean causality I mean a higher purpose, like everything that happens now is for a future purpose, it's like a perfect sequence the universe and the way it unfolds. And if everything does happen for a reason how in the flying fuck does the universe orchestrate it all, now that is infinite intelligence.

@tyler.durden @DaSprout @HeatlessBBQ @VegasWinner @skuba @mikek420 very interested in your opinions for or against me. @Heisenberg
Instinct...natural reflex...