I just received my first order through them... I can't speak anything but high praise about them!!!!!!! I saw they were not accepting CC/money orders from the U.S. back in the middle/end of March.... so I sent my cash snail mail ( registered for 17 bucks.. cheapest tracking or so I was told by my little hick town post office) it was received in 8 days... Today I received my package.. only 8 days after they shipped it!! everything came in breeder packing... and I loved the choices he threw in for extras/freebies.. ( I sent extra cash to make it the lease amount of bills in the mail possible and received extra 17 seeds) So I got the 30 I ordered and freebies and extras totaling to another 30 beans!!!! Again Jack and George at the Vault are great at what they do.. making sure you get your order and answering any non "dumb" questions that you have.. ( don't talk about what you did/going to do with them after they sent it... seems every "bad" review someone did that!) Jack and George keep up the greatness that is The Vault!!!!!
I need to post more and get more likes so I could be eligible for their next comparative grow

since i'm a old stalker that didn't input at all in the passed