will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?

he doesn't care. But thats the main reason many Republicans don't want to support him.
Trump doesn't care. He's a fucking wrecking ball and trying to tear down our government. He can't act alone for very long. Especially if you are living in a state with republican congressmen, let them know what you think. A phone call is light lifting but counts if enough give a call. It sounds like you aren't in favor of the shit going down, so call and let them know.

Trumps EO references previously (Obama) established authority. Look in the mirror.

Obama suspended refugees from Iraq for six months.

Obama selected countries for visa suspension and restriction.

Obama's DHS expanded those restrictions.

Obama selected nations for visa restrictions, VWP
he just made a political move. for one thing he would have no defense if it was an all out ban but he promised a ban so this is the toe in the water. useing obamas "" previously created authority"" was just convenient.
A "political move" would be a tweet or a statement, maybe even introducing a bill. This order is sending back legal green card holders and people who have been working through the system to obtain a visa for entry into this country. It is raw power grab and just the beginning if we let him get away with it. Same goes with the tariffs on goods from Mexico. He's taking command and trying run the government by himself. Must stop him now before he moves on to people's rights.
A "political move" would be a tweet or a statement, maybe even introducing a bill. This order is sending back legal green card holders and people who have been working through the system to obtain a visa for entry into this country. It is raw power grab and just the beginning if we let him get away with it. Same goes with the tariffs on goods from Mexico. He's taking command and trying run the government by himself. Must stop him now before he moves on to people's rights.
i don't mean his move to ban Muslims. i am referring to how he used the countries Obama named at a different time.
i don't mean his move to ban Muslims. i am referring to how he used the countries Obama named at a different time.
It's all part of the same action, isn't it? In no way can this action be called political. It's very real. I'm surprised at how you minimized what's going down.
Trumps EO references previously (Obama) established authority. Look in the mirror.

Obama suspended refugees from Iraq for six months.

Obama selected countries for visa suspension and restriction.

Obama's DHS expanded those restrictions.

Obama selected nations for visa restrictions, VWP

let's ignore the fact that this is all spin garbage meant for flailing desperate nazis like you to parrot at $0.07 a post.

if trump is just doing what obama did, why was it bad when obama did it and great when trump did it?
let's ignore the fact that this is all spin garbage meant for flailing desperate nazis like you to parrot at $0.07 a post.

if trump is just doing what obama did, why was it bad when obama did it and great when trump did it?

At that rate why haven't you gotten rid of PMI yet?
It's all part of the same action, isn't it? In no way can this action be called political. It's very real. I'm surprised at how you minimized what's going down.
political moves effect us for real. i can't find stronger language but thats what it is now; 45 using politics to grow his selfish atrocious agenda. Activists have been saying this is all the same agendas just being pushed harder in a brighter light.
it is the same old shit but worse, it is the furthering of segregationist ,extremist, chauvinist and inhuman program. there are hard core actions taking place and they are using politics.
political moves effect us for real. i can't find stronger language but thats what it is now; 45 using politics to grow his selfish atrocious agenda. Activists have been saying this is all the same agendas just being pushed harder in a brighter light.
it is the same old shit but worse, it is the furthering of segregationist ,extremist, chauvinist and inhuman program. there are hard core actions taking place and they are using politics.
^^True, this. Politics is not a game, although we've been treating it as if it were one.
it is a game but the stakes and the pieces are real

Politics are not a game because people's lives are affected by what governments do. Some die, others are economically kneecapped and live shorter lives or in best scenarios, heal and prosper.

I was disappointed when the Seattle Mariners (MLB) were eliminated from post season play. My life wasn't affected, though.