Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

As has been repeated, a rigged primary lacks legitimacy, so gloating about it remains irrelevant

Why don't you address that fact?

Everyone but you admits it was rigged. You and, ahem, the rest of the crybabies stand alone in your conquest to subvert the electoral college and crown Clinton supreme queen of America despite the rules you knew about well ahead of time... even though you were criticising us [Sanders supporters] when we were criticizing the rules of the primary because we "should have known about them ahead of time"... Londonfog with relentless condemnation towards schuy for being ignorant about the voting rules regardless of how bullshit they were to begin with. You can rightly shut the fuck up about your double standards, because those of us that might have cared then when they actually might have mattered don't now, because you didn't when it mattered to us. Interesting how that works, right?

You have only yourself to blame. I suggest some serious introspection.
ahhh, no. Add me to your list of people who don't think either the primary or general were rigged unto fixing the elections. Other than that, this post is sort of interesting in it's a fact free liberal story.
No min wage in EU. No standard work week in are cherry picking, why not compare Bulgaria or Hungary.

Nope. Denmark. One EU state to the whole US. Fair comparison.
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Poland, etc all have an effective minimum wage in place whether it be by law or by automatic trade union membership who negotiate it on your behalf.
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Poland, etc all have an effective minimum wage in place whether it be by law or by automatic trade union membership who negotiate it on your behalf.
No federal min. Your example was a state with no min. Fair comparison though....

At least you acknowledge states in the US are nations though. Props.
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sure it was. it was just rigged. rigged by 4 million votes or so. then she just forgot to rig it in the general, like she forgot to rig it in 2008.
Do you actually believe that's a convincing argument?

She didn't have the political clout within the Democratic party she has now in 2008, so that's out. She was handed SOS in exchange for her voters support in 2008, knowing that's the most likely cabinet position to win president for the future. She spent 8 years refining her presidential image just right, only to have it stolen from her by a populist buffoon literally moments before! Has there ever been a more legitimate dish of justice? Instant diabetus! Far too sweet! I can't handle it!
She didn't have the political clout within the Democratic party she has now in 2008


oh, and it's illegal to promise anyone a cabinet position before you're elected, so she was not given SOS in exchange for her voters.

that's just a really bad memory, or purposely revised history that helps you get over sanders' 4 million vote loss to hillary.
Bernie lost primaries because he appeals to lot of independent, but they are locked out of primary vote. Hillary appeals to hardcore dem, but not enough to win election because weak independent.
Bernie lost primaries because he appeals to lot of independent, but they are locked out of primary vote.

dumber than fuck, like usual.

colorado only allows registered dems to caucus, and bernie won it here.

your narrative is plainly false in just about all the other primaries and caucuses closed to independents.

just give up.