Electoral vs popular vote

No a good example can be backed with facts. You just pulled some numbers out of the air and presented them as facts. When dealing with numbers it can only be right or wrong. You sir have been called out as being WRONG.
I'm going to hold back calling you a fucking liar.
altough this is
As of the 13th of Nov, Hillary now has 600,000 more votes than Trump.
Holy F'ing shit your thick. Do I need to put a disclaimer:

"....In a true democracy, Slavery, 51% for=legal. Sex with minors 52% for =legal. Theft 50.5% for =legal. Discriminatory policies towards Caucasians 80% for=legal. .. see how that works?....."*

* these numbers were pulled out of my ass to show that in a true democracy any side having greater than 50% of the vote wins whatever retard law they are trying to pass. Go drink bleach.
Holy F'ing shit your thick. Do I need to put a disclaimer:

"....In a true democracy, Slavery, 51% for=legal. Sex with minors 52% for =legal. Theft 50.5% for =legal. Discriminatory policies towards Caucasians 80% for=legal. .. see how that works?....."*

* these numbers were pulled out of my ass to show that in a true democracy any side having greater than 50% of the vote wins whatever retard law they are trying to pass. Go drink bleach.
So Hillary with over 600k more votes should've won?

Thanks for being so honest.
Electoral College is a retarded system.

More people voted for Hillary but we got Trump.

I'm sure a lot has been said between the first page and now.

But it is this sentiment that is popular, which is evidence of major ignorance in the electorate.

We are not one nation. We are a union of 50 soverign states. The electoral college is necessary and indispensable.

Without it parties would just pander for the votes of the coasts and major cities. The electoral college ensure some areas aren't neglected at the benefit of others.
I'm sure a lot has been said between the first page and now.

But it is this sentiment that is popular, which is evidence of major ignorance in the electorate.

We are not one nation. We are a union of 50 soverign states. The electoral college is necessary and indispensable.

Without it parties would just pander for the votes of the coasts and major cities. The electoral college ensure some areas aren't neglected at the benefit of others.
You've essentially just admitted it's gamed towards Republicans.
You've essentially just admitted it's gamed towards Republicans.
No. You're looking at it as a device with a bias. It is not.

It is a system designed to keep rural America relevant. Think about it, New Hampshire was a focul point of the election. With just a popular vote NH would be irrelevant.

The electoral college is designed to protect the fly over country from the landing and takeoff areas. It happens to benefit republicans at this moment. So what?
I'm sure a lot has been said between the first page and now.

But it is this sentiment that is popular, which is evidence of major ignorance in the electorate.

We are not one nation. We are a union of 50 soverign states. The electoral college is necessary and indispensable.

Without it parties would just pander for the votes of the coasts and major cities. The electoral college ensure some areas aren't neglected at the benefit of others.
I'm not totally disagreeing with you that the electoral college is not necessary but it should reflect today's population, the numbers used in the EC have been around since our forefathers came up with them and back then the population was 4 million people how's it fair that with 75 times more people today we are still using the same numbers to choose our leader?

Take for example Wyoming with a population of 563,600 and has 3 electoral votes now California has a population of 39,145,000 and only has 55 electoral votes. I just think it's time the the EC be revamped to reflect the CURRENT population, the census taken every 10 years should not only reflect how many Representatives a state should have in Congress but the number of votes in the EC as well.
So Hillary with over 600k more votes should've won?

Thanks for being so honest.
No. You're stupid if you think that. Its like you're arguing that your team should have won the football game because they had more yards.

Those aren't the rules. That's not how it's done. To want a popular vote is to proclaim ones ignorance of American government.

We don't have a presidential election. We have 50 elections in 50 soverign states.

It protects the interest of Idaho from being dominated by California and was the only reason small states agreed to sign the constitution.

The electoral college is necessary and was a part of the 'Great Compromise.'
I'm not totally disagreeing with you that the electoral college is not necessary but it should reflect today's population, the numbers used in the EC have been around since our forefathers came up with them and back then the population was 4 million people how's it fair that with 75 times more people today we are still using the same numbers to choose our leader?

Take for example Wyoming with a population of 563,600 and has 3 electoral votes now California has a population of 39,145,000 and only has 55 electoral votes. I just think it's time the the EC be revamped to reflect the CURRENT population, the census taken every 10 years should not only reflect how many Representatives a state should have in Congress but the number of votes in the EC as well.
Dude, I appreciate your tone. You're being civil. But you keep saying things that aren't true.

We update the numbers every year. And we have updated them in general more than once. My state has fluctuated between 8 and 15 electoral votes throughout history.

Each state gets 2 senators, which equates to 2 electoral votes. Each state is also represented based on population. Each states number of representatives is based on total seats in the house as a function of that states total portion of population.

Its adjusted every election if need be.
Dude, I appreciate your tone. You're being civil. But you keep saying things that aren't true.

We update the numbers every year. And we have updated them in general more than once. My state has fluctuated between 8 and 15 electoral votes throughout history.

Each state gets 2 senators, which equates to 2 electoral votes. Each state is also represented based on population. Each states number of representatives is based on total seats in the house as a function of that states total portion of population.

Its adjusted every election if need be.

if it were representative, california would have 199 EVs.

remember that time your buddy raped you when you were 14?
Dude, I appreciate your tone. You're being civil. But you keep saying things that aren't true.

We update the numbers every year. And we have updated them in general more than once. My state has fluctuated between 8 and 15 electoral votes throughout history.

Each state gets 2 senators, which equates to 2 electoral votes. Each state is also represented based on population. Each states number of representatives is based on total seats in the house as a function of that states total portion of population.

Its adjusted every election if need be.
It hasn't been adjusted as per census more voting power is in rural areas than in urban that's just a fact. The EC is archaic and needs to be revamped in providing proof of what I'm saying show me yours 2 Senators does not equal 2 electoral votes, at present the only thing the census determines is how many Representatives the state receives and how much money the that state gets from the Feds.
