The vault seedbank

Ct finest.. it might of been the post office/bank telling me this before I tried decided just sending cash.. I cant remember... I was told that the U.K. wasn't taking u.s. international money orders because they couldn't cash them.... but after reading thru here i'm seeing that jack is saying different... maybe he's the only one that can at the moment? I most likely just sent cash cause of what my post office/banks told me... figured it would be less hassle
They just took mine and I got an email a few days ago from Jack saying money order was the way to pay right now until
They get the cc stuff sorted out. No money transfers ONLY MONEY ORDERS ORNCASH but he preferred MO
I was confused to i just did regualr western union money order there are western union in uk they dont do postal international money orders but jack told me 3 timez either one is ok so i did regular western union someone used it all was good my luck if i sent the postsl one my order would me declined
I hope lol i have my herbies order out there i sent thst out last fri cash in registered mail it just went through ny processing facility all together 400 in gear 30 autos and photos to plus all free seeds
I have some crazy weather up in ct last year i hsd shit flowering in may lol probaby becsuse it was inside for 3 months then ibput it outdoors started budding then went back late may to veg lol