Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

the nice thing about a wage increase for me,, is my House payment does not go up,, my car payment does not go up, , my cost of groceries or gas may,, but i dont drive much anymore,,
those of us who have most of thier payments on a Fixed system benefit from wage increases,,
my house payment of 800 dollars was expensive 20 years ago, but now its cheap, guess i will stay put

What about people who live in apartments, like the poor? Their payments do go up. (we're talking wages in general now, not min wage, right?)
SuE="churchhaze, post: 13178335, member: 171854"]What about people who live in apartments, like the poor? Their payments do go up. (we're talking wages in general now, not min wage, right?)[/QUOTE]
Not my problem, isn't that the American way?
As usual, your post is devoid of thought. Non-government unions represent a fraction of the US workforce. In the US, increases in the minimum wage would have to come from a government mandate.

Edit: Oregon (my state) passed a minimum wage law that will mandate $14.75/hr wage in metropolitan areas by 2022. Just saying that I'm all on board for this. Even if it means a couple of quarters more for a burger.
Oregon, great example. Maybe in addition to a $20 min wage they can also mandate job positions also just like the gas stations in your state. I can see it now... Mandated jobs to put catchup on your fries.

I have a suspicion there's a phonetic reason you like mandates as well.
Again, comparing those states to our union is apples to oranges. You would not compare Idaho to the EU directly would you.

Great. Ditch the min wage here then and let the people of the states decide if they want to bargain or right to work.

But talking about our minimum compared to others bargaining and calling it minimum is dishonest conversation.

Especially considering the "effective min" is actually a minimum average.
The EU is almost directly comparable to the US; different cultures under one Federal Govt with autonomy over most matters granted to the individual States.

Similar population (in the 300-400 range)...

You're ignorant if you say otherwise to be honest.
he called her unqualified to be president and said the whole thing was rigged. you're welcome, trump.
Both facts

-she voted for the Iraq War
-she voted in favor of the US Patriot Act
-she supported TPP
-she held anti-LGBT stances until 2013
-supported DOMA
-supports fracking
-was paid almost $20 million in speeches to Wall Street after her term as Secretary of State

Want more?
you know who this is going to hurt the most?

all those uneducated, unskilled white people who voted for trump.

a mcdonald's job was really their best hope.

us hillary voters have college degrees and decent incomes, so we will be unaffected.
Trump won voters with a college degree, men and women.
Trump won voters with a college degree, men and women.

Screenshot 2016-11-26 at 10.56.17 PM.png

trump won because non-college educated, low income, racist, rural, sheltered whites came out for him. fact.

counties with higher amounts of college grads shifted away from the republican party and towards hillary. fact.

you once defended the act of fucking mid to large-sized dogs. fact.
you just want to see other people join you in poverty, boy.
Nope. I just want to do your Denmark experiment. Abolish federal min wage and Colorado can bargain with fiat currency and my state will use silver eagles and the min is one dollar an hour.

Which system would save capital faster?
Both facts

-she voted for the Iraq War
-she voted in favor of the US Patriot Act
-she supported TPP
-she held anti-LGBT stances until 2013
-supported DOMA
-supports fracking
-was paid almost $20 million in speeches to Wall Street after her term as Secretary of State

Want more?

you're clearly unreachable.

bernie lost by almost 4 million votes to hillary. get over it you fucking crybaby.
Nope. I just want to do your Denmark experiment. Abolish federal min wage and Colorado can bargain with fiat currency and my state will use silver eagles and the min is one dollar an hour.

Which system would save capital faster?

you are even more unreachable than padawan.

fucking metal bugs are plainly retarded. just look at yourself, you live in atrailer and make less than poverty, and you blame it all on blacks and jews and gays.

you're pathetic.
The EU is almost directly comparable to the US; different cultures under one Federal Govt with autonomy over most matters granted to the individual States.

Similar population (in the 300-400 range)...

You're ignorant if you say otherwise to be honest.
Then why are you comparing EU states to the whole US in your previous examples?
you're clearly unreachable.

bernie lost by almost 4 million votes to hillary. get over it you fucking crybaby.
As has been repeated, a rigged primary lacks legitimacy, so gloating about it remains irrelevant

Why don't you address that fact?

Everyone but you admits it was rigged. You and, ahem, the rest of the crybabies stand alone in your conquest to subvert the electoral college and crown Clinton supreme queen of America despite the rules you knew about well ahead of time... even though you were criticising us [Sanders supporters] when we were criticizing the rules of the primary because we "should have known about them ahead of time"... Londonfog with relentless condemnation towards schuy for being ignorant about the voting rules regardless of how bullshit they were to begin with. You can rightly shut the fuck up about your double standards, because those of us that might have cared then when they actually might have mattered don't now, because you didn't when it mattered to us. Interesting how that works, right?

You have only yourself to blame. I suggest some serious introspection.