The vault seedbank

I knew I shoulda ordered like asap after getting last order...hopefully it works out and gets back ryt..are all credit/debits declined now?
Did u get an email telling u they dispatched them and did u get a tracking number? i bet u will get them ANYDAY. Yes all cards are declined here is the email...image.png
He told me to send a money order Bc they do take US money orders. I sent mine Friday lol so I'm with u...I would send off for the big number after I get the other order. I have an email from CHOICE which is GREAT and she said I can use my card over the phone with her wanna check em out?
They have everything and u can get singles. It will tell u they don't do debit cards but call and order over the phone when u make out your order.
Did u get an email telling u they dispatched them and did u get a tracking number? i bet u will get them ANYDAY. Yes all cards are declined here is the email...View attachment 3900461
Lol ,o No no,I received mines a week after clicking :"order now"
I just wanted to order a shit ton more and store them for future years and then left my review and boom u hit me with the nuclear bomb..\
Just money orders and they have to be registered but they get there in a week and u get ur gear in a week
Jgray did you use internationsl postsl money order or regular money order
Thanks for replying i was about to get postal international money order in morning after work but i heard uk cant cash them ill get western union instead i know about registered mail i did it with herbies last week with cash but it still says hartford ct is last place my ordee was scanned it has to be in uk by now. Thanks for replying fast
It was a regular but u can email the vault and ask to make sure Bc he responds super fast. But yes I went to a gas station and got a regular western union money order. I wrote my order number on it sent it. Did U make your order yet?
Yea i did whst you did went to small store got western union money order i asked the guy didnt know shit about international jack from vault said either one i wss concerned no other seed bsnk tskes money orders in uk says they cant cash ours they probly coukd but dont want to psy extra fees but i sent it out hour ago dsmm i just got text thst myvorder to herbies just processed through newyork customs going out 7 dsys and only newyork i live 45 mins away from ny
I just received my first order through them... I can't speak anything but high praise about them!!!!!!! I saw they were not accepting CC/money orders from the U.S. back in the middle/end of March.... so I sent my cash snail mail ( registered for 17 bucks.. cheapest tracking or so I was told by my little hick town post office) it was received in 8 days... Today I received my package.. only 8 days after they shipped it!! everything came in breeder packing... and I loved the choices he threw in for extras/freebies.. ( I sent extra cash to make it the lease amount of bills in the mail possible and received extra 17 seeds) So I got the 30 I ordered and freebies and extras totaling to another 30 beans!!!! Again Jack and George at the Vault are great at what they do.. making sure you get your order and answering any non "dumb" questions that you have.. ( don't talk about what you did/going to do with them after they sent it... seems every "bad" review someone did that!) Jack and George keep up the greatness that is The Vault!!!!!

I need to post more and get more likes so I could be eligible for their next comparative grow :) since i'm a old stalker that didn't input at all in the passed :)
I just received my first order through them... I can't speak anything but high praise about them!!!!!!! I saw they were not accepting CC/money orders from the U.S. back in the middle/end of March.... so I sent my cash snail mail ( registered for 17 bucks.. cheapest tracking or so I was told by my little hick town post office) it was received in 8 days... Today I received my package.. only 8 days after they shipped it!! everything came in breeder packing... and I loved the choices he threw in for extras/freebies.. ( I sent extra cash to make it the lease amount of bills in the mail possible and received extra 17 seeds) So I got the 30 I ordered and freebies and extras totaling to another 30 beans!!!! Again Jack and George at the Vault are great at what they do.. making sure you get your order and answering any non "dumb" questions that you have.. ( don't talk about what you did/going to do with them after they sent it... seems every "bad" review someone did that!) Jack and George keep up the greatness that is The Vault!!!!!

I need to post more and get more likes so I could be eligible for their next comparative grow :) since i'm a old stalker that didn't input at all in the passed :)
Did you say they did not except moneyorders in march jack told me send money order i know cc is down