Calling All Racists and Bigots

With the amount of genuine hate that Trump and his alt-right possé espouse it's hard not to hate at them.

If they'd just mind their own fucking business we could truly be the UNITED States of America.
Trump supports and perpetuates hate. It's his message. Those that support him, support that hatred and blame for individuals and sometimes whole groups of people. I think his being president is a travesty.
Trump supports and perpetuates hate. It's his message. Those that support him, support that hatred and blame for individuals and sometimes whole groups of people. I think his being president is a travesty.
When you think about it completely abstractly; if Republicans could concentrate on their own lives and not interfere with others all the country's problems would essentially be gone.

Every problem is someone telling someone else "don't do it your way, only my way is allowed".
When you think about it completely abstractly; if Republicans could concentrate on their own lives and not interfere with others all the country's problems would essentially be gone.

Every problem is someone telling someone else "don't do it your way, only my way is allowed".
So your saying if Democrats run the whole country all of our problem would go away? And every problem is caused by a Republican? Your so enlightened!
I once made a statement implying that some cultures shouldn't mix do to belief systems that create violence between the two cultures. (Oceans)

Yup, still feel that way and should return it as my sig to piss off some haters. Mixing of all cultures when one wishes death on the other will never end well.
I once made a statement implying that some cultures shouldn't mix do to belief systems that create violence between the two cultures. (Oceans)

Yup, still feel that way and should return it as my sig to piss off some haters. Mixing of all cultures when one wishes death on the other will never end well.
Can you give an example
I love how short of a memory these right wing nut jobs have. Ever since the Chump was elected they have been whining to accept it,move on and grow up. Let's look at the last 8 years of non stop whining from the right which never let up. All they did was obstruct for 8 years and the only thing you had to do to make these children against something was to say that Obama was for it.
OP, why do have to perpetuate the hate? If you feel you've been misunderstood then why not try to express yourself better?
Attacking those that attack you for your words never helps anything, just ask trump.

Welcome One, (1/2 two).
Racists are here anonymously as a first step to becoming non racist.
I once made a statement implying that some cultures shouldn't mix do to belief systems that create violence between the two cultures. (Oceans)

Yup, still feel that way and should return it as my sig to piss off some haters. Mixing of all cultures when one wishes death on the other will never end well.
It would be great if you did that. I think that bigots should have the letter B branded on their right cheek to help identify them. R for racists Racist cops should have the circles of a target tatooed on their forehead with the words "Permission given to shoot". But your preferred signature would be helpful for the people at RIU who haven't met you yet.
Welcome One, (1/2 two).
Racists are here anonymously as a first step to becoming non racist.
One, that’s clever, lol.
The other part I’m not sure about at all. Some of the racist things Ive read have been unapologetic to say the least. Mostly terribly offensive and hateful.