11/9 the day legal pot died

FDA recommends scheduling but the DEA decides and enforces. Essentially the states are side lining the feds. With CO and CA legal it's to big to stop now. Just watch. Once CA has a taste of the revenue ..............

Over 1/2 of the states have medical and with Sativex finishing Stage 3 clinical trials it will be re-scheduled. That will not stop recreational pot. We still use etoh in medicine LOL. Further Marinol/Dronabinol is a schedule III so why would they make the full plant extract a II?

This fear mongering is very sad.
it's what hillary said. it needs more testing. II is how to do that. that's what you voted for if you were hoping she would legalize.

schedule two means it can be used, but only pharma can produce, package, and distribute it through doctors. so NO GROWING, SMOKING OR INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTION.

is that not a big deal? you can't grow tobacco, you have to buy it. you can't make alcohol, you have to buy it. is that what you want with pot? to limit to a handful of fda approved strains and all else is destroyed, with the dea to enforce it?
Not to mention how much worse the fines/time served would be if caught at that point.

Not rocket science people...
FDA recommends scheduling but the DEA
decides and enforces. Essentially the states are side lining the feds. With CO and CA legal it's to big to stop now. Just watch. Once CA has a taste of the revenue ..............

I agree with you.

Legalization is a steam roller. I expect to wake up one morning and the news will be that cannabis has been descheduled entirely, i.e. the Feds give up and let states decide the issue individually, just like alcohol is regulated today.

Most of you know this, but some might not: There are places in the US where alcohol is illegal to buy and sell. Some counties in Kentucky are "dry counties", for example.
that's what i said a few days ago.

pandora's box has been opened, it ain't gonna get shut.

there are so many people in CO that homegrow, it isnt going away. unless they do a door to door which isnt' goint to happen
Yes but what is happening is that some of the semi large growers are afraid of the bigs, Monsanto, Reynolds etc... coming into play. In CA the licensure will not give large licenses for 5 years to these size growers. Trying to give the medium sized players like double JJ the first shot. I hope to god he gets a license because that man can GROW!

I agree leaving the wild west and having to pay taxes and keep records is a bitch but the only constant in life is change! You gotta roll with the punches.
This is porno to the Bible belt. Not quite ready for me though. A couple weeks.


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Yes but what is happening is that some of the semi large growers are afraid of the bigs, Monsanto, Reynolds etc... coming into play. In CA the licensure will not give large licenses for 5 years to these size growers. Trying to give the medium sized players like double JJ the first shot. I hope to god he gets a license because that man can GROW!

I agree leaving the wild west and having to pay taxes and keep records is a bitch but the only constant in life is change! You gotta roll with the punches.

no, i agree with you. and to be honest, the big growers should ahve seen the writing on the wall. save your pennies cause the days of 2500 to 3000 an elbow were gonna come to an end.

and i give mad props to @doublejj . i hope he keeps on truckin! cause i really want to drive his real Cobra!

wait til big pharma gets involved. or big alchohol. adios big growers
Yes but what is happening is that some of the semi large growers are afraid of the bigs, Monsanto, Reynolds etc... coming into play. In CA the licensure will not give large licenses for 5 years to these size growers. Trying to give the medium sized players like double JJ the first shot. I hope to god he gets a license because that man can GROW!

I agree leaving the wild west and having to pay taxes and keep records is a bitch but the only constant in life is change! You gotta roll with the punches.
and could you imagine what Monsanto would do with our weed??? :roll:

if that ever happened, you'd never see any decent pot again
and could you imagine what Monsanto would do with our weed??? :roll:

if that ever happened, you'd never see any decent pot again
Oh sweetie I so disagree. The best pot I've ever heard of came from a Monsanto grower I know. Trust me when these guys enter the arena it is gonna get EPIC!!

I'm not afraid there is enough for EVERYONE in this.

Life is not a zero sum game, especially where cannabis is concerned. But yes there's going to be vexatious rules and taxes but meh such is life.
I believe we will end up with big Pharma running things. No smoking in Ohio. Now I think the big money is heading to Congress.