I promised myself Id stay out of politics section bc this is where dreams come to die.
There hs been systematic oppression of black people for over 100 years in the USA. First black ppl were slaves, then they were segregated, from school, work, restaurants, etc.
Then the school to prison pipeline started. Then you have all these private deviation centers just making a killing out of classifying hugh volumes of youth as at risk for seemingly normal teenage rebeliousness.
Then you have the family situation. You hve teens havig kids- since they are kids you have kids raising babies, the results aren't going to be great. Then you have teen dads that dont take having babies seriously and you get a broken home.
There are studies that directly tie doing chores at home and stable home life as a child to happiness and success as an adult. The most impressive is the Harvard Grant which. Talks about happiness and other things. There should be a middleschool requirement to take and pass a course on this study as it is eye openingand I think kids at this age are smart enough to understand and listen.
linear algebra, or precalculus at 14-15 years old? The school system is effed up.
Figuring out the long side of a right triangle or what the inverse cosine is doesnt do anything for all these poor kids that are making poor choices. Taking them on a 'Scared Straight' prison tour - that's what we teach kids.... its sickening. RED OUT.