Calling All Racists and Bigots


Well-Known Member
Seems every thread I read through someone or other is a racist or bigot. I've noticed this more frequently since the election. Coincidence I guess. Point is one usually is empowered by owning it. It doesn't even have to be real. Just own it and move on. This can be like a twelve step program where admitting your problem begins the healing. We do wanna heal racism right? So go on and out yourself, loud and proud. I'll begin.
My name and moniker were assigned to me here by other members. I'm not sure who's persona I'm supposed to be. I'm also unsure of whom I'm supposed to hate and why. But anyway I'll start.

My names Frankie. I'm a Nazi Shill.
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Guilty. I was called a racist last night many many times. Verbally assaulted over and over again by a horrifying terrible mob! I had a strange sore feeling... in my butt. I really need a safe space badly.

Do you have playdough and puppies here to help me recover?

Welcome Mikey. Do you have a racism problem you'ld like to share with the group?
We're anonymous.
OP, why do have to perpetuate the hate? If you feel you've been misunderstood then why not try to express yourself better?
Attacking those that attack you for your words never helps anything, just ask trump.
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Want to hear something fucked up? I used to spend some time on mental health forums. In the middle of people sharing their pain there would often be a troll that would come in and say things like "kill yourself". It's the Internet, and the way things are now. The stuff people say here is child's play, comparatively.
Seems every thread I read through someone or other is a racist or bigot. I've noticed this more frequently since the election. Coincidence I guess. Point is one usually is empowered by owning it. It doesn't even have to be real. Just own it and move on. This can be like a twelve step program where admitting your problem begins the healing. We do wanna heal racism right? So go on and out yourself, loud and proud. I'll begin.
My name and moniker were assigned to me here by other members. I'm not sure who's persona I'm supposed to be. I'm also unsure of whom I'm supposed to hate and why. But anyway I'll start.

My names Frankie. I'm a Nazi.

Frank, you are a Jew hating POS , kill yourself.
Want to hear something fucked up? I used to spend some time on mental health forums. In the middle of people sharing their pain there would often be a troll that would come in and say things like "kill yourself". It's the Internet, and the way things are now. The stuff people say here is child's play, comparatively.
If someone had genuine problems I wouldn't say it, but these guys? These guys are happy, confident and riding high on being Trumped.
That's why I'm saying it's different. Things here are said in response to something. It's not like anyone here is asking for help and understanding and then met with hate.
It's hate in response to hate.
With the amount of genuine hate that Trump and his alt-right possé espouse it's hard not to hate at them.

If they'd just mind their own fucking business we could truly be the UNITED States of America.