what are some wetting agents?

Thanks officer. Do you think one - 3 drops of veggie safe dish soap per 1000 ml would do much? I am looking for a wetting agent to mix with neem and h202 or k bicarbonate. So far been useing about 2 drops trader joes orange dish soap to 800 ml water for pm control
Thanks officer. Do you think one - 3 drops of veggie safe dish soap per 1000 ml would do much? I am looking for a wetting agent to mix with neem and h202 or k bicarbonate. So far been useing about 2 drops trader joes orange dish soap to 800 ml water for pm control

do you have powdery mildew? If you do... i recommend getting this...... https://www.amazon.com/Growers-Edge...rd_wg=GgCS5&psc=1&refRID=PTETZ9TPQCYMR17XVWNV

problem with K bicarb and PM is that once you get into flower and start getting buds, the treatment wears off and the PM just comes back because it's infected the plant already. you need to kill the fungus that's attached itself into the plant's systemic tissues. Sulfur in high doses can be toxic to fungus and it's the only thing that actually cleansed my room, and eliminated the PM in the plant's tissues.

Also, giving them a silica watering, the plant will send mobilized silica to the sites of infection and build crystalline structures in the tissue to quarantine the infected areas and prevent the mildew hyphae from spreading further into the plant.
do you have powdery mildew? If you do... i recommend getting this...... https://www.amazon.com/Growers-Edge...rd_wg=GgCS5&psc=1&refRID=PTETZ9TPQCYMR17XVWNV

problem with K bicarb and PM is that once you get into flower and start getting buds, the treatment wears off and the PM just comes back because it's infected the plant already. you need to kill the fungus that's attached itself into the plant's systemic tissues. Sulfur in high doses can be toxic to fungus and it's the only thing that actually cleansed my room, and eliminated the PM in the plant's tissues.

Also, giving them a silica watering, the plant will send mobilized silica to the sites of infection and build crystalline structures in the tissue to quarantine the infected areas and prevent the mildew hyphae from spreading further into the plant.

Good advice, PM is a bitch and foliars are (IME) only a bandaid not a cure

Thanks officer. Do you think one - 3 drops of veggie safe dish soap per 1000 ml would do much? I am looking for a wetting agent to mix with neem and h202 or k bicarbonate. So far been useing about 2 drops trader joes orange dish soap to 800 ml water for pm control

For Neem you need an emulsifier rather than a wetting agent, to break the oil down into the water. I think most people use potassium silicate for this purpose(protekt/agsil) and the water needs to be warm to keep the oil in solution. Pretty sure there's a recipe on the 1st page of the No till/Rols thread
do you have powdery mildew? If you do... i recommend getting this...... https://www.amazon.com/Growers-Edge...rd_wg=GgCS5&psc=1&refRID=PTETZ9TPQCYMR17XVWNV

problem with K bicarb and PM is that once you get into flower and start getting buds, the treatment wears off and the PM just comes back because it's infected the plant already. you need to kill the fungus that's attached itself into the plant's systemic tissues. Sulfur in high doses can be toxic to fungus and it's the only thing that actually cleansed my room, and eliminated the PM in the plant's tissues.

Also, giving them a silica watering, the plant will send mobilized silica to the sites of infection and build crystalline structures in the tissue to quarantine the infected areas and prevent the mildew hyphae from spreading further into the plant.
do you have powdery mildew? If you do... i recommend getting this...... https://www.amazon.com/Growers-Edge...rd_wg=GgCS5&psc=1&refRID=PTETZ9TPQCYMR17XVWNV

problem with K bicarb and PM is that once you get into flower and start getting buds, the treatment wears off and the PM just comes back because it's infected the plant already. you need to kill the fungus that's attached itself into the plant's systemic tissues. Sulfur in high doses can be toxic to fungus and it's the only thing that actually cleansed my room, and eliminated the PM in the plant's tissues.

Also, giving them a silica watering, the plant will send mobilized silica to the sites of infection and build crystalline structures in the tissue to quarantine the infected areas and prevent the mildew hyphae from spreading further into the plant.
Thanks . I started silica but didn't know it did that. I want to sulfur bomb the room but heres my problem with that.. i have my tents in my bedroom.

So i ask you, can i do a sulfur burn in my bedroom with my bed?

I can wash all my clothes but the rest... I am considering this but guessing the sulfur would smell also i have carpet. Can i still do it? My alternative is to hope for a couple 95 degree plus days in a row and band aid for now or to stop but that would make me cry.
Thanks all. One question about foliar treatments; what can i spray my buds with that won't contaminate them?

plain water and h2o2 are what i used when plants were budding. I would treat with K-bicarb at about 2.5-3 weeks into flower, and from there on out i did nothing until i saw mildew forming and then i would wash it off with h2o2 or just plain ol' h2o starting from the top of the plant and worked my way down.... but it was SUCH a pain in the ass. I wish that shit on no one.

The sulfur smell goes away after a bit (especially if you have good ventilation). it will linger for a few days to a week. you can rent a carpet cleaner if necessary for pretty cheap. washing your bed linings would be a good idea. just don't be in there while the burner is running. The sulfur vape is the only thing that actually stopped continuous reinfection of mildew in my veg and bloom room once the spores were in the environment.

humidity as low as possible will help prevent infection to new plants.
not that your really looking for wetting agents but most cactus flesh contain saponins as far as i'm aware. saponins are wetting agents that make water more wet. i puree a few pads of opuntia in water but most people prefer aloe flesh.
Thanks @DonBrennon i useded dish soap and @iHearAll i thought cactus would work so i added aloe thanks for the info. What microorganisms do u use? I'm guessing u spray them. I have heard of useing lactobacillus from the market. Did u have pm and get rid of it using microbes or do you just use it just in case? @ShULbY i started a thread in pests and problems asking about sulfur burning.. have you ever done it in a room with plastic wood and stuff? Does the sulfur leave a residue ? How long does the smell last?
Thanks @DonBrennon i useded dish soap and @iHearAll i thought cactus would work so i added aloe thanks for the info. What microorganisms do u use? I'm guessing u spray them. I have heard of useing lactobacillus from the market. Did u have pm and get rid of it using microbes or do you just use it just in case? @ShULbY i started a thread in pests and problems asking about sulfur burning.. have you ever done it in a room with plastic wood and stuff? Does the sulfur leave a residue ? How long does the smell last?
EM1 from teraganix. I turn a half liter of EM1 into a few dozen liters of activated EM by fermentation. (activation process is at teraganix.com) I then use 2tsp of activated EM or as i call it, EMe, in 1 liter of nonchlorinated water with 2 tsp agricultural grade molasses. This gets sprayed foliar for PM treatment and prevention. I also apply EMe to my compost teas and make fermented plant extracts with it. All around useful product. People on RIU swear by unconventional farmer's "lactoserum" for cost effectiveness but it's all dirt cheap so i go with the EM1 activation for simplicity and culture vigor.