Dont vote obama!

I'm not voting for either, I'm going to vote Constitution Party. Better to vote principal than to vote against my own self-interest, which would be a vote for either Obama or McCain.
See, my problem with that view point is that what you are advocating is turning over some of our national sovereignty to a supra-national organization.

I personally think we should just withdraw from the UN, because it has not really done anything exceptional.

I don't think that is what I was trying to advocate, at least that was not the intent. I was trying to advocate just the opposite by pulling troops out of foreign countries and let the UN take the brunt of the costs and problems incurred by these occupations, to supposedly restore peace in waring countries. If they can't take care of it, then they should disband, as this was the intent when formed for the most part.

Our sovereignty is more at risk by occupying and spreading ourselves too thin through occupations of foreign lands and trying to establish democracy in countries not ready to support a democratic system of government. Democracy is IMO the best form of government, however in some cultures it is not the best form of government and if given the choice the people of some cultures would prefer a different form government like socialism, communism or even dictatorship, but, isn't that what democracy is about.
Democracy is not the best form of government, it is merely the stopping point between a Republic and a Tyrannical Regime.

There has never been any long-lasting pure democracy that did not establish itself as a Republic first, and a Democracy second.

Though, yes, I may have misunderstood the point you were trying to make, but that's because I really don't think we should be a party to the UN, WTO, or any supranational.

As far as the wars, yes, foreign wars are a waste of blood and treasure that will ultimately result in a world that views us with suspicion, hatred and loathing. We can not garner respect with force.

We are not right because we are mighty.

We are mighty because we are/were right. (I'm more inclined to use the were, just because this country is heading downhill towards a socialist tyranny).
even if his religion was muslim are you that simple minded to not see the freedom of religion? You should do some research and you would find out the only real differences between the Qu'ran and the bible is perspective. The bible is a collection from multiple authors and the qu'ran is a supposed dictation from god himself. Almost every detail is the same in both just from a different perspective. Their really is no Anti-christ religion they just give different names. So gtfo with your accusations and grab a fucking book.
See even in this country there are those that would choose different forms of governments, let the people that will be governed choose instead of forcing one on them.
TBC says:

Democracy is not the best form of government, it is merely the stopping point between a Republic and a Tyrannical Regime.

Well,, I think when Bush came to power circa 2001, the stopping point ended and the march to tyranny began.

I would just as soon vote for a muslim as a christian...look at W...wasn't he supposed to be a born again christian?