Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

Hmmmm, you can't be bothered to use Google to see about my assertions, why should I be bothered to do it about yours?

Thin skin covering thinner argument.
I cannot be bothered to do your research for you. Also, there exists an ordering of quality of the information Google can find. Google isn't fussy. So how do you suggest I vet the info you should have provided for verity?

When I bring a quantitative argument, I have the grace to recognize that it is my job to bring the supporting data ... at least a web reference or two. What I have done by adding the reference (if quantitative, a reference that explains what the numbers are and where they came from) is make my argument specific and thus vulnerable - falsifiable. This admits that others could legitimately undo my argument, if they have other necessary facts to hand.

Your ignoring the question where I asked you to present even one untruth Annie posted ... is ugly. You imply that she is lying and that your defining the lie is beneath your contempt. I like you rather less now ... for that bit of character assassination and not for your arguing with me. Perhaps I am simply not German enough.
Trust me, what I said was not without serious thought. I to know people that are leo.

Do I think the ones slain deserved it? I can't answer that because I did not know them but until the good cops change what is going on and rid the bad apples I expect things like that to happen.

Remove the incentive for violating civil rights. Confiscated property and money should go to the communities where they were taken and not to the police to buy new military style toys.

Clearly the problem is not the law. We have rights against the things they are doing but they still side skirt them. How do we change that except for an officer to know and realize that they might lose their life if they do such things, at least lose their job and be banned from future police jobs.

Rules for use of confiscated money/property/assets and real assets are well laid out. These monies can not be used for the purchase of military equipment
Read this:

Read about the Federal 1033 program:
This is is where the military equipment comes from.

These laws and the reasons behind these laws and others are the issue. The rank and file just wants to survive and can't stop this with these type of laws on the books. It is foolish to expect local politicians not to capitalize on this type of money grab. The more the decent folks flee the worse it's going to be out there for all of us. The problem is the laws.
Rules for use of confiscated money/property/assets and real assets are well laid out. These monies can not be used for the purchase of military equipment
Read this:

Read about the Federal 1033 program:
This is is where the military equipment comes from.

These laws and the reasons behind these laws and others are the issue. The rank and file just wants to survive and can't stop this with these type of laws on the books. It is foolish to expect local politicians not to capitalize on this type of money grab. The more the decent folks flee the worse it's going to be out there for all of us. The problem is the laws.

If you believe this prohibition against using the money for military hardware you're a very gullible soul; all the sheriff needs to do is have his accountant spend the money on the usual budget items- and then use the 'surplus' to go buy all the MRAPs, concussion grenades and fully automatic weapons his lil authoritarian heart desires.

It happens every day, in every state.
If you believe this prohibition against using the money for military hardware you're a very gullible soul; all the sheriff needs to do is have his accountant spend the money on the usual budget items- and then use the 'surplus' to go buy all the MRAPs, concussion grenades and fully automatic weapons his lil authoritarian heart desires.

It happens every day, in every state.
Stop calling me names. I will answer this and now add you to my ignore list. I will not accept disrespect from you.

Why do you think they would spend money on items that are given to them? They do not NEED to buy them they are gifted through the government's DLA program. Possibly I am not the 'gullible' one.

Good bye
Stop calling me names. I will answer this and now add you to my ignore list. I will not accept disrespect from you.

Why do you think they would spend money on items that are given to them? They do not NEED to buy them they are gifted through the government's DLA program. Possibly I am not the 'gullible' one.

Good bye

No, they buy those weapons. At a discount.

And good riddance.
No, they buy those weapons. At a discount.

And good riddance.
They do not.
If you'd looked at any of Annie's references, you would know that they cannot buy them. They are GIFTED to the departments by the military and Homeland Security, and the departments have NO way to buy or supplement the gift.

You are a very bad loser, and now I am done with you also.
They do not.
If you'd looked at any of Annie's references, you would know that they cannot buy them. They are GIFTED to the departments by the military and Homeland Security, and the departments have NO way to buy or supplement the gift.

You are a very bad loser, and now I am done with you also.
LOL apparently you were not in the german goldilocks zone
LOL apparently you were not in the german goldilocks zone
Worse ... not even one of the three bears!

Rules for use of confiscated money/property/assets and real assets are well laid out. These monies can not be used for the purchase of military equipment
Read this:

Read about the Federal 1033 program:
This is is where the military equipment comes from.

These laws and the reasons behind these laws and others are the issue. The rank and file just wants to survive and can't stop this with these type of laws on the books. It is foolish to expect local politicians not to capitalize on this type of money grab. The more the decent folks flee the worse it's going to be out there for all of us. The problem is the laws.
That is only for equipment directly from the military and not military items made by a civilian company. Red Jacket Firearms for example. They had the tv show "Sons of Guns." They clearly made full auto weapons and military style assault and armored vehicles for local law enforcement.
That is only for equipment directly from the military and not military items made by a civilian company. Red Jacket Firearms for example. They had the tv show "Sons of Guns." They clearly made full auto weapons and military style assault and armored vehicles for local law enforcement.


And goodness knows they NEED those for 'civilian enforcement'. o_O
"Military style" is not the same as "military"

Thought you were done?

...and since the military buys the SAME HARDWARE from the SAME SUPPLIER, what venal jujitsu will you resort to now?

I'm waiting.

Thought you were done?

...and when the military buys the SAME HARDWARE from the SAME SUPPLIER, what venal jujitsu will you resort to then?

I'm waiting.
What the military purchases is distinct from what nonmilitary agencies buy. A third-hand account of what someone else saw on TV does not constitute a reference.

Produce one single untruth in what Annie posted. Just one.
What the military purchases is distinct from what nonmilitary agencies buy. A third-hand account of what someone else saw on TV does not constitute a reference.

Produce one single untruth in what Annie posted. Just one.

So color makes it military? There's no difference in specification between military and 'paramilitary' police versions of these weapons.

Cop sucker.
So color makes it military? There's no difference in specification between military and 'paramilitary' police versions of these weapons.

Cop sucker.
I said nothing about color. You are making stuff up on the fly and tryting to stuff it down my virtual throat. . Be assured that the police got zero weapons earmarked for the military. There is the 1033 program about which you refused to read. You are absolutely no fun to argue with since your fact hygiene is completely lacking. Instead you shout "cops are PIGS" as if that will do anyone any good at all. You are not seeking a solution. You are the perfect pawn for the coming civil conflict.

You called Annie a liar. Back that or embrace being the liar here. Interesting that you project "venal jujitsu" on me. There is a proverb about the splinter in your neighbor's eye. I wager it applies here.
That is only for equipment directly from the military and not military items made by a civilian company. Red Jacket Firearms for example. They had the tv show "Sons of Guns." They clearly made full auto weapons and military style assault and armored vehicles for local law enforcement.

Why would they need to 'purchase' something when they are given more than they can use from the Feds via direct grants, DLA and Dept. of Homeland Security. I know out here in Los Angeles a lot of that money went to education and training etc... The important question is why are the feds so invested in militarizing local law enforcement? Who benefits?

The soldier with boots on the ground is never the issue he's only the most visible part of the equation and while we argue over good cops/bad cops the plot continues from the top enslaving us all. This is not going to end well when reasonable rational Americans are willing to shrug and accept arbitrary execution without due process of our police and expect that somehow that will resolve with less restrictions as opposed to more. While the people behind this militarization process smile and continue the enslavement.

Edit: Sorry whitebb I've got a horrendous cold and am posting under the influence of tons of cold medicine LOL. Let me see if I can be more succinct in my argument.

There are many bad police currently but I'm arguing that is a symptom of a MUCH bigger issue that can't be solved by targeting the police. Until we fix the root cause, from the top, merely treating symptoms isn't a fix. Hope that was a little clearer :)
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I said nothing about color. You are making stuff up on the fly and tryting to stuff it down my virtual throat. . Be assured that the police got zero weapons earmarked for the military. There is the 1033 program about which you refused to read. You are absolutely no fun to argue with since your fact hygiene is completely lacking. Instead you shout "cops are PIGS" as if that will do anyone any good at all. You are not seeking a solution. You are the perfect pawn for the coming civil conflict.

You called Annie a liar. Back that or embrace being the liar here. Interesting that you project "venal jujitsu" on me. There is a proverb about the splinter in your neighbor's eye. I wager it applies here.
Nice way to ignore that they sell the same weapons to police organizations as they do to the military.

Britain's Bobbins don't carry firearms. They manage to do their jobs just fine without them.

You're just an apologist for fascism.
Why would they need to 'purchase' something when they are given more than they can use from the Feds via direct grants, DLA and Dept. of Homeland Security. I know out here in Los Angeles a lot of that money went to education and training etc... The important question is why are the feds so invested in militarizing local law enforcement? Who benefits?

The soldier with boots on the ground is never the issue he's only the most visible part of the equation and while we argue over good cops/bad cops the plot continues from the top enslaving us all. This is not going to end well when reasonable rational Americans are willing to shrug and accept arbitrary execution without due process of our police and expect that somehow that will resolve with less restrictions as opposed to more. While the people behind this militarization process smile and continue the enslavement.

Forcing change means that sometimes things get worse before they're fixed.
Nice way to ignore that they sell the same weapons to police organizations as they do to the military.

Britain's Bobbins don't carry firearms. They manage to do their jobs just fine without them.

You're just an apologist for fascism.
Britain is not here. And I think you'll be hard pressed to find an armed bobbin anywhere. Sewing machines generally do not roll on treads and fire cannon.

You have not established that they sell the same unit to military and police. Show me the civilian order form police MUST use when buying a military item. (Easy ... the military have a rather clear model numbering protocol. all you have to do is show civilian sales of the M(number) Military Widget.) Without that, your lie is just a lie.

Lol, me an apologist for fascism. I guess I am just not German enough for you.
More crime, higher Ins. rates
Why would they need to 'purchase' something when they are given more than they can use from the Feds via direct grants, DLA and Dept. of Homeland Security. I know out here in Los Angeles a lot of that money went to education and training etc... The important question is why are the feds so invested in militarizing local law enforcement? Who benefits?

The soldier with boots on the ground is never the issue he's only the most visible part of the equation and while we argue over good cops/bad cops the plot continues from the top enslaving us all. This is not going to end well when reasonable rational Americans are willing to shrug and accept arbitrary execution without due process of our police and expect that somehow that will resolve with less restrictions as opposed to more. While the people behind this militarization process smile and continue the enslavement.

Ins. Companies. One of the last expenses a city makes before bankruptcy.

Theres a method to the madness.