Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Damnit! Now this thread has got me 'memberin stuff! :)

Adams Sour Orange gum, anyone?

Kukla, Fran & Ollie?

Anyone remember when Starburst candy had a lime flavored one?

Black Cat and American Warhead firecrackers?

Stingray bikes? (I had a friend who got an Apple Krate...all I did was envy him!)

Enter the Dragon?

i remember waiting for the worst shows to come on, happy days, laverne and shirley, mork and mindy, charlies angels, fantasy island, the 6million dollar man...
there were a few good ones, barney miller, taxi, saturday night live with adam sandler and earlier, the kids in the hall...(i'm crushing your head!)

when i was a kid i remember i'd have waited all week long for disney to come on, and if it wasn't a cartoon, i'd be so disappointed.
I went to the drive in to see up in smoke.

I still have all the vinyl, and 8 tracks. I actually have cheech and chongs wedding album, it came with a big ass pot leaf. I've got eddy Murphy and Steve Martin on 8 track and those where some wild and crazy guys.
Hey now....Fantasy Island was a spring-board to The Love Boat!


Quien Es Mas Macho?