Calling All Racists and Bigots

I made a single comment. The girlie boy sissies I'm talking about cry racist anytime someone hurts their fragile little feelings or disagrees.

Like uncle fuckface and a few others. That little bitch is filled with hate and racism. Dude gonna crack one day and shoot up a school or a church.

are you crying right now?
Fuckdog is another one. His sig should be 'If you disagree with me... You're racist'

And under that should be

'WARNING - Highly Triggered!!!'
I was just encouraging Spandy to identify himself correctly. White racists hide in crowds and are afraid to show themselves as who they are in public. Snotty nosed alt right kids talk big on the internet but are afraid to say the same in public. The targets of their ignorance can't hide their skin color. Just saying it would be fair to mark the shitty little racist and bigoted cowards so they can't hide. Of course, THEN THEY would experience unfair bias and not know why they were turned down for the job that they were eminently qualified for. Or the home loan. Or why they can only find apartments in certain poor neighborhoods. Or why they got the shit beat out of them during a traffic stop for a "broken tail light".

I don't know if you are racist. You say a lot of racist shit. Bet you don't in public. cuz you are a coward.
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No but if you're gay your avatar would make a lot more sense. If not then you're not only racist, but a bigot that thinks gays are funny. And a hypocrite.
I made a single comment. The girlie boy sissies I'm talking about cry racist anytime someone hurts their fragile little feelings or disagrees.

Like uncle fuckface and a few others. That little bitch is filled with hate and racism. Dude gonna crack one day and shoot up a school or a church.

Fuckdog is another one. His sig should be 'If you disagree with me... You're racist'

And under that should be

'WARNING - Highly Triggered!!!'

Are you a homosexual?

No but if you're gay your avatar would make a lot more sense. If not then you're not only racist, but a bigot that thinks gays are funny. And a hypocrite.

giphy (11).gif

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Reported as spam.
I was just encouraging Spandy to identify himself correctly. White racists hide in crowds and are afraid to show themselves as who they are in public. Snotty nosed alt right kids talk big on the internet but are afraid to say the same in public. The targets of their ignorance can't hide their skin color. Just saying it would be fair to mark the shitty little racist and bigoted cowards so they can't hide. Of course, THEN THEY would experience unfair bias and not know why they were turned down for the job that they were eminently qualified for. Or the home loan. Or why they can only find apartments in certain poor neighborhoods. Or why they got the shit beat out of them and during a traffic stop for a "broken tail light".

I don't know if you are racist. You say a lot of racist shit. Bet you don't in public. cuz you are a coward.

I say a lot of racist shit? Show me my racist comments I'd love to see.

Don't talk to me about unfair bias, I've had the shit beat out of me by cops, and am victim to everysingle bias you listed there. All you got is assumptions. See this is why you racist because you go straight to the extremes and assume I'm some elite white priveleged male that got a silver spoon shoved up my ass. Not everything always so black and white but when you're racist it always seems that way.
I say a lot of racist shit? Show me my racist comments I'd love to see.

Don't talk to me about unfair bias, I've had the shit beat out of me by cops, and am victim to everysingle bias you listed there. All you got is assumptions. See this is why you racist because you go straight to the extremes and assume I'm some elite white priveleged male that got a silver spoon shoved up my ass. Not everything always so black and white but when you're racist it always seems that way.
Ohhh the poor little abused snot nosed white shit.