Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him

I don't care.

I'm not "perpetuating" anything. Fact is, you've said some overtly racist shit and now you appear to be standing by said racist shit.
I am disappoint, Schuylaar. :(

View attachment 3872071

What's in a saying? You're also not including the fact that things I say are meant to be sarcastic and or humor is extremely dry.

I'm sorry you don't get it..not everybody does especially over the Internet.

One thing I will say is I'm not responsible for the 1850s, reperations/no reperations..white guilt/no white guilt..I didn't do it, neither did my ancestors. I understand that bigotry and racism only reside in America and that the rest of the world welcomes you with open arms. Perhaps Canada would be a better option for black populace? racism or bigotry there..amirite?

No matter what, the black population will never be happy and that goes for the Jews..same thing.
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Kelly Anne sez trump shouldn't be held accountable for what he sez. She's so sweet...

Did The Donald Whisperer say what he 'really meant' today? It's actually a brilliant out what he 'really meant' establishing this in the beginning, Trump can run his mouth, say anything, then do damage control after, when they see the public reaction + or -.

If you are watching's exactly what they're doing.
Did The Donald Whisperer say what he 'really meant' today? It's actually a brilliant out what he 'really meant' establishing this in the beginning, Trump can run his mouth, say anything, then do damage control after, when they see the public reaction + or -.

If you are watching's exactly what they're doing.
His supporters are the same way. I'd like to see the divorce rate for trumps followers. Nasty

Ask the members who bring this up and won't let it go.
so you will see that judging people merely by their name is fucking wrong. To say that LaQuita will never be CEO of a company based on name is fucking wrong. Stop with the white supremacy bullshit.
If you want people to stop viewing you ass a weak minded bigot stop saying weak minded bigoted shit.
Bernie would not approve.
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FFS, Schuylaar.....w--o--w.....
It is like when you let her keep talking...

The republican way is take a small amount (or none) of truth..make something up, keep saying it and it becomes accepted as truth.

Look at what Birtherism spawned a new whole faction of republicans, TEA party, and prevented a President from doing his job for 8 years..just asked the question and kept saying it. That's all he had to do.

There is something about the republican brain that allows them to believe the most absurd; yet deny factual. Suspecting, me here..I'm trying to dial this thought believe the most outlandish, but not truth that appears before you. How can you not believe something in front of you, yet believe what is not in front of you? Must be the Jesus thing.

It's mind boggling.
There are some people in the left with the same disability. Not as many, to be sure but enough to irritate with their myths.
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to be fair, in professional environments, ebonic names are FAAAR less likely to get employment over other names. at a nail salon it wouldn't be an issue, but in a law office it would be damn near impossible without a resume that far exceeds the other applicants. this is in part to a naturalized tribalism in professional environments. if i have 20 resumes on the desk, names are the first thing i will see. i dont care if lequisha diamonds is white or black, ill still hire a sarah danvers first if the applicants are equally qualified. however, if lequisha's resume is the most qualified, i will hire her/him.

A perfect example of covert racism and why affirmative action laws and policies should be maintained.