Well-Known Member
I using this raw, cold pressed kelp product called "Kelpgrow" ( It appears on pictures as slightly more brown than green, but to my eyes it leans more to greenish-brown liquid and it's very murky. I really like this product and seen incredible results with it on my strawberries which kept flowering and throwing fruit until November! (and I'm in Canada by the way). I never seen anything like it. I also used it in my indoor garden with every second watering. My question is, can I substitute dry kelp meal with this in my first try of no-till? Should I just stick to manufacturer rates with every other watering since I can't physically add 1 cup per cf of soil mix? Should I prepare my soil mix and drench it with some of this raw kelp for extra measures while my soil is cooking? I'm also afraid of overdoing applications. This product works great for foliar due to its liquid nature, it's the soil application amount and frequency that puzzles me