Trump is a Patriot

no, that number includes the elderly, teenage kids, people who aren;t looking for work, and the outbreak of red state disabled folks with "bad backs".

@cool2burn , you are included in limp-dick's number. why don't you go get a job you fucking bum?

Prime in government employment parlance means age 25-54!
I wouldn't call him patriotic in light of dodging service. I think he has a heart for the citizens of this country. I also think he truly wants to make jobs available. This country desperately needs jobs/employment/opportunity. Folks want work. They need money. If he can get economic engines stirred up in this country I see it as a win/win/win.
Less government entitlements supporting people.
People having discretionary income to spend.
Tax dollar revenue to the government.
Trump promised jobs. I have a great one. I want more like it for my countrymen.
He also promised to build a WALL (not a fence) that Mexico is going to pay for.
I'm not holding my breath on the wall. Don't hold your breath on jobs unless he unleashes some hardcore deficit spending to stimulate an economy that doesn't need to be stimulated. Hell the FED just raised interest rates. Do you even know what that means?
the knife sharpening biz he runs out of his trailer is LEGIT!
I can't see that trade putting a kid through college, but maybe he has mad skills.
Could he be...
He also promised to build a WALL (not a fence) that Mexico is going to pay for.
I'm not holding my breath on the wall. Don't hold your breath on jobs unless he unleashes some hardcore deficit spending to stimulate an economy that doesn't need to be stimulated. Hell the FED just raised interest rates. Do you even know what that means?

Feds raising interest tightens money supply. It's one way a central bank tweaks currency in a fractional reserve banking system. Fiat money is created to be manipulated.
oooooh, you have all the language of a jew hating conspiracy theorist who stays up late thinking about how jews control all the world's money and banks.
He is very likely a Jew hater. However his comment is actually quite accurate. He's not saying much, but it is accurate nonetheless.
the only people i ever see complaining about "the manipulation of fiat currency!" are the same people who post shit like this:

View attachment 3880333

Yes I agree, he is an anti-semite windbag. However is overuse of $10 words was merely pointing out how our basic banking system works and why we raise and lower the fed fund rate. It didn't really go to show how he is in fact a jew hater. But we already knew he was.