Young black males and public education.

And what happened to roads before big Corporation and Government conglomorates took over everything and got everyone to believe fictional entities are real?

It is not the so called money that makes the roads it has always been the human resource known as labour, people trading and people coming together for the common good... You do not need fictional FRN = debt for that scenario.

Wake up from your indoctrination programme sleepy head and smell the reality!!!

Hey, I'd love to pay no taxes! Show me the way enlightened one!

You first..
And what happened to roads before big Corporation and Government conglomorates took over everything and got everyone to believe fictional entities are real?

It is not the so called money that makes the roads it has always been the human resource known as labour, people trading and people coming together for the common good... You do not need fictional FRN = debt for that scenario.

Wake up from your indoctrination programme sleepy head and smell the reality!!!

how long did it take to traverse the country before eisenhower implemented the interstate highway system?
And what happened to roads before big Corporation and Government conglomorates took over everything and got everyone to believe fictional entities are real?

It is not the so called money that makes the roads it has always been the human resource known as labour, people trading and people coming together for the common good... You do not need fictional FRN = debt for that scenario.

Wake up from your indoctrination programme sleepy head and smell the reality!!!

Holly shit, how many war socks do you have?
the people i do work for. just like paying a property tax. you get roads, schools, healthcare and law enforcement. you are paying for a service

I get what you are saying. What I am saying is that you got paid in bills for dollars. If I wanted to pay you in the form of a steak dinner, would you accept a bill for a steak dinner as payment?
I get what you are saying. What I am saying is that you got paid in bills for dollars. If I wanted to pay you in the form of a steak dinner, would you accept a bill for a steak dinner as payment?
right about now.. yup. but normally, nope. i get what youre saying here too though. but the argument is stupid. cash is still a thing, i cant take your steak dinner and pay some bills or throw it in a strippers g string. well if shes a hungry stripper maybe. but i dont know if she'd go for it.
you said it is polite and reasonable to hang a sign that says "no negroes allowed" though.

so there's that.

The notification itself of your intentions to the public of how you control your property is polite and reasonable, while the actions of what you intend may not be.

If I had a business, I would be wary of letting just anyone use the bathroom though.
right about now.. yup. but normally, nope. i get what youre saying here too though. but the argument is stupid. cash is still a thing, i cant take your steak dinner and pay some bills or throw it in a strippers g string. well if shes a hungry stripper maybe. but i dont know if she'd go for it.

Dude, the Bill for the steak dinner, not the steak dinner. The bill after I'm done eating it. I give that to you as payment, cool right?

It's not really a thing anymore, cash is less than 2% of currency, rest is digital.
Dude, the Bill for the steak dinner, not the steak dinner. The bill after I'm done eating it. I give that to you as payment, cool right?

It's not really a thing anymore, cash is less than 2% of currency, rest is digital.
but i can still use cash right?
why are you still trying to argue that posting a "no negroes sign" is polite and reasonable?

Say a person shit all over a floor of a restroom. The act of shitting on the floor is pretty unreasonable, but if they left a sign on the door noticing others there was shit all over the floor, that would be polite and reasonable, Poopy Pants.