Well-Known Member
Yep, you're right. The tax payers should subsidize all cost incurred, so poor people can smoke and drink all the shit they can't afford.
How about we stop subsidizing shit and let people just figure it out themselves.

I am against socialized healthcare because it does not place any burden on the individual.


Well-Known Member
So not only do you not care about them you think they are too stupid to make proper decisions and need government prodding them in the right direction...

Again, I am for freedom, you are for government control, at least of people you dont think are the same as you....

I guess it's time to start posting all your thoughts on welfare recipients. Then you can tell me, how much more you care than I do, right.


Well-Known Member
How about we stop subsidizing shit and let people just figure it out themselves.

I am against socialized healthcare because it does not place any burden on the individual.

So, if poor people spend all their money on sodas, how will they pay for their own healthcare hmmm.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's time to start posting all your thoughts on welfare recipients. Then you can tell me, how much more you care than I do, right.
Why are so many people on welfare? I am excited that Trump is going to provide an opportunity for more job growth in America.

When was the last time a welfare recipient became wealthy from the government? Politicians dont count!!

Americans need more jobs. A job turns a poor person into a rich person, not a welfare check.

You dont care about these people you think they are incapable of making a living.


Well-Known Member
Why are so many people on welfare? I am excited that Trump is going to provide an opportunity for more job growth in America.

When was the last time a welfare recipient became wealthy from the government? Politicians dont count!!

Americans need more jobs. A job turns a poor person into a rich person, not a welfare check.

You dont care about these people you think they are incapable of making a living.

Give me a minute, this is going to be funny.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, we should stop subsidizing shit, like carrier air conditioning, oops.
Do you understand the difference between a subsidy and a tax break? In one the government is putting money in and getting nothing out. In the other the government is discounting taxes but still bringing in revenue.

Not exactly the same.

But, if you agreed that we should eliminate all subsidies including ethanol, solar, wind, etc. across the board then I am with ya on that one!!!


Well-Known Member
I know- Let's ship all those pesky menial jobs to Asia. Then let's take away care programs. Then let's open up private prisons and give the poor masses an option:

Get a PhD by borrowing $100,000 and maybe you'll get a job. Maybe.
Go directly to jail, and do not stop on GO
Enlist in the military

Seems like nothing but good can come from shipping menial manufacturing jobs overseas. The rich get richer, and the poor get... who fucking cares?


Well-Known Member
Raising the price of cigarettes just made people roll their own. Back when I smoked, I bought filter tubes & bags of tobacco online -- cheap. The only difference between pipe & cigarette tobacco was the label on the bag. This is important because cigarette tobacco is taxed at a MUCH higher rate than pipe tobacco. Injector-style rolling machines work really well and I could crank them out perfect every time. Couldn't tell one of my cigs from a store-bought -- for a little less than $2 per pack.
There is a difference in pipe and cigarette tobacco. Before I quit I bought the tubes but I bought actual bagged cigarette tobacco. It taste better. Pipe tobacco made me cough like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Why are so many people on welfare? I am excited that Trump is going to provide an opportunity for more job growth in America.

When was the last time a welfare recipient became wealthy from the government? Politicians dont count!!

Americans need more jobs. A job turns a poor person into a rich person, not a welfare check.

You dont care about these people you think they are incapable of making a living.

Show me a bunch of lazy people that are not poor....
I see social programs as stepping stones or a saftey net for people that are less fortunate than others. We can all see what you think of these people, and for the record, you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself.( fart sounds)

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
There are reasons for poverty other than laziness. America is supposed to be a great place for everyone, the American dream is likewise supposed to be an opportunity for all.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
There are reasons for poverty other than laziness. America is supposed to be a great place for everyone, the American dream is likewise supposed to be an opportunity for all.
Is the American dream necessarily tied to money? Happiness is relative. I've known dirt poor folks who were content and happy with what they had. I've also known rich people who were miserable and never satisfied.
Do you want to be filthy rich?
I bet it's a giant pain in the ass.
Personal security takes on a whole new dimension when you and your friends/family could be targeted for ransom or political notoriety.


Well-Known Member
Is the American dream necessarily tied to money? Happiness is relative. I've known dirt poor folks who were content and happy with what they had. I've also known rich people who were miserable and never satisfied.
Do you want to be filthy rich?
I bet it's a giant pain in the ass.
Personal security takes on a whole new dimension when you and your friends/family could be targeted for ransom or political notoriety.
Give this man an award

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid we were poor, my wife and I are comfortable now. I try to remember where I came from. It's nice to help other people. Money may not be everything but I wouldn't ever want to be poor again.