Iris and Sadie

WTF? I've got plants that have shown themselves for weeks now and they're not getting that frosty look. Consider me to be SO fucking jealous right now. :-P

Hiya Sunshyne!

I am soooooo pleased with the way Lucinda is doing. My first plant ever and I am feeling happy as pie. I need to scoot on by your journal and see if you have any new pics to gaze at. :weed:
No, nothing new for me, been gone for a week. Spent last night with a headache and throwing up, gonna go lay back down for a while now. My husband was left in charge, and he wasn't kidding when he said he has a brown thumb. Fortunately the only losses were some new clones, one of 'em is coming back after putting water in the tray.
gosh, that sucks, I hope you feel better soon. You suffer from migraines? I get those, only I've been lucky enough not to have one for about a year now.

Take 4 tokes and wake and bake in the morning.
It's been a long time since I've had a proper migraine. Just a headache that got bad, and the icebag didn't do the trick. So, I gulped down some ibuprofen, because this was no aspirin headache. Next thing I know my guts hurt like hell and my mouth's watering (my first signal that regurgitation is imminent!).

And Dave took me out to a Thai restaurant yesterday after picking me up from the airport, I barfed it all! I LOVE Thai food, too, so that kinda pissed me off. But then I thought, Hey, this is what a bulimic is in for, eh? Eat the food, enjoy the taste, get full and all that. Then barf it all up and don't get fat! :lol:

I just read your signature thingy, what's it about, the fat thing?
Oh some guy and I were disagreeing. He had no arguement and I had him backed into a corner and he knew it so his retort was that I was a fatass. Way to make a point huh? He ended up getting infratcions for that conversation, then he started ragging about that. You know how those 14 year olds can be.
Ah.. yes. Just like when they finally figure out that you (or I) are female you're suddenly a bitch if you say something they don't like. Misogyny is alive and well in the growing community.
Oh some guy and I were disagreeing. He had no arguement and I had him backed into a corner and he knew it so his retort was that I was a fatass. Way to make a point huh? He ended up getting infratcions for that conversation, then he started ragging about that. You know how those 14 year olds can be.

:leaf::leaf: LOL is that the dude i told you to leave alone. You picked him apart, good times. :bigjoint: :leaf::leaf:
Ah.. yes. Just like when they finally figure out that you (or I) are female you're suddenly a bitch if you say something they don't like. Misogyny is alive and well in the growing community.

:leaf::leaf: Lol i can't believe when i dude tries to talk shit on girls that are growing. Personally i think that shit is hot as hell. It's like my 2 most enjoyable things enjoying each other. :-P:leaf::leaf:
Right on! Same with riding, another activity Miss Hester and I enjoy. As a matter of fact, I've got to take a ride out to Folsom tomorrow afternoon. Should be a nice day for it.
:leaf::leaf: Lol i can't believe when i dude tries to talk shit on girls that are growing. Personally i think that shit is hot as hell. It's like my 2 most enjoyable things enjoying each other. :-P:leaf::leaf:
for real, ma favorites too
some guys are fuckin stoopid, how is that not super hot
Come home from work and go to the back room to see your girl preparing the harvest and tending to hers and your plants.
I'd find a way to convince her that it is more sanitary for the plants if she wore a bathing suit or underwear, of course I would have to do the same but it would be worth it.

Anyways, need to put the blunt down.
I like your grow (misshestermoffitt)
I am growing with cfls too, what is a cfl crew? never heard of this group. Your plants are looking great keep up the good work and TLC and you'll have some great girls. I be watchin:-o
for real, ma favorites too
some guys are fuckin stoopid, how is that not super hot
Come home from work and go to the back room to see your girl preparing the harvest and tending to hers and your plants.
I'd find a way to convince her that it is more sanitary for the plants if she wore a bathing suit or underwear, of course I would have to do the same but it would be worth it.

Anyways, need to put the blunt down.
I like your grow (misshestermoffitt)
I am growing with cfls too, what is a cfl crew? never heard of this group. Your plants are looking great keep up the good work and TLC and you'll have some great girls. I be watchin:-o

:leaf::leaf: I will second that!! :leaf::leaf:
haha, wicked
i have a couple girls that grow weed and we chill and smoke sometimes. But i needs a girl like that one
My ex didn't even smoke, which was cool just like to smoke with ma girl.

And thanks seamaiden, keep up the growins and make it known girls can grow some chronic weed too

Don't have a bowl right now, but this J's for you!
My daughter is 20 and she's learning to grow by osmosis. Being in here constantly and hearing me talk about it all the time she's got to be picking up something.