Every single day the United States inches closer to becoming a totalitarian society. While there are some that would welcome this shift, the truth is that throughout history the societies that have experienced the greatest economic prosperity have all had at least a certain level of freedom. Business thrives when people feel free to live and work. When a government tightens the grip too much many people just start shutting down. Just look at places like North Korea. Even though the rest of the world is sending them huge amounts of food starvation is still quite common in that totalitarian regime. That is why it is so disturbing that it seems like almost everything has become a crime in America now. As we continue to criminalize relatively normal behavior our slide toward becoming a totalitarian state will only accelerate.

We are throwing anyone and everyone in prison these days. It is getting absolutely ridiculous. Today, the United States leads the world in the number of prisoners and in the percentage of the population in prison. The United States has 5% of the world’s population, but approximately 25% of the world’s incarcerated population.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, as of the end of 2009 a total of 7,225,800 people were either on probation, in prison or on parole in America.
I wonder how many homeless are targets by the Democrats and forced to vote ??

Kinda reminds me when i came to USA ,as buck would say Russia haha, and the democrats were right there with there hands wide open , they gave us housing money and jobs
But in return we were forced to vote Democratic
Good laugh while you can ;)

You won't have much longer to do it if you carry on with the way you are.

You really need to do your history before quoting it in a insult ;)


let me see if i can get the format correct :)

now that the first line is done i will tell you ALL how SORRY you will be in line 2...

Lol laugh now but sooner or later you will see im right ;)

You will wish you had listened but i guess shit has no ears...

Good laugh while you can ;)

You won't have much longer to do it if you carry on with the way you are.


You really need to do your history before quoting it in a insult ;)


They are not threats they are warnings...

If you continue your Nazi discrimination against people who are not homosexual or black then there will be a revolution and you will have crazy ass white people everywhere gunning you down...

It's common sense...

You back humans into a corner we fight back just as woman, black people and homosexual people did against the awful way they were viewed in the past.

The difference is that they were peaceful but the new revolution will be a absolute bloodbath...

Only you can avoid it by having actual equal rights for everyone not just people of different orientation...

Clearly you can't grasp this because your a selfish little Nancy boy with absolutely no respect.

Kinda outed yourself there, retard.