Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
i know you are, but what am i?
good bye justin, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
holy shit! you are WAAAYYY hotter than i gave you credit for!

have tried animal med testing? i bet they need a buffalo...
Look, I know that you are starved for attention (fox 'news' off the air for some reason?), but you are just faaarrrrrr too tedious/boring to play along with. There's no SPARK to prompt effort on my part, in other words.



Well-Known Member
Yes, it is!! You know what else is overwhelming? When after all those years of working your ass off to take care of your family while paying into the system you are forced to 'retire' with severe disabilities yet still have to work to make ends meet because the system has been drained to the point you are lucky to see 30 percent of what you paid in. Oh and you still have to pay premiums if you want any kind of decent care at all! So make that around 20 percent. That's what you get if you're forced to stop working due to a disability.

There should be a time limit on how long one can receive anything and these programs they have now are catering to minorities so if you're single, white and male with no dependents, you can forget the system looking out for you. Those are the guys footing the bill these days.

EDIT: Single white males either have to get married or impregnate someone to catch a break and then it's up to the women they hook up with whether or not it works out for them. Divorce rates, child support payments, etc. are putting them all in the poor house.

They can't afford to carry the minorities anymore and are finding themselves a minority with no voice.
So true, when dealing with medical issues and the government, it can be a real hassle.

As far as the white guy can't get aid stuff you posted. I think you might be wrong about that.

Aid IS biased somewhat toward women. White people make up about 67% of the population but accept 77% of the aid, so the bias is FOR white people according to records from 2010. Marital status doesn't have anything to do with it. The severity of disability and good medical records are probably the biggest factor from what I've read.. I's not easy to get onto medicare when under age 65. You beat the system peach. It's not something to be proud of but nothing to be ashamed of.


Well-Known Member
You poor, ignorant sap. Cannabineer is a legend round here. He can turn a phrase into a pun like nobody's business!

Love you @cannabineer baby!
You aren't much of a character witness. Just saying.

I've had a few conversations with @cannabineer. I didn't come away impressed but I admit that I should have been nicer to him yesterday. So my bad.

You, on the other hand, as somebody to vouch for their decency and honesty? bwaaahaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa

Referring to a post you made earlier. Do you also think of blowing Cannabineer when your husband is eating you out? yuck

Your fantasy, not mine.


Well-Known Member
Last reply, good
Thx for playing

really???? I'm sorry intelligent conversation eludes you...[/QUOTE]

Lol kick rocks losers:-)[/QUOTE]
still empty words with no substance..

How did you even manage to get on the internet? Oh..right..that must be yet another personality we either haven't met yet or haven't figured out the sock for.

Must be exhausting playing with yourself all day, every day and forgetting which one you're logged in as...[/QUOTE]
no, rolli IS buck, and loo, and justin. sore loser i suppose...

But, Who's on first base?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member

really???? I'm sorry intelligent conversation eludes you...

Lol kick rocks losers:-)[/QUOTE]
still empty words with no substance..

How did you even manage to get on the internet? Oh..right..that must be yet another personality we either haven't met yet or haven't figured out the sock for.

Must be exhausting playing with yourself all day, every day and forgetting which one you're logged in as...[/QUOTE]

But, Who's on first base?[/QUOTE]

does it matter? i thought you were all equal in a circle-jerk...