Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him

you want a lock to come down. Its understandable this thread does paint you in a bad light. So far you have dissed blacks and jews. Are you going to touch on Islam again.
Oh... Bernie owned trump with words and stuff

Bit shocking to hear all of this bullshit, man. (sigh) She always seemed relatively intelligent and 'with it', to me. Thing is, I don't get bad vibes from her and I never really have.
Some of the things you've quoted are somewhat jaw-dropping/revealing, though.....
Bit shocking to hear all of this bullshit, man. (sigh) She always seemed relatively intelligent and 'with it', to me. Thing is, I don't get bad vibes from her and I never really have.
Some of the things you've quoted are somewhat jaw-dropping/revealing, though.....
She was Republican most of her life...

And her husband left her for a black chick...

So there's that.
Bit shocking to hear all of this bullshit, man. (sigh) She always seemed relatively intelligent and 'with it', to me. Thing is, I don't get bad vibes from her and I never really have.
Some of the things you've quoted are somewhat jaw-dropping/revealing, though.....
I do agree, that is why I don't go full blown on her. I feel she can change, but first she has to see.
I do blame her upbringing and the fact she was married to a cop. I do feel if she saw someone hungry she would feed regardless of color...but this other shit.
hmmmm maybe she has a secret desire for lots of chocolate. This is her defense.
I realize now it's not logic it's culture..I hope you are the man I think and understand this:

So, it's complicated. Indeed. Trust earned vs Trust given was a truism in the video that I wish more managers could understand. In the US workforce, we are members of a team yet differentiated by our social and cultural differences. A well run work group isn't limited by those differences and the best ones embrace them. That said, US society today isn't the same as white-male dominated one of 30 years ago, that older social order is what the name screening practice to identify job candidates represents.

I'm not quite sure how this applies to some of the racist shit you've said here. Other than being cultural and tribal -- white culture and white tribal. It's also an impediment to social equality. If you are saying that white tribal group behavior justifies social inequality then you prove my point about you being socially conservative.

Is it OK to screen management candidates based upon feminine names? I mean some hiring managers think that men don't want to work for a woman. As @NapalmZen said, he protects the business by name screening. Could that not also apply to women managers? As he said, he didn't think a black person would necessarily be an inferior worker, just that the person's name would turn potential clients off. Isn't that exactly the same justification for only hiring male managers? Some workers don't want to work for a woman.
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She was Republican most of her life...

And her husband left her for a black chick...

So there's that.
Its exactly this kind of reaction that got us Chump in charge.

If we can't have a serious discussion of the implications of current events, we'll deserve what happens.



Are you running a fever or under an unusual amount of stress, man? Has your account been hacked?

  1. anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way.
    "don't get so uptight about everything"
    synonyms: tense, nervous, anxious, on edge, high-strung, hypersensitive, defensive, worked up, impatient, angry; More

Are you running a fever or under an unusual amount of stress, man? Has your account been hacked?

  1. anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way.
    "don't get so uptight about everything"
    synonyms: tense, nervous, anxious, on edge, high-strung, hypersensitive, defensive, worked up, impatient, angry; More
Just tired of the incessant adolescent aggressively off topic bickering.

Clearly it's time for me to go find some grown ups to talk to.

what is it though? i thought w was to get the patriot act passed, obama for the ACA and now trump?

hang him for high treason?

start a real world war 3?

crash the economy?

i'm at the same time worried and curious. at least i'm way the fuck outta civilization.
what is it though? i thought w was to get the patriot act passed, obama for the ACA and now trump?

hang him for high treason?

start a real world war 3?

crash the economy?

i'm at the same time worried and curious. at least i'm way the fuck outta civilization.
I think this is the administration that's up to the job of crashing the economy into another Great Depression. The oligarchs ate in full control and they won't show any more mercy towards the average American's plight than any other republican administration of the past half century, and very likely less.

Mr Obama did a fantastic job of saving our country from the Big One 8 years ago, perhaps too good; the right wing was not discredited in the eyes of the average voter and they've bought the bullshit shoveled as economic policy and prosperity hook, line and sinker.

My grandparents were conservative voters- but they'd also lived through the first Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. They'd have seen right through the right wing smoke screen and sent these con men packing.

Our generation is far more gullible. It will cost us dearly to learn this lesson all over again.
it's funny, the way the intelligent left feels about Bernie is how the intelligent right felt about Ron Paul. a dream election for me would have happened in place of Obama's first run and it would have been between Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders.

Bernie is a smart guy, but i disagree with handouts. i am a capitalist and centralist. i lean slightly to the right simply because i am a capitalist at heart. if i provide a service, i should be able to charge based on supply/demand and make a living. i should be able to keep my cash and spend it based on how i see fit. taking my hard earned cash to provide higher education i may not need and medical i may not need simply hurts my savings account and makes it harder to live comfortably. sure, im potentially more intelligent. sure, if im working on someones computer and get a boo boo i can now afford to go to the hospital, but it is simply unnecessary imo.

also, what Bernie told you but you ignored, is that lower and lower middle class would have a massive tax increase while basically giving tax breaks to the middle and upper class. that is what his flat tax would have done. remember, tax currently scales with pay. less than 25k gross is tax free life. you still put cash into stuff like social security, but that is supposed to act like an investment you get back. it is not taxation.

i like Bernie, i love the fact that he actually loves the american people. i dont agree with his methods though. i will agree that he is a better option than the two retards who won the primaries.
Good there are smart people here.

But you're probably racist for not wanting to give your hard earned money to poor black folks who won't work and can't figure out life. Also the poor white folks.... But not wanting to give you're money to worthless people of any color is racist.