Young black males and public education.

A disproportionate number of young black males do poorly on standardized testing in my local school district. I assume this to be nationwide, though I would love to hear of an area that has resolved this problem.

Poverty has a direct link to poor education. The poorly educated are likely to live in poverty and children of poverty are likely to receive a poor education, thus the cycle continues. But there is a noticeable difference between the black females, poor white of both genders, and Hispanics of both genders in one group vs black male performance.

The children of "well to do" minority parents do not have alarmingly low scores and in fact they fall in line statistically with their white peers.

It would seem to me that the poor black males are holding the other students back since they are all in the same classroom and we as a community are doing these young men a disservice by giving them such a poor education.

Do you have any ideas why these students are not successful?

What are your thoughts on solutions to this issue?

And maybe I'm thinking about this wrong and we should focus on the poverty factor alone without regard to race and gender. I just figure those at the bottom deserve the most attention and the more we can narrow this down the more likely we could come to a possible solution.

economics and racism.

in a more egalitarian society that wouldn't be an issue.

poor people are less educated by circumstance. it makes sense they wouldn't do as well as more educated people.

while there are all kinds of poor people. when we look at the poor areas, who do we see in those areas the most?

it makes sense that black males would do less well than others.

your statement isn't racist, it is not saying blacks are dumber than others, it is saying they are the least educated.

any thinking person knows that is the result of economics and racism.
How does a test score promote racial equality?

If there is disparity in test scores then it stands to reason there is not racial equality. These children are being screwed over and ignored by people like yourself who, for some sort of politically correct reasoning, turn a blind eye. Your line of thought adds no value to this discussion or the advancement of racial equality.
If there is disparity in test scores then it stands to reason there is not racial equality. These children are being screwed over and ignored by people like yourself who, for some sort of politically correct reasoning, turn a blind eye. Your line of thought adds no value to this discussion or the advancement of racial equality.

Are you advocating for segregation?
Who cares? Also what does color have to do with anything? Just because us black men are less likely to have a positive male role model in our lives? I think you will have to take that up with the criminal justice system. Or the Criminals In Action CIA who sling crack in the ghetto. How many ghetto thugs smuggle drugs? Oh yeah 0 the CIA does that for them.

It's easy to point fingers at a person who looks different meanwhile the real problem is in Congress.
I know a colored gentleman who spent 20 years in the military. He educated himself enough to get out and wash dirty underwear for the rest of his life. From what he tells me he's "living large". Maybe all the colored males should simply join the military.
I know a white fool who thought he could sell pounds and pounds of weed out of state to an undercover agent. He got busted and then snitched on all his friends by calling them and setting them up. He still went to prison where he enjoyed sucking cock for a large snickers and a bag of chips. His wife was forced to beg and do things for money. Don't be a white fool who snitches .
So you are telling me that the vast majority of minorities are receiving adequate education?
Why don't you post a link to where you got your so called information? If you really want a conversation, some of us would like to understand the background behind your assertions.

Basically, your opening post contained two pretty much unrelated sentences.
A disproportionate number of young black males do poorly on standardized testing in my local school district.

Poverty has a direct link to poor education.

Or maybe they are related. There was a lot of other shit in your post. But I can't get past these two statements. You don't write very well so I'm hesitant to ask you what you mean by all this. And so, I'd like to go back to your source documents to get an idea of what you are so ham-handedly trying to say.