Anti-Trump Protests

Bye bye fat Lou. I don't see his fat ass anywhere around here. He is a man of his word, and may only return shamed as a sock puppet in a couple months minimum
call it what you like. White power, white supremacist, kkk, neo nazi, white pride, David Duke, alt right, whatever. I don't have to explain it to one of them. I'd like you to explain why David Duke is back onto the public stage.

Simple hillery paid him to back Trump, he only shows up when someone pays [a little] he is the same as al Sharpton, except white and very cheap.
Your so full of shit your eyes are brown. So black pride would be the same as all the other 20 odd black groups? Like BLM and the new black panthers who think white babies should be killed so they don't grow up. I'm sure you remember the two that were busted armed in uniform stopping anyone from casting a vote for anyone except for obomba. Then found guilty by default were pardoned by obomba.
If two armed kkk in uniform were busted while stopping people from voting for obomba and
Trump pardoned them for this. WHAT WOULD YOU THINK OF THIS? Would this be fair? Isn't turnabout fair play?

In any case, I still don't know what the fuck Trump is planning to do. I don't think Trump knows either.

Why would think you should know? We know quite a lot of what hillery did after the fact, but only because of the emails she criminally allowed to be taken because her hiding her other criminal enterprises. Did she let you know what she was going to do that?
Are you so stupid as to think you know or would be told what she planed to do?
While I think Trump has an outline the how and when is a work in progress, as is he and Trump I think will be very open [too open, I think], unlike hillery who would lie to one hand about what is in the other hand while in bed alone.

Why should you know anything? Seems a bit late for you to start now, no need to dirty a clean slate.
Look at it like rape if you don't fight it wont hurt as bad just lube up bend over and it will all be over in 8 short years. Just remember fighting and not lubing will lead to anal tearing and a very badd buthurt and the 8 years will seem a lot longer. Stock up on lube you will need it.
Trump represents racism and sexism. That is why people are protesting.

He hired women for high positions in his corporation back when it was unheard of. He does respect women regardless of an offhand comment made to a reporter over a decade ago.
Last night they classified them as riots and broke out the rubber bullets.

Same-thing happened at the last avocado tofu charity gala i attended.
We raised $4000 for disabled blind homosexual African-americans so the night was not completely ruined.