POLL: Where will Trump and GOP start war in next?

where will the GOP start war?

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Well-Known Member
boots on the ground in syria. another 2,500 boots on the ground in kuwait, waiting in the wings.

barely news among all the corruption, incompetence, and blatant lying of the trump regime.
Apararently he's going to fix North Korea because the Chinese won't..Bucky, you are a visionary and it only took 3 weeks.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a fiercely defiant statement on Tuesday, the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, denied that any member of the White House staff has ever worked “in any way, shape, or form” for the benefit of the United States.

Angrily addressing the press corps, Spicer said that any allegations that members of the Trump Administration have ever acted in concert or collusion with the United States are “unequivocally false.”

“At no time during the transition or afterward did any member of the Trump team have meetings, conversations, or any other contacts that furthered the interests of the United States of America,” Spicer said. “In the thousands of communications that took place, the United States never came up even once.”



Well-Known Member
Our military industrial complex needs perpetual war to guarantee profits.

Our right wing political establishment needs them to scare the populace.

Our 'left' political establishment needs them to say, 'look how bad those righties are!'

Our nation never bothers to ask the average taxpayer whether it's in our best interest. (It's not)

The Chumpster Fuhrer could star in his own movie; The Thermonuclear Bonfire of the Vanities.

Who wants a front row seat for the end of modern civilisation?
Lots of people with decades of experience on the front lines agree with me. When these people get nervous, YOU should be nervous;



Well-Known Member
i've been clicking on it non-stop just because he said not to.

and north korea is coming in hot right now.
And Syria.

And a whole bunch more warming up in the bullpen.

If the only tool you know how to use is a hammer, the world looks like nothing but a bunch of nails.


Well-Known Member
Enough already, we get it; your wife and life are so shitty your only hope is that the whole world explodes. Nobody thinks you're cool for it.

Humanities only hope is for the world to explode. I'm going to die either way.

And you don't get it.

Did you know someone just gassed a bunch of innocent people? What does it take to be that kind of a person? Tell my why humanity is worth saving.