Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Something I call POB.
Stands for Post Office B cause I actually found the seeds at the package counter of our local post office & it had a "B" on the cork of the bottle.
Not too shabby for a freebie.
I've got a strain I call "Lucky".
It started with a seedling that I found growing in my recycle pile, so I have no idea what strain it really is. The plant is doing very well and has already shown that it's a female. Could be interesting...
i have some mystery bud that a buddy grew , and this stuff is so fun,, i wish it wasnt a mystery so i could put it in the line up to be grown again,, good thing i still have about an ounce of the stuff, plus it was grown outdoors,,
This is probably the best thread to pick a strain to grow :). I get sucked into the hype of a new "it's the best strain ever" then I spend 3 months wasting precious time growing out mid level bunk lol. I'm starting to think its me and a huge tolerance buildup :(. I'm looking at a few different strains right now to try but think I just use old faithful White Russian now that it's back :). The big issue is it's a tall MF'r LOL. I smoked a bag of master kush last month that was like drinking a bottle of rye, kept bouncing of the wall in the hall lol. Next bag was totally different so have no ideal what any of it was. You "old" guys got any suggestions I'm all ear (and hair), only one ear works now, damn guns :(.
This is probably the best thread to pick a strain to grow :). I get sucked into the hype of a new "it's the best strain ever" then I spend 3 months wasting precious time growing out mid level bunk lol. I'm starting to think its me and a huge tolerance buildup :(. I'm looking at a few different strains right now to try but think I just use old faithful White Russian now that it's back :). The big issue is it's a tall MF'r LOL. I smoked a bag of master kush last month that was like drinking a bottle of rye, kept bouncing of the wall in the hall lol. Next bag was totally different so have no ideal what any of it was. You "old" guys got any suggestions I'm all ear (and hair), only one ear works now, damn guns :(.
my fav strains as of right now, and I have grown all but one of these in the past year
Gorilla Glue 4
Bruce Banner
Donkey Kong
Blue Dream
This is probably the best thread to pick a strain to grow :). I get sucked into the hype of a new "it's the best strain ever" then I spend 3 months wasting precious time growing out mid level bunk lol. I'm starting to think its me and a huge tolerance buildup :(. I'm looking at a few different strains right now to try but think I just use old faithful White Russian now that it's back :). The big issue is it's a tall MF'r LOL. I smoked a bag of master kush last month that was like drinking a bottle of rye, kept bouncing of the wall in the hall lol. Next bag was totally different so have no ideal what any of it was. You "old" guys got any suggestions I'm all ear (and hair), only one ear works now, damn guns :(.
can't go wrong with the old standbys. there is a reason they've been so popular for many years
my fav strains as of right now, and I have grown all but one of these in the past year
Gorilla Glue 4
Bruce Banner
Donkey Kong
Blue Dream
I would love a gg4 cut but cuts are impossible to get here. I was really thinking Blue dream but keep getting mixed reviews as to its potential. I just found 10 Karabana seeds in my drawer so I may run them. I don't remember if it was potent but I do remember it had an amazing taste. I'm so confused lol.
do you mean "crawl under your desk, place you head firmly between your legs and kiss your sweet ass good bye" :):):)
We had those in s.f.v. as did everywhere i imagine .. Remember nuke test you can see from the san fernado valley? lol. Back in the day me and friend are sitting on his brick wall looking due west toward Malibu from pacoima and all of a sudden from behind us the sky turned bright orangish in front of us.. Me and my friend turn quickly saying "WTF" and you can see the glowing ball get smaller as it sank behind the san bernadino mountains. Fucking nuke test was going on . it came from the same area where there were always sending missle's out to sea every few weeks that left colorful trails.