Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

Free health care for all... its a seductive thought. My father has sinus cancer. He was diagnosed just over a year ago. He has excellent insurance as a long standing public school teacher in a State that sort of values teachers at least more than Alabama... anyway, at first the Doctor told him "90% cure with just surgery" and then removed the roof of his mouth and added radiation... after a year of mental illness and starvation and lots and lots and lots of doctors visits (every hour billable) Dad presents with throat cancer and the surgeon says, "no worries, I'll cut that out and you are going to be fine homey" and so he does. After months of suffering in recovery, Dad now has cancer in his lungs. My point is Dad's insurance has been billed millions in the last 15 months. And now they are hitting him with chemo and more radiation... very very expensive and he is already a dead man. I love my Dad, but the truth is there just isn't enough money in the world to spend millions on every dead person walking around.
Every diabetic in America has hundreds of billable medical hours in our system every year. Lets talk about addiction rehab and how 70% fail. That isn't treatment, its simply a shitty system that needs to be abandoned. But its BIG business, and very very lucrative. We could eliminate heart disease and type 2 diabetes by simply requiring food companies to make food that is actually digestible by the human gut. If we did that then universal healthcare or socialized medicine could be examined. But we have to get the corruption out of the healthcare system first. Healthcare is the biggest opponent to the marijuana lobby. Why? And when you answer that question you have everything you need to know about American healthcare. It has to be destroyed completely before it can be rebuilt, and trying to socialize this sick monster that greed has built is a freaking huge mistake.
Ginger root at $4/lb is more effective treatment for cancer than chemotherapy. And you guys want to make all of us share the costs so we can provide all the people with chemotherapy that is too expensive for even professionals to afford. No thank you, when American health care starts treating people the right way, then we can socialize it.

It's obviously metastasized and had been that way..sadly those with excellent coverage suffer as well. Because of the good health coverage doctors greed does play a part..doctors see dollar signs..source of revenue as long as the patient is willing to continue. If he was on Medicaid, he would've been dead by now. All that pain and suffering, his face cut apart..was it worth the extra time?

Ginger is good for nausea but I'm not so certain that's an effective treatment to replace chemo.

I truly wish your father peace..I had a great uncle with cancer just like that..it was a horrible death.
You don't get to choose on an individual basis what is done with your tax dollars.

Asking the same question over and over with the expectation of different answer IS the definition of insanity.
there ya go, insulate your thoughts...excellent display of critical thinking.

thats the whole point rob was making, we dont get to choose that tax money is spent on loser fucks that make poor choices, and it costs a lot! and you guys want more?! if it wasnt for the "mean rich people" the gov (and therefore the country) wouldnt survive. minimum wage employees do not make the world go round, sorry.

dont bite the hand that feeds. if you dont like it, work hard, and get money. money is freedom.

from marketwatch...data from last tax year

The top 1% of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6% of all the federal individual income tax in the U.S.; the top 0.1% — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20% of it.Apr 18, 2016
is it just me that finds it ironic that we all demonize the fed gov for their outdated policies on cannabis, lamenting how awful they are, and how stupid their reasoning's are. yet, there is a political population here in these forums that DEMANDS more control from the feds? go figure.

like @schuylaar said:

Asking the same question over and over with the expectation of different answer IS the definition of insanity.
there ya go, insulate your thoughts...excellent display of critical thinking.

thats the whole point rob was making, we dont get to choose that tax money is spent on loser fucks that make poor choices, and it costs a lot! and you guys want more?! if it wasnt for the "mean rich people" the gov (and therefore the country) wouldnt survive. minimum wage employees do not make the world go round, sorry.

dont bite the hand that feeds. if you dont like it, work hard, and get money. money is freedom.

from marketwatch...data from last tax year

The top 1% of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6% of all the federal individual income tax in the U.S.; the top 0.1% — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20% of it.Apr 18, 2016

Nice try but selective facts and shell game..why don't we look at it from the angle of paying 15% on 30k when it COSTS 30k to fucking breathe?

Your argument is not a convincing one.
Nice try but selective facts and shell game..why don't we look at it from the angle of paying 15% on 30k when it COSTS 30k to fucking breathe?

Your argument is not a convincing one.

It's always those working minimum wage jobs who cry the most. It's not our fault you suck at life.
Nice try but selective facts and shell game..why don't we look at it from the angle of paying 15% on 30k when it COSTS 30k to fucking breathe?

Your argument is not a convincing one.
i lived on 30k just fine in one of the most expensive states, CA. what else ya got?
is universal single payer healthcare where we take from the riches person on earth until they arent the richest person? then switch over to the new richest person and take their money?
Wow, I thought marijuana growers were more on the "free-thinking" side but some of them actually oppose universal healthcare? :shock: You grow a plant that provides the best medicine freely, in nature, a persecuted plant, the enemy of big pharma, but you oppose universal health care. Okay. That's amazing.
Not compared to military spending, are you also upset about that?
didnt know healthcare protects us from folks that want to hurt our country? but to answer your question, no, im not upset the military has a substantial budget. no one wants to pick a fight with US forces. perhaps im partial to that? close family friend was in vietnam, and my brother in law is in navy reserves.

they protect us all, including the ones that spit on them when they returned home...

now, if you want to talk about the contracting system the US operates by in the military, and any other contract the gov offers, there is plenty of topics there. its my position there is a considerable amount of fraud in these systems, and although some efforts have been made, I want more. Accountability is also nonexistent, because bureaucrats run these programs. Like union employees, which most fed gov employees are anyway, its nearly impossible to fire them for poor performance. Miss a few shifts at McDonalds and see what happens. This is why Fed's suck at running things!

Yet, people are asking for more of this stuff. I dont get it
have excellent Kaiser cove"cool2burn, post: 13429644, member: 955448"]http://globalnews.ca/news/3084366/q...it-times-in-canada-by-province-and-procedure/

Owe really?

Quote: Before the 20-week record in 2016, wait times were longest in 2011 at 19 weeks, according to the organization. It began recording wait times for medically necessary elective treatments in 1993

20 weeks to see a specialist if you have cancer you might be fucked.....
We have excellent Kaiser coverage and we wait three months for surgery how is that any better plus Kaiser has denied us coverage on other issue s
Yea and if you need a transplant you might be fucked. If you want an epidural while giving birth you might be fucked. If you want treatments that are not at least 10 years behind the U.S you might be fucked. If you have a mentally disabled child you are double fucked. I lived in Japan for 4 years. Pardon me if i do not care what someone who most likely has never been to Japan thinks.
If you can't afford 1600 dollars per month in the usa then you are really screwed