DIY with Quantum Boards

What is the max current and voltage a board could take ?

In case wired in parallel and a board failed sending more or all current to a board?
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When you say primary and secondary you just mean input and output correct.
I will be powering the drivers with 240v so I can draw less current and don't have to change existing powering setup.

I assume output of driver is the same regardless of input powering choice 120 vs 240v.
Correct. 240v AC is actually 120 vac to ground or common which is not the same but it is. Both main lines must be fused on the primary side on 240. The secondary side nothing is grounded, just floating.
It is not an enclosure.
It is a heatsink just like the one that is on website right now . Just 3 X longer so it can fit 3 boards.
So 3 QBs in a 4' long row, each powered about 150 watts and I would have an even better fixture than the Photon 450?