Cyber Security...

When I hear/ read 15 sources that say the same thing, I feel I have done my due diligence. My news sources are fact checked and have to print retractions when they get their facts incorrect. A journalist can loose their job for printing things they know to be incorrect and often they know things and don’t print them because they can’t be corroborated.
I’m not trying to be rude but where do you get your news again?
Multiple sources. I watch the press briefings, congressional hearings, senate hearings, and interviews. I read different news everyday but I often check drudge to be led to those sources. Breitbart is one source I often follow their sources to verify.

I really look at everything and check their sources plus look up additional sources.

This week has been mostly confirmation hearings on youtube for me.

Parroting happens alot in the media as the other stations want to be part of the big story. They dont always check the validity of original claim when there is a political motive. When they issue corrections the next day, most people have already seen the false news and it leaves an impression on those who casually observe the news.
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*pees on fogdog's post*
Like I said. Morality and social order. You like to talk but don't listen. Defends authority. Go back and take a look at your posts. It's filled with morality and obeisance to authority.

Your way of thinking has served people well for about 20 million years. No need to stop now. Not that you can. Another thing about conservative thinking is that it is mostly hard wired in the way your brain works.

Investing in real estate for years...own one rental property (snicker)
i'm just going to ask the obvious question, but exactly what credentials does rudy have that makes him an expert in cyber security and warrants him a job in the same field? i'm curious as to what his c.v. might say about his expertise in the field of cyber security..
Like I said. Morality and social order. You like to talk but don't listen. Defends authority. Go back and take a look at your posts. It's filled with morality and obeisance to authority.

Your way of thinking has served people well for about 20 million years. No need to stop now. Not that you can. Another thing about conservative thinking is that it is mostly hard wired in the way your brain works.

Investing in real estate for years...own one rental property (snicker)

I am the one that keeps advocating less government and more freedom.

You just want to change the collar once in a while for another one you like better.

Liberals dont want freedom, they want fairness and someone to run their lives.
Not when the source is crap....

Liberals jumped all over the fake pee story which makes your post.... Wah wah waaaah.....
Actually, I think the story is fake or at least false news. That said, I love the bellow in pain coming from the right over this. After all the fake shit posted last year about Democrats, the irony is delicious.
Does grandpa Munster even know how to use email? Most in his generation are completely ignorant of technology.

well, he does have sticky notes stuck to his tv remote control that tells him which button to hit to turn the tv on and another to tell him which button to hit to turn his set off.. i read it on the internet earlier today, so i know it must be true..
i'm just going to ask the obvious question, but exactly what credentials does rudy have that makes him an expert in cyber security and warrants him a job in the same field? i'm curious as to what his c.v. might say about his expertise in the field of cyber security..

He owns and runs a security consulting firm.

Above and beyond that, one of the first things he said was that the solutions could be found in the private sector. So, he doesnt have to be an expert if he is smart enough to find and hire the experts.
Multiple sources. I watch the press briefings, congressional hearings, senate hearings, and interviews. I read different news everyday but I often check drudge to be led to those sources. Breitbart is one source I often follow their sources to verify.

I really look at everything and check their sources plus look up additional sources.

This week has been mostly confirmation hearings on youtube for me.
You said the word “source” 17 times, but didn’t actually mention any sources except Breitbart (which is far-right). What news sources do you use to gather your information?
Actually, I think the story is fake or at least false news. That said, I love the bellow in pain coming from the right over this. After all the fake shit posted last year about Democrats, the irony is delicious.

You mean like the podesta e-mails? Wah wah waaaaahhhhhh.....
You said the word “source” 17 times, but didn’t actually mention any sources except Breitbart (which is far-right). What news sources do you use to gather your information?
Drudge links up to all news sources.

Plus hearing and seeing the events first hand is better than relying on a reporter to paraphrase. (Live streams of hearings and other events)
You said the word “source” 17 times, but didn’t actually mention any sources except Breitbart (which is far-right). What news sources do you use to gather your information?

she mentioned watching the hearings. That is known as a source and the best one actually....
This is making it difficult to carry out a conversation. I ask you questions and you don’t answer. I listed where I gather my information. Why won’t you do me the courtesy of the same?
I did. I go to the most direct source possible. Watching the events is better than reading about it second hand.
Check my edit.
I did. I go to the most direct source possible. Watching the events is better than reading about it second hand.
Check my edit.
OK, so you watch hearings, etc.
What about news, things that are not reported in hearings? Things that are happening in other parts of the world, how do you learn about them?
I am the one that keeps advocating less government and more freedom.

You just want to change the collar once in a while for another one you like better.

Liberals dont want freedom, they want fairness and someone to run their lives.
"I am the one that keeps advocating less government and more freedom." No you don't. You want a wall and authoritarian leader. You love your bachelor life and are completely at peace with being a peon.

Not saying this makes you lesser or better than me, just saying you are guided by morality and social order. I'm not. Live and let live, dude.

That said, you are an idiot. Being an idiot, you are naturally more limited in this society than people who are smarter than you. So it's good that you know your place. It gives you the feeling that you are free. Of course, when Trump crashes the economy you are going to cry but it will be too late then.

Now about that wall. Why do we need to spend 50 billion dollars on it?
"I am the one that keeps advocating less government and more freedom." No you don't. You want a wall and authoritarian leader. You love your bachelor life and are completely at peace with being a peon.

Not saying this makes you lesser or better than me, just saying you are guided by morality and social order. I'm not. Live and let live, dude.

That said, you are an idiot. Being an idiot, you are naturally more limited in this society than people who are smarter than you. So it's good that you know your place. It gives you the feeling that you are free. Of course, when Trump crashes the economy you are going to cry but it will be too late then.

Now about that wall. Why do we need to spend 50 billion dollars on it?

Just to piss you off.... Worth twice the price!!!
I did. I go to the most direct source possible. Watching the events is better than reading about it second hand.
Check my edit.
Drudge. Breitbart. ummm yeah.

So, when Trump said he would force deportation of something like 14 million illegal immigrants within the year, that's all you need to know.

And how about that wall. It's going to cost about 50 billion to build. Do you really believe Mexico is going to pay?