Obama did a good job


Well-Known Member
Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama will leave office Friday with his highest approval rating since 2009, his presidency largely viewed as a success, and a majority saying they will miss him when he is gone.

A new CNN/ORC poll finds Obama's approval rating stands at 60%, his best mark since June of his first year in office. Compared with other outgoing presidents, Obama lands near the top of the list, outranked only by Bill Clinton's 66% in January 2001 and Ronald Reagan's 64% in January 1989. About two-thirds (65%) say Obama's presidency was a success, including about half (49%) who say that was due to Obama's personal strengths rather than circumstances outside his control.

Amid those glowing reviews, one-quarter of Americans (25%) say Obama is one of the nation's greatest presidents, far outpacing the share who felt that way about other recent presidents as their terms ended (11% described Reagan that way, 10% Clinton, and 5% or fewer said so about either President Bush). Still, nearly as many (23%) call Obama a poor president, more than said so about Reagan, Clinton or the first president Bush, but well below the 46% who said George W. Bush was a poor president as he prepared to leave the White House.

That assessment of Obama's presidency, as well as his approval ratings, are marked by sharp partisan divides. While 54% of Democrats consider Obama one of the greatest presidents, 54% of Republicans call him a poor president. Though he has earned near universal approval among Democrats (95% approve), just 18% of Republicans say they approve of how he handled the presidency. That gap explains the difference between Obama's approval rating and those of the two former presidents who left office with higher marks.

So now a new era awaits us, one that I think will be best expressed best by the Buddhist philosophy of Yin and Yang, light and dark, good vs evil, hope vs despair, positive vs negative.

For 8 years there was a sense of hope that things would be better, and I think we saw that happen, but I'm not a Republican, who really seem live in a alternate universe, where there is only darkness and despair.

Well, I hope I am wrong, but I think the Yang part is going to kick in very shortly (has already?), and we will have to fight back against the darkness that seems to await us for the next 4 years, at least that's my opinion.

So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, but I am personally feeling the despair part already

Well, it's time for my Xanax and Zoloft (my doc upped my dosage, God bless her)

Peace out
You can not trust the polls especially coming from CNN. I voted for Obama and he completely let us down. Are we safer: no. Has the economy recovered? No ect.ect to much to label. He spent 8 years trying to drive America towards globalism and failed horribly.
Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama will leave office Friday with his highest approval rating since 2009, his presidency largely viewed as a success, and a majority saying they will miss him when he is gone.

A new CNN/ORC poll finds Obama's approval rating stands at 60%, his best mark since June of his first year in office. Compared with other outgoing presidents, Obama lands near the top of the list, outranked only by Bill Clinton's 66% in January 2001 and Ronald Reagan's 64% in January 1989. About two-thirds (65%) say Obama's presidency was a success, including about half (49%) who say that was due to Obama's personal strengths rather than circumstances outside his control.

Amid those glowing reviews, one-quarter of Americans (25%) say Obama is one of the nation's greatest presidents, far outpacing the share who felt that way about other recent presidents as their terms ended (11% described Reagan that way, 10% Clinton, and 5% or fewer said so about either President Bush). Still, nearly as many (23%) call Obama a poor president, more than said so about Reagan, Clinton or the first president Bush, but well below the 46% who said George W. Bush was a poor president as he prepared to leave the White House.

That assessment of Obama's presidency, as well as his approval ratings, are marked by sharp partisan divides. While 54% of Democrats consider Obama one of the greatest presidents, 54% of Republicans call him a poor president. Though he has earned near universal approval among Democrats (95% approve), just 18% of Republicans say they approve of how he handled the presidency. That gap explains the difference between Obama's approval rating and those of the two former presidents who left office with higher marks.

So now a new era awaits us, one that I think will be best expressed best by the Buddhist philosophy of Yin and Yang, light and dark, good vs evil, hope vs despair, positive vs negative.

For 8 years there was a sense of hope that things would be better, and I think we saw that happen, but I'm not a Republican, who really seem live in a alternate universe, where there is only darkness and despair.

Well, I hope I am wrong, but I think the Yang part is going to kick in very shortly (has already?), and we will have to fight back against the darkness that seems to await us for the next 4 years, at least that's my opinion.

So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, but I am personally feeling the despair part already

Well, it's time for my Xanax and Zoloft (my doc upped my dosage, God bless her)

Peace out

I'd say that he did a GREAT job, especially considering that he had an 8-year republiwreck to clean up after.

Thankfully, the Drumpf won't be 'in charge' (LOL) long enough for too much janitorial work to be called for.

He spent 8 years trying to drive America towards globalism and failed horribly.

You aren't even good at trolling, lol. Poor anime kid, no wonder your dad left and your mom's boyfriend can't stand you.(odank? bluntmassa? imsolo? That other fat creepy kid?)
That is not a troll it is the truth I know it hurts.

You are either a (lousy, phew!) troll or one of the dumbest people I've had the displeasure of running into here. So, how long do you think you've got, realistically, before an actual member exposes you and/or you spiral into FULL meltdown mode?

How's that 'ignore' button working out for you, by the way?

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You can not trust the polls especially coming from CNN. I voted for Obama and he completely let us down. Are we safer: no. Has the economy recovered? No ect.ect to much to label. He spent 8 years trying to drive America towards globalism and failed horribly.
You voted for Obama? The economy hasn't improved? We aren't safe, even though there hasn't been a major terrorist attack on our soil under Obama, and Bin Laden is dead. You my friend, are a delusional Republican hack that should pull your head out of your ass, because all you speak is bull shit.
You voted for Obama? The economy hasn't improved? We aren't safe, even though there hasn't been a major terrorist attack on our soil under Obama, and Bin Laden is dead. You my friend, are a delusional Republican hack that should pull your head out of your ass, because all you speak is bull shit.
What rock have you been living under? Thinking there has not been a major Terrorist attack i consider them all Major. Or might I have to ask you ho many have to die for it to be major? Was Orlando not Major? Was Boston Not Major? You are a shinning example of a truly out of touch ignorant Liberal.
You can not trust the polls especially coming from CNN. I voted for Obama and he completely let us down. Are we safer: no. Has the economy recovered? No ect.ect to much to label. He spent 8 years trying to drive America towards globalism and failed horribly.

so says the polls are off by 5 points then. obama is rocking a 55% approval rating. trump is at 37%.

and what would you know about the economy recovering? you're a brokedick on a welfare check.
coolburn how did Obama let us down ?
He did a shit tonne for us, considering what the Republicans did every time they could in knocking him down, with a approval rating higher than any other President in History. How can you say that?
If it affected you I have to wonder why, When he Brought America Back From Yet another Republican inflicted recession.
We get back on the right track again, now what is going to happen? I believe we are going to slip back into another recession soon or worse yet depression.
Ah, the left believing the polls again. How'd that work out last time?

Obamas "great accomplishments" will be thrown out one by one, and he isn't getting re-elected anytime soon so ah damn that sucks.