Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

there ya go, insulate your thoughts...excellent display of critical thinking.

thats the whole point rob was making, we dont get to choose that tax money is spent on loser fucks that make poor choices, and it costs a lot! and you guys want more?! if it wasnt for the "mean rich people" the gov (and therefore the country) wouldnt survive. minimum wage employees do not make the world go round, sorry.

dont bite the hand that feeds. if you dont like it, work hard, and get money. money is freedom.

from marketwatch...data from last tax year

The top 1% of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6% of all the federal individual income tax in the U.S.; the top 0.1% — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20% of it.Apr 18, 2016
You are supposed to be able to vote for the representative that says what to do with the tax dollars. You elect(democratic) leaders(republic). Big trump is the main guy now but he is not the hand that feeds me. The pursuit of money is bondage. So if money is freedom most people are traped . Getting a job just ties you down more. So you can retire with a ceiling if you are lucky you can feed your family. I agree with rob roys basic position. But we have all heard it before. I don't yet see where you are coming from.
You are supposed to be able to vote for the representative that says what to do with the tax dollars. You elect(democratic) leaders(republic). Big trump is the main guy now but he is not the hand that feeds me. The pursuit of money is bondage. So if money is freedom most people are traped . Getting a job just ties you down more. So you can retire with a ceiling if you are lucky you can feed your family. I agree with rob roys basic position. But we have all heard it before. I don't yet see where you are coming from.

didnt say trump is the hand that feeds, although he is one because of how much he's paid in taxes personally and with his businesses. high earning tax payers is the hand that feeds the gov (and by extension, the country) by paying nearly 2/3 of all income tax receipts. you're right, we can vote for whoever rep we like, and yes, some folks are stuck in a job they dont like. that will probably never change, because we're human and we have to work to survive.

life is tough, there is no instructions, but there is a lot of information out there at relatively low cost and accessible to all (internet) which has never existed before. people need to read more and listen to the tv less. comfy retirement isnt a guarantee, and ive never heard of that specifically being protected in the constitution. which is why it behooves the modern worker to begin planning for it the day they start working full time. who wants to work forever? plan early, get out early.

and to quite jerry brown from earlier this week regarding single payer:

“In other words, you take a problem, and say ‘I am going to solve it by something that’s ... a bigger problem,’ which makes no sense.”

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article140236853.html#storylink=cpy
Oh no, that's not true, our military is "broken" and needs to be "rebuilt" according to Trump.

He's smarter than the generals.
depends what trump is referring to, i dont know because i havent looked and dont care. if he's referring to sole source contracts and the farming out of significant portions of military services, then yes, i would agree its broken. if he's referring to their effectiveness, i would say he's wrong.

the federal government contracts out most services to private companies from military to IT to healthcare. then creates a bureaucracy to manage their contracts/laws with the companies/industry. so, the private sector ends up doing the work, and the federal gov adds their overhead costs on to that, then passes the bill to us the taxpayers. this is why its ludicrous to think single payer would save money

IMO, for security reasons, I think military should be very careful about what companies they work with to develop technology and keep the total number to a minimum. war dogs the movie, although fictional, gives some insight into how the bidding works, seemed pretty broken. Its changed some since, but not enough. complicated questions can have complicated answers, military and healthcare most certainly are those
depends what trump is referring to, i dont know because i havent looked and dont care. if he's referring to sole source contracts and the farming out of significant portions of military services, then yes, i would agree its broken. if he's referring to their effectiveness, i would say he's wrong.

the federal government contracts out most services to private companies from military to IT to healthcare. then creates a bureaucracy to manage their contracts/laws with the companies/industry. so, the private sector ends up doing the work, and the federal gov adds their overhead costs on to that, then passes the bill to us the taxpayers. this is why its ludicrous to think single payer would save money

IMO, for security reasons, I think military should be very careful about what companies they work with to develop technology and keep the total number to a minimum. war dogs the movie, although fictional, gives some insight into how the bidding works, seemed pretty broken. Its changed some since, but not enough. complicated questions can have complicated answers, military and healthcare most certainly are those


why did you claim to own your own business and then later state that you buy health insurance from your employer?
If you can't afford 1600 dollars per month in the usa then you are really screwed
very true... i did it to myself but between my business taxes which i pay quarterly (if broken into months) mortgage, car insurance, other bills.. im at around 8k a month in bills
Wow, I thought marijuana growers were more on the "free-thinking" side but some of them actually oppose universal healthcare? :shock: You grow a plant that provides the best medicine freely, in nature, a persecuted plant, the enemy of big pharma, but you oppose universal health care. Okay. That's amazing.
Most of the conservative nuts posting here are snitches. They're worse even than big pharma. Most of them also voted for Trump. In other words, they're imbeciles with a penchant for tattling. It's no surprise that their (cough) arguments, spelling and grammar are so atrocious. Here's one of their representatives:
That's too bad. Even as a life-long communist I have never seen such persecution and clandestinty as I do in the world of weed. This beautiful plant is more revolutionary than all of us.
the cannabis community is mixed. the glass blowing scene is even more brutal. orchids are really competitive and roses but the general gardening community is pretty chill. There has always been a cannabis industry with half business not personal and cartel types. There have always been rednecks and hippies, white pride and trads. All growing or holding weed. this site is pretty left dominate in the politics section. but mixed in general.
didnt say trump is the hand that feeds, although he is one because of how much he's paid in taxes personally and with his businesses. high earning tax payers is the hand that feeds the gov (and by extension, the country) by paying nearly 2/3 of all income tax receipts. you're right, we can vote for whoever rep we like, and yes, some folks are stuck in a job they dont like. that will probably never change, because we're human and we have to work to survive.

life is tough, there is no instructions, but there is a lot of information out there at relatively low cost and accessible to all (internet) which has never existed before. people need to read more and listen to the tv less. comfy retirement isnt a guarantee, and ive never heard of that specifically being protected in the constitution. which is why it behooves the modern worker to begin planning for it the day they start working full time. who wants to work forever? plan early, get out early.

and to quite jerry brown from earlier this week regarding single payer:

“In other words, you take a problem, and say ‘I am going to solve it by something that’s ... a bigger problem,’ which makes no sense.”

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article140236853.html#storylink=cpy
trump is not near the top 1% but he is wealthy enough to benefit from supporting the upper-class. Life is beautiful. The bitch of it is that the upper-class have rigged a game that destroys the world and made it so that if people don't play they lose in real life.
it's tough . if you are lucky you only have to be a slave part of your life if you don't mind living simply.
if you support the current system with your heart and faith, you have agreed to be it's bitch Just please don't preach to me about conforming or about struggle. you have given in to a system that does not respect you.

fuck Jerry Brown and that meaningless non sequitur quote.