Syria distraction.

But imagine how happy he is to have Arabs making up pet-names to honor him. Abu Ivanka al-Amereeki? Father of Ivanka the American. He must be fucking thrilled that he got so much play from this. Even I can't rip him a new one over this.

There's probably more that he is hiding. The internal divisions in his staff (promoted by Trump in the true spirit of malignant narcissism) have them all ready to sign their tell-all book contract.

make America fight again.

I wouldn't mind if he was leading the charge on the 1st horse like Teddy Roosevelt.

If he ever gets shot making a speech, will he finish the speech 1st before getting treatment?

Just wondering.
It just goes to show he understands the playbook. At least Obama went to congress first. Trump is showing his hypocrisy and is completely unhindered by the legislative branch, or a conscious for that matter.
He's done that since day one. Remember how unconstitutional he said the use of "executive orders" were? At least Obama used them to circumvent an obstructionist Congress. Trump has a 2 house majority and is too inept to use it right.
He's done that since day one. Remember how unconstitutional he said the use of "executive orders" were? At least Obama used them to circumvent an obstructionist Congress. Trump has a 2 house majority and is too inept to use it right.
He doesn't seem to mind blatant hypocrisy in the form of basically doing everything he accused (in many cases wrongly) Obama of doing. He is already the worst president in history.
Wasn't he talking about an alliance with Assad just days before deciding the US had to act unilaterally against Assad? Dropping bombs without a plan or strategy behind the use of force, wtf? Or worse, dropping bombs and making war to bolster poll numbers, aka by his own words, "fake news". This wasn't a national crisis. He acted without the consent of congress required by law. Not surprised. Trump's MO.

Not all teary eyed over Assad. Concerned that we have a belligerent president who doesn't show an ability to think ahead. Reminds me of Bush Jr who said "doesn't need details to make decisions". As with this action for Trump, invasion of Iraq made Shrub popular. That is, until bad decisions could no longer be denied or blamed on somebody else. It took thousands military dead or injured and about a million dead civilian Iraqis later people before 'murcans changed opinion.

And here we go again. Goddammit.
Carne Asada should have never used chemical warfare... Break a treaty.... we break your airport... The U.S. had to send a message.. there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Donald J. Trump bitches!!!